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its all good

    • its all good

      over the past few years, my byline "its all good" has been misinterpreted and has on several occasions has pissed some people off.
      if anyone wonders what my belief system entails, this article explains it pretty well:


      “There is no holy life.
      There is no war between good and evil. There is no sin and no
      redemption. None of these things matter to the real you. But they matter
      hugely to the false you, the one who believes in the separate self. You
      have tried to take your separate self, with all its loneliness and
      anxiety and pride, to the door of enlightenment but it will never go
      through because it is a ghost” – Deepak Chopra
      One of the final frontiers to conquer in the path to a spiritual
      awakening or enlightenment is the belief in the concept of right and
      wrong. This belief has such a stronghold on most of us, that to even
      fathom that there exists such a state of consciousness (one that
      transcends the illusion of right and wrong), is almost impossible for
      most to wrap their minds around. Therein lies the problem.

      Anytime the mind is involved in processing a situation, it must put
      its two cents in. It must name each situation as either “good” or “bad”,
      “right” or “wrong”. These judgments are projections of our ego. The ego
      NEEDS to be right, so in order to be right, there MUST be a wrong.
      Therefore the ego spends the day making comparisons. It compares
      political parties, it compares religions, it compares parenting styles,
      it compares cultures, everything…

      The problem is that your ego, just like mine, just like everyone else’s
      on the planet is operating from the perspective that it is the “right”
      one… but with over 7 billion people living on the planet how are we to
      know who officially has the golden key to the “right” way to do
      everything? Is there really a being that exists that knows the “right”
      way? The “right” way to cook a steak, the “right” God to worship, the
      “right” nationality, the “right” culture, the “right” reason that
      killing people is justified?

      “People are doing the best they can from their own level of consciousness”- Deepak Chopra

      In order for there to be an official right way to do things and wrong
      way to do things, is to assume that there is someone or something that
      is judging every single one of our thoughts, actions and behaviors
      against this supposed “rule book” of what is considered right and what
      is considered wrong. This is where those who believe in organized
      religion can chime in and say, “Well yes, that person is God. That book
      is The Bible, or The Koran, or the (insert religious text here).” But
      sadly, enough even those who believe in organized religion, can’t even
      agree with each other.

      There are Christians who believe in picketing in front of people
      funerals, or the ones that believe invading other countries and killing
      their citizens is ok (as long as they’re doing it in the name of Jesus,
      of course). And it’s not only Christianity, but all the religions who
      have dissent among the ranks, so even then, how are we to know which way
      is the right way to follow God and which is the wrong way? We can’t. We
      can’t know because there isn’t only one way.

      Yes, human beings have spent thousands upon thousands of years
      fighting for what’s “right”, when in all actuality, every single person
      on this earth is operating from their own level of consciousness. Which
      means, everyone is operating from the frame of mind that they are doing
      the “right” thing. We have spent so much time pointing the finger at
      everyone else under the guise that we were right and they were wrong,
      but all the finger pointing and judging and comparing has never really
      solved anything.

      If everyone, including ourselves, is operating the best they can from
      the level of consciousness they are existing at, can anyone really be
      blamed for anything? Technically no. For example, we’ve all heard the
      phrase “hurt people, hurt people.” This sums it up, people who don’t
      have unconditional love for themselves go around treating others the
      same way they feel towards themselves. They are literally acting in the
      only way they know how to from the level of consciousness that they
      exist at.

      So yes, there will be times when people exist at a level of
      consciousness that tells them that anger, or fighting or even worse,
      killing is what they need to do and in these instances if people become a
      danger to themselves or society they will have to go to jail or be
      punished in court etc.. but it is not our duty to come up with a million
      “what if” situations, we must deal with life as it happens in the
      present moment, as it is presented unto us and we must trust that
      perfect action will always be taken.

      This may be hard for a person’s ego to process. The ego needs to
      blame, it needs to blame OTHER people, because if it doesn’t have other
      people to blame for all of its problems, fears and upsets, then that
      means it has to look back at… GASP… itself as the problem. The ego’s
      perception of reality is what is shaping our judgments about the
      external world. However, the thing that is coming up with the judgments
      IS the ego, so basically what is happening is the ego is calling that
      group of people ‘wrong’, and then blaming THEM for the judgment it came
      up with on its own accord. Seems silly, right?

