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where is dakota joes thread today?

  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    Trebor wrote:

    Hey TDJ. Tell Joe that while he is resting at his moms to try and find some trekking poles. They will really help keep him from falling down so much. WalMart has them for 20 bucks....

    Hiking on icy terrain without them not good.
    Resident Australian, proving being a grumpy old man is not just an American trait.
  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    TrainWreck wrote:

    Hey, Team Dakota Joe,
    What does the doctor say about Joe's plans to get back on the trail in a couple of weeks?
    Tell him to feel free to come on line and join in any of the conversations while he's laid up recuperating :)

    When I talked to him he said that in 2 weeks he wants to be back on the trail. He did not tell me what the doctor said yet about his plans. I'll definitely tell him to get on and join the conversations while he is recuperating.

    Christina From Team Dakota Joe
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    Talked to DJ earlier today via text. He's in good spirits but bummed out that something else happened that's interfering with his hike. I suggested he do what he can to invest in some trekking poles and maybe some micro spikes. Apparently he was carrying a ton of supplies that he was given. He thinks this extra weight may of added to the injuries.
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    TeamDakotaJoe wrote:

    Latest news on Dakota Joe: yesterday he was on his way to Blood Mountain after the rain and fell on some icy rocks on Ramrock Summit. He hurt his back, tried to continue and fell two more times going down Cedar Mountain and ended up hurting his right ankle. He made his way to Jarrard Gap and feel again. He wanted to continue but after talking to some hikers, and them explaining to him that he could do worse by toughing it out. He listened to them and for once took some wise advise and got help and when to the hospital. He has 2 herniated disks from impact damage due to falling with all the weight on his back. As of right now he should be back on the trail in 2 weeks to start hiking again. He is recovering at his Mom's house in Tennessee.

    I'll keep you posted when he updates me!

    one doesn't simply continue walkin' in 2 weeks with herniated disks
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    LoboSolo wrote:

    TeamDakotaJoe wrote:

    Latest news on Dakota Joe: yesterday he was on his way to Blood Mountain after the rain and fell on some icy rocks on Ramrock Summit. He hurt his back, tried to continue and fell two more times going down Cedar Mountain and ended up hurting his right ankle. He made his way to Jarrard Gap and feel again. He wanted to continue but after talking to some hikers, and them explaining to him that he could do worse by toughing it out. He listened to them and for once took some wise advise and got help and when to the hospital. He has 2 herniated disks from impact damage due to falling with all the weight on his back. As of right now he should be back on the trail in 2 weeks to start hiking again. He is recovering at his Mom's house in Tennessee.

    I'll keep you posted when he updates me!

    one doesn't simply continue walkin' in 2 weeks with herniated disks

    I was thinking the same. If they are herniated, he may be done hiking for life. Hopefully herniated is not the right word.
    Non hikers are about a psi shy of a legal ball.
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    rocksNsocks wrote:

    WiseOldOwl wrote:

    To e honest a section here or there has been fine by me a thru? never entered my mind....
    Same...though, It entered my mind, then left by way of my other ear. haven't seen it since.

    The desire to do a thru is still there for me, but with my family situation I am happy to just do my long sections in the summer that next few years. Then maybe sometime in the future a thru might be possible.
    The road to glory cannot be followed with much baggage.
    Richard Ewell, CSA General
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    BirdBrain wrote:

    LoboSolo wrote:

    TeamDakotaJoe wrote:

    Latest news on Dakota Joe: yesterday he was on his way to Blood Mountain after the rain and fell on some icy rocks on Ramrock Summit. He hurt his back, tried to continue and fell two more times going down Cedar Mountain and ended up hurting his right ankle. He made his way to Jarrard Gap and feel again. He wanted to continue but after talking to some hikers, and them explaining to him that he could do worse by toughing it out. He listened to them and for once took some wise advise and got help and when to the hospital. He has 2 herniated disks from impact damage due to falling with all the weight on his back. As of right now he should be back on the trail in 2 weeks to start hiking again. He is recovering at his Mom's house in Tennessee.

    I'll keep you posted when he updates me!

    one doesn't simply continue walkin' in 2 weeks with herniated disks

    I was thinking the same. If they are herniated, he may be done hiking for life. Hopefully herniated is not the right word.

    he should have had a survival bracelet, this never would have happened..
    in any case if he tries to push on too soon, he'll certainly end up off the trail again in no time at all.
    its all good
  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    I had one herniated disc and it eventually healed itself. Took almost six months though. The bone spur was a different matter, had to have surgery for that and It was the best move for me. Unbelievable how much better my back feels since that bugger is gone.
  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    <------- Does not believe in doctors, two different places, two different opinions, whats the difference between herniated disks and bulging ones? Where you went to med school! gif.011
    "You might not get everything you want out of life, but you will get exactly what you need!"-Dakota Joe 2006
  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    This is that magic part where someone would say what else could go wrong and something else goes wrong. Lucky for me I leave the magic to David Blaine. So I am not going to ask that question because I am sure that there are plenty of things that could go wrong and probably will. I will handle them as they come as long as I can stay on my feet and not look at ice with the childish wonder that I do. Ice demanded respect from me and I did not give it to the respect it deserved so the ice decided to teach me a lesson. Some would say that they grow weary of learning things the hard way. I guess I never do. Hey, at least I learn. gif.010 I am busy trying to upload some of my photos to my profile here and If I could keep my mom off the computer I would probably get more done. I actually got a chance to make my own video today. I will get it put on here as soon as I play around and figure out exactly how to do this. They gave me a few bottles of pain medication and I do not take them cause I feel I need to suffer the hard way if I am going to learn the hard way. Only fair, right? That and I want to know exactly how bad it hurts to walk and the next step is putting the pack on and walking gif.001 . I must have a few gif.016 looking over my shoulder, eh? I am so 52.gif I had to come off the trail and was gonna try and keep going. Stubborness is not my best quality but it is there. One doctor told me I was down for a couple of months and another told me I was down for at least three weeks so I used my bad math skills and came up with two weeks. Here is my sign gif.003
    "You might not get everything you want out of life, but you will get exactly what you need!"-Dakota Joe 2006
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    I know you got ant in your pants and have to keep moving but don't rush it. The trail isn't going anywhere and if you re-injure your back you might ruin this whole thing. Trust me, there is a lot more ice waiting for you.
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    Trebor wrote:

    Trebor wrote:

    I know you got ant in your pants and have to keep moving but don't rush it. The trail isn't going anywhere and if you re-injure your back you might ruin this whole thing. Trust me, there is a lot more ice waiting for you.
    With that being said......Go Joe Go!!!

    Go slow Joe! Heal before you hike.
    Lost in the right direction.
  • Re:where is dakota joes thread today?

    As old Ben Franklin used to say, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". gif.004

    I love good old Benny Franks! Ben Franklin taught himself to read French, Spanish, Latin, and Italian. His passion for self-improvement extended to public projects; he organized the first fire company in the colonies, made designs for paving and lighting Philadelphia streets and for expanding the city watch to a force of police. Benny Franks had a horror of debt, which he looked on as a kind of slavery: a man could thereby sell his freedom. Ben had seen his friends go down to ruin because of careless business practices. With money a man bought not only independence but he bought time, that most precious commodity, to use at his pleasure. For years Ben spoke quite seriously of founding an international organization to be called The Society of the Free and Easy -- meaning free of debt and, it followed, easy in spirit.
    "You might not get everything you want out of life, but you will get exactly what you need!"-Dakota Joe 2006