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Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park

    • Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park

      i generally hike 6 days a week. if i'm not on the AT then i'm probably here. there are over 20 miles of trails in the park; here are a couple hikes that i generally do with slight variations.

      this is an 11 mile hike which i turn into a 12 mile hike by parking at the lot on cheatham hill road. by starting at this lot, rather than the visitor center, i reach the visitor center halfway into the hike and take advantage of the benches to eat on, real restrooms if necessary, and sometimes buy a cold gatorade or candybar. while the article describes the hike as starting with the ascent of kennesaw mountain, the accompanying elevation chart actually shows the hike ending with the descent of the mountain.


      again, by changing the parking area i turn this 5.8 mile hike into a 5 mile loop hike. i have more miles on this 5 mile loop than on any other trails i have hiked. i can walk 1.5 miles thru neighborhoods and lightly traveled roads and get to the southernmost part of the loop. i do this on days i don't have a car. the accompanying pictures are not representative of the hike; most of it is in the woods.


      even the woods have a facebook page:


      national park service website page:

      2,000 miler

      The post was edited 2 times, last by max.patch ().