      “Hurt people hurt people. That’s how pain patterns get passed on,
      generation after generation after generation. Break the chain today.
      Meet anger with sympathy, contempt with compassion, cruelty with
      kindness, greet grimaces with smiles, forgive and forget about finding
      fault. Love is the weapon of the future.” –Yehuda Berg

      Transcending the judgments of good/bad, right/wrong is not an easy task.
      Although those who can feel the rise in their level of consciousness
      will tell you they can feel their ego’s grip on reality slipping away
      slowly, it’s rare to meet someone who is existing in this level of
      consciousness 100% of the time. What is important to realize is that we
      cannot force a higher level of consciousness on ourselves, we can only
      bring more presence into our lives and find the connection to our spirit
      which will cause our consciousness to rise naturally.

      Intellectually we may know that there is no right or wrong, but if
      our ego is still at the point where it is in fact using these judgments
      on external reality, we must only be aware of it, not judge ourselves
      because of it. The new evolution of our consciousness will eventually
      transcend the duality of the mind, so until we exist solely at this
      unity consciousness where we see all as one, all we can do is show
      unconditional love to ourselves, which will eventually spill over to
      other people. Loving people unconditionally is the only way to change
      them, and loving ourselves unconditionally is the only way to change
      ourselves. Like Yehuda Berg said in the quote above… “Love is the weapon
      of the future.”

      Image Source

      Heaven and hell

      its all good
    • You're doing it all wrong. But it's all good. :)

      The sage transcends good and evil when his will is so aligned with the spirit of creation that he moves as one with it. This is the real meaning of the parable of Muhammad and the mountain: Muhammad knows why the mountain is there and cannot even frame a desire to have it anywhere else. If he wishes that the mountain come to him, it is because the Earth so wishes, and cataclysm brings the mountain over!

      But none of us is a sage whose name will live for ages. We are still bound to good and evil. Therefore it behooves us to see to the beams in our own eyes before looking to the motes in our neighbours'. So... it's all good.
      I'm not lost. I know where I am. I'm right here.
    • I don't understand all that stuff in the article but I imagine the reason some people become angry at "It's all good," is because it doesn't validate what their feeling. Personal validation is important to a person's feeling of self worth. We need validation (some more than others) for our feelings, opinions, beliefs, etc. and thus we want to be "right" about those things.

      I don't have strong opinions or beliefs about most things and think it would be really boring if the world were made of mostly people like me. :)
      Lost in the right direction.
    • Most people would agree that murder, bodily harm, and theft are not good. So no, it is not all good. We disagree on why evil exists.

      I believe evil began when pride caused an angel to rebel against our Creator. That angel (the devil) persuaded other angels and the first humans to also rebel. After that rebellion, all our righteousness has been as filthy rags, and we have lost fellowship with our Creator. We are all traitors, and the just penalty for our rebellion is death, but our Creator offers us forgiveness, new life, and a way to restore the fellowship we lost, by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, who died in our place.
      I am human and I need to be loved - just like everybody else does
    • What's good to you may not be good to others. But that's what makes it "all good" who am I to say what you believe isn't good? Or is bad?
      Thats why I like the saying "it's all good" because it is what it is and it's ALL good! If we all could just accept eachothers differences and beliefs than it would be really all good
    • WanderingStovie wrote:

      Most people would agree that murder, bodily harm, and theft are not good. So no, it is not all good. We disagree on why evil exists.

      I believe evil began when pride caused an angel to rebel against our Creator. That angel (the devil) persuaded other angels and the first humans to also rebel. After that rebellion, all our righteousness has been as filthy rags, and we have lost fellowship with our Creator. We are all traitors, and the just penalty for our rebellion is death, but our Creator offers us forgiveness, new life, and a way to restore the fellowship we lost, by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, who died in our place.

      i humbly disagree
      its all good
    • hikerboy wrote:

      WanderingStovie wrote:

      Most people would agree that murder, bodily harm, and theft are not good. So no, it is not all good. We disagree on why evil exists.

