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  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    I took a road trip from Alaska to Idaho through Canada. For anyone who has never experienced driving the Alaska Hwy/ALCAN I highly suggest it. This was my second trip and it was still just as breathtaking. We only hit one small patch of blizzard like conditions in The Yukon, which I considered a blessing for late March. I saw more wildlife than I could possibly count. After making it to Idaho, my husband and I drove about an hour and a half from our new abode to see Shoshone Falls, which is wher…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    In the two and a half weeks I have been in Eastern Idaho so far, the weather has been all over the place. Most days see a combination of sun, wind, rain, hail (or graupel - new word I've learned since being here), snow and then back to sun. The last few days have just been rain, more rain, wind, short sun break to make you think you can go outside and do something, just for it to dump buckets on your head while it's 48 degrees out. There's a chance of snow tonight and tomorrow with the forecast …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Current time and temp: 8:30PM and 20 F It's also not completely dark yet. Hello longer days. It's going to be weird being back in the land of normal sunlight and not seeing the summer sun at 11PM.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    I've visited and we've passed through multiple times on our various cross country moves. My husband has decided he's parting ways with Uncle Sam and is finally going to get a college education, so we're Idaho State University bound. It will be interesting experiencing college through his eyes since he's just about 20 years older than most freshmen.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    It's currently 19F here in the Last Frontier. Supposed to be a low of +2F overnight which is a few degrees improvement over the past few nights. I hear rumors that the temps are supposed to be in the 30's next week and I will probably DIE. On a slightly related/not related note, our time in the Great White North has come to an end and we are Idaho bound next. I looked up the temp for the area we are moving to and it's about 47 degrees warmer right now. So, if anyone is in the general Idaho area …

  • REI Dividend is in, what can I get now?

    Ewok11 - - General


    OMG! I just told my husband to check to see how much the dividend was this year. We DO NOT have a credit card with them and managed a $209 dividend. We might have maybe bought a little too much stuff last year.

  • The Wild Life

    Ewok11 - - General


    I don't even have to throw bread crumbs (which would catch me a $300 fine - minimum for feeding wildlife). They just follow me anyway. To be fair, there was a problem last winter with the main trash compactor inside the store where I usually work. So, on Fridays, I would have to walk outside to the big dumpster in the back to toss out everything, including lots of food. They got mad at me for a while after the compactor was fixed and there was no longer a dumpster full of goodies for them. The f…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    It's currently 24 and snowing again. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…b70aaa102deb5e65a33eabfdc

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Ewok11: “The weather has been something like this: Snow, more snow, still snowing, oh look it stopped and the sun is out....just kidding here's some more snow. Temps have been something like: Below zero, 30+ degrees, ok maybe we'll settle for the 20's today, hope you enjoyed that because now it's below zero again. I haven't taken any great pictures lately, so I just snapped a quick cell phone pic out my back door a few days ago (it has snowed again, twice since then…

  • Signs of Spring... 2017

    Ewok11 - - General


    No signs of Break Up (Alaska Spring) yet. I suspect it will be around Easter this year but since I'm not a native to this area and only have three years of personal data to pull from, I could be very wrong.

  • The Wild Life

    Ewok11 - - General


    I did not see the specific culprit (though the neighbors did). I just walked outside one morning to see the tell-tale signs of a trespasser. It crossed my driveway, walked up my sidewalk, nibbled on the tree by my front door, waded through the front yard back out to the main sidewalk, then cut back down beside my house to stop and chew on each tree and bush along the way. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…b70aaa102deb5e65a33eabfdcappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…b70aaa102deb5e65a33eabfdc The picture …

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Oh man. I'm so very sorry. I'm there with my 14 year old jack russell right now. I just scheduled the appointment to have him put down next week, a couple of days ago and I had to go in another room and cry before I could make the call. He's been with me longer than my husband and most of my adult life.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    The weather has been something like this: Snow, more snow, still snowing, oh look it stopped and the sun is out....just kidding here's some more snow. Temps have been something like: Below zero, 30+ degrees, ok maybe we'll settle for the 20's today, hope you enjoyed that because now it's below zero again. I haven't taken any great pictures lately, so I just snapped a quick cell phone pic out my back door a few days ago (it has snowed again, twice since then). It's hard to say what the exact amou…

  • Netflix

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    I've been on a bit of a Netflix binge lately, so maybe I will come back to this thread later to add more details. Right now, I'm re-watching The Barkley Marathons.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Last week we hit an overnight low of -25 F, yesterday it was 45 F. We had a 60 degree temperature shift. It was miserable. I was outside walking around the snow in short sleeves and flip flops. Today it is 30 F and snowing. I also got hot walking around outside today. I wore boots this time though. 1f642.png

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    19 degrees and lightly snowing. I read an interesting weather factoid a few days ago. This is the first winter of the past three that has remained true to average with temps. Last year and the year before there had been well over 200 hours each of above freezing temps between November 16th and now. This year there have only been seven hours above freezing and they were all on December 7th. We're still below 50% of the average snow total but for once, what we have is sticking around instead of be…

  • I completely agree with all the comments about flora, fauna, etc. The one and only fully integrated hiking trip my church youth group went on when I was in high school had kids ranging in ages from 11-16. I was 15 or 16 at the time and an old pro at the whole hiking thing. There were however, two little girls in the 11 year old age range who had never been on a hike of anything length or elevation gain who severely overpacked and legitimately cried the whole time. I ended up carrying both of the…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Current time and temperature: 7:00PM AST 7 degrees F (down from the day time high of 9) Thick Fog Sunrise: 10:15AM (takes a while longer to crest the mountains) Sunset: 3:43PM (but hey, we've gained 35 seconds of daylight since the Solstice)

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    It is currently -1degree F and I suspect since we have about two hours of daylight left, it's not going to get warmer. We FINALLY got some snow. It's not much, only about six inches but much better than the one or two inches forecast. The clouds pushed out and today is blue bird and cccccooooolllllldddd.

  • Wild Fire

    Ewok11 - - General


    From the videos, images and reports of fire on both sides of the river, I fully expected Ober Gatlinburg to be gone and most likely the chair lift too. I'm glad they aren't. That doesn't minimize how horrible it must be for the people who lost homes, cabins and businesses. At least it's not one of their busier weeks of the year. Trying to get in and out of Gatlinburg and/or Pigeon Forge during the buys times is a study in patience at best. I couldn't imagine having to evacuate when they are at p…