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World Ranger Day

    • I would like to remember these 2 ...Specifically Sean Ryan. I grew up with him and have known him since I was in nursery school. The 20th anniversary of his death is coming, and here is a short synopsis of that tragic event that led to his demise.

      On August 12, 1995, a seasonal climbing ranger, Sean H. Ryan, 23, and a Student Conservation Association volunteer in the parks, Philip J. Otis, 22, died in Mount Rainier National Park in a fall from Emmons Glacier while on a mission to rescue an injured climber, John Craver, who had broken an ankle in a fall.
      When Craver's two companions arrived at Camp Muir, they said that they had left him alone with all the extra clothes and food they had available. This led to additional concern that the injured Craver was now alone; Ryan and Otis kept climbing.
      At 11:25 p.m. Ryan radioed that they were near 12,000 feet, that it was cold and windy, but they were going to continue on. He also indicated that they were having a crampon problem. He said they could see where Craver was reported to be and they expected to reach the hurt man around 1 a.m because the climbing was going slow. All attempts to contact the two men after that last transmission were unsuccessful.
      Leaving Camp Muir just after midnight, the second rescue team reached Craver five hours later; Ryan and Otis had never arrived. Within hours the Chinook helicopter, with more climbing rangers to assist, evacuated Craver. In the meantime, the park's radio center reported that a climbing party had found an NPS ice axe and part of a crampon near the 13,000-foot level of nearby Winthrop Glacier. A thousand feet below lay the two bodies of the young rescuers.