      I believe evil began when pride caused an angel to rebel against our Creator. That angel (the devil) persuaded other angels and the first humans to also rebel. After that rebellion, all our righteousness has been as filthy rags, and we have lost fellowship with our Creator. We are all traitors, and the just penalty for our rebellion is death, but our Creator offers us forgiveness, new life, and a way to restore the fellowship we lost, by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, who died in our place.

      i humbly disagree

      ....and that's all good!!
    • WanderingStovie wrote:

      I believe evil began when pride caused an angel to rebel against our Creator. That angel (the devil) persuaded other angels and the first humans to also rebel. After that rebellion, all our righteousness has been as filthy rags, and we have lost fellowship with our Creator. We are all traitors, and the just penalty for our rebellion is death, but our Creator offers us forgiveness, new life, and a way to restore the fellowship we lost, by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, who died in our place.

      And - His love has made it all good again. On the eve of Easter, the Church praises Him in the words: "O truly necessary sin of Adam, to be destroyed completely in the death of Christ! O happy fault, that merited for us so glorious, so great a Redeemer!" So once again, it's all good. :)
      I'm not lost. I know where I am. I'm right here.
    • hikerboy wrote:

      WanderingStovie wrote:

      Most people would agree that murder, bodily harm, and theft are not good. So no, it is not all good. We disagree on why evil exists.

      I believe evil began when pride caused an angel to rebel against our Creator. That angel (the devil) persuaded other angels and the first humans to also rebel. After that rebellion, all our righteousness has been as filthy rags, and we have lost fellowship with our Creator. We are all traitors, and the just penalty for our rebellion is death, but our Creator offers us forgiveness, new life, and a way to restore the fellowship we lost, by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, who died in our place.

      i humbly disagree

      You and me both.

      I was raised a Southern Baptist, in church every time the door was open. My grandpa was a pastor and a missionary his whole life. I read the Bible cover to cover as a teen. When I was in my mid-20s, I started reading about other beliefs as well as in-depth studies of the roots of Christianity, which was such a part of my identity for so long. This kind of topic is a passionate one, and I respect everyone's individual beliefs. We all need different things in this journey we are on through life's twisties. We all just have to find what makes us feel alive and hold onto that belief.

      “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” ― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

      “Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it's no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.” ― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
      www.appalachiantrailclarity.com - Life on the A.T.

      Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.
    • hikerboy wrote:

      WanderingStovie wrote:

      Most people would agree that murder, bodily harm, and theft are not good. So no, it is not all good. We disagree on why evil exists.

      I believe evil began when pride caused an angel to rebel against our Creator. That angel (the devil) persuaded other angels and the first humans to also rebel. After that rebellion, all our righteousness has been as filthy rags, and we have lost fellowship with our Creator. We are all traitors, and the just penalty for our rebellion is death, but our Creator offers us forgiveness, new life, and a way to restore the fellowship we lost, by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, who died in our place.

      i humbly disagree

      We'll all find out some day who is right...I just hope if I err it's on the right side.
      I may grow old but I'll never grow up.
    • Drybones wrote:

      hikerboy wrote:

      WanderingStovie wrote:

      Most people would agree that murder, bodily harm, and theft are not good. So no, it is not all good. We disagree on why evil exists.

      I believe evil began when pride caused an angel to rebel against our Creator. That angel (the devil) persuaded other angels and the first humans to also rebel. After that rebellion, all our righteousness has been as filthy rags, and we have lost fellowship with our Creator. We are all traitors, and the just penalty for our rebellion is death, but our Creator offers us forgiveness, new life, and a way to restore the fellowship we lost, by accepting the sacrifice of His Son, who died in our place.

      i humbly disagree

      We'll all find out some day who is right...I just hope if I err it's on the right side.

      So do the muslims, buddhists, and pagans of the world.
      www.appalachiantrailclarity.com - Life on the A.T.

      Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.
    • The fact that each of our egos has to be right is OK with me for a few reasons.
      First, your decisions have little or no affect on me unless I let them.
      Second, we can be different yet both of us can be right, for ourselves.
      Next,...... I just had a senior moment and forgot what I was going to say...lol ;(
    • fractalenlightenment.com/32486…-is-the-right-one-for-you

      Why Your Version of God is the Right One…for YOU

      “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain telling everyone that her or his path is wrong.”- Hindu ProverbEverything is God. God is all there is. Just let that sink in for a second. There is no other material or fabric to make anything in this universe out of other than the fabric of God. Every person, every leaf on a tree, every planet, it’s all God. Nothing can exist independently of God since it would be impossible for something to exist that is not made from the only material there is to make anything out of.

      It has been said that God created us in his image and likeness. So if we are made from the very fabric that God itself is made of and if we have the power to create just like God does, then technically we can choose to create our version of how we see and experience God. Not only this, but we must know that our perception and image of our God may not be the exact same as the next person’s and that’s ok.

      There is no “right” way or “wrong” way to experience God. Even if a person chooses to exist in a reality where God does not exist, such as an atheist, this is not wrong either. They are just choosing to experience God in a “non-God” way. Another person may choose to experience God in a way that their God punishes them for sinning and blesses them for resisting temptation, this is also not wrong.

      Another person may choose to call God “the universe” and experience God in a more metaphysical way as more of a frequency and not a “person” per se. Again, this is neither wrong nor is it right. It simply is just one way to experience and perceive the “all that is”.

      Since there are over 7 billion people living on the planet, there is 7 billion different ways to experience God. And even though there are groups of people that may experience or see their God in a similar fashion, no one person will experience God in the EXACT same way as the next person, because God is a completely personal experience.

      The problem arises when we see that our way to see God is the ONLY way. Many people believe that their version of God is the absolute and ultimate true God and that they do not have a choice in how to experience God. So they waste precious time judging others or calling out other people because their beliefs may be different than theirs.

      In actuality the ultimate “truth” is that there is no “ultimate truth” while at the same time everything that exists is its own ultimate truth. There is one thing that causes us suffering in this world, and that is the illusion that we are not made from God. The illusion that God itself is a separate entity outside of us that we must prove ourselves to or we must seek and find him when in actuality it is right there inside every single one of us.

      “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
      “The ultimate reality is that there is no separate self. If you believe that God is outside of yourself, then you are not embracing the absolute law, but an inferior teaching.” ~ Buddha
      “The kingdom of heaven is within.” ~ Jesus

      It doesn’t really matter which spiritual teacher we choose but almost all say the same thing. God is within us. God is not separate from us. This isn’t something that we just can know and that’s it, but it is a level of consciousness that we must reach.

      This is why so many of us can intellectually know this, but we still seem to get caught up in the trivialities of everyday life. We still get angry when someone cuts us off on the road, we still worry about getting our bills paid on time, and we still get slightly perturbed when someone tries to push their version of God on to us.

      If we TRULY were existing at the level of consciousness that we KNEW we were God, things like traffic jams and bills and hearing other people’s views on religion probably wouldn’t have the power to upset us in the slightest way. We would be able to see ourselves in all of it and realize that our perception of everything is creating our reality in 3d, but that our perception of things is not everyone’s perception of things.

      However, the closer we get to seeing that oneness with all is the ultimate truth, the less things like this have power to take away our inner peace. We stop judging things as good and bad but just see that everything just is… and that all is perfect. Oneness allows for everyone and everything, while our illusion of separateness tells us that we are not yet perfect, or happy, or peaceful and that we must struggle and try to become what we believe we are not.

      But that’s all ok, it’s all part of the fun of getting to experience God in our own way, and to navigate through life coming back to who we already are at our core.

      Unlearning everything we thought we “knew” about who or what we are and breaking down old paradigms and beliefs down to the point where we can see that any belief system that has us believing that there is an unequivocal right and wrong way to perceive God is simply not possible. Not when God is all there is.

      Create your God however you wish. You may call your God “Allah”, or maybe you call him “Jesus” or maybe you call your God “Steve”, the name doesn’t really matter. But just as sure as you are that your version of God is the best one, so does the next person think the same thing. And technically you are both right. God always manifests itself in the absolute perfect way for each individual person. So know that your way is perfect for you…. but also, so is mine perfect for me.

      Image Source
      its all good