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  • And In Other News

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from StalkingTortoise: “With the April 8th total eclipse rapidly approaching, I thought it would be helpful to post up important information related to the different types of eclipse events: 1. An eclipse of the sun happens when the moon passes between the sun and the earth. 2. An eclipse of the moon happens when the sun passes between the moon and the earth. 3. An eclipse of the earth happens when you put your hands over your eyes. 1 1. Weller, Tom (1985). Science Made Stupid. If you see …


    odd man out - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “Could happen. Some thru hikers never see a real bear, but some other hiker they meet might have a Winnie with them. Like Pepe and various other "stuffed" hiking partners. ” I'm 2 for 3 for seeing real bears on AT hikes. Just lucky I guess. My only miss was the ivernight hike in 1968. But the SNP bear I use for my profile pic was pretty close to a teddy bear.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    odd man out - - General


    Quote from StalkingTortoise: “We have one daffodil blooming on the south side of the house. I don't think it's going to like the 20 degree low overnight. ” Early spring flowers usually do fine in cold. Ours always bloom before a cold snap, but not until mud March around here.


    odd man out - - AT Specific


    WtP for the win


    odd man out - - AT Specific


    I finally got my average up to 80%. For a while it has said 80%, but it was rounding up. Today it's 80 % exactly.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    odd man out - - General


    Tomorrow we are supposed to get a 50 degree temperature drop in 16 hours. Or a 67 degree drop if you count wind chill. Ouch.


    odd man out - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “True/False and "near" make for a question being harder than it should be. ” When our daughter was in 5th grade, I was helping her with a science homework assignment. She asked me one of the true/fase Q's. I asked "Do you want the answer your teacher wants or the correct answer?".

  • Wise Shelter - Virginia

    odd man out - - AT Specific


    Quote from LIhikers: “It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission Other places on the AT consider you a thru hiker if you've hiked at least 50 miles before getting there, so maybe that would apply there too. ” That was my point. Places like BSP and GSMNP clearly define their rules that apply to long distance AT hikers.

  • Wise Shelter - Virginia

    odd man out - - AT Specific


    An update: A scaley reptile just posted: ...While it is not exactly clear that it is official policy, please do not continue to suggest ways to "get around it" that are really just breaking the rules... Since I am the one most proficient at posting ways to "to get around" the rule, should I post my last good idea to get around the rule as a way to finally get permanent "secret double probation" from TOS?

  • Wise Shelter - Virginia

    odd man out - - AT Specific


    I posted my suggestions on that thread. First, if they tell you you have to be a "thru hiker", just don't ask them what you have to be "thru hiking" I did a thru hike of Main Street of Hanover NH and Big Meadows in SNP. It's a low bar if you are good at crative rule interpretation. The other "out" i suggested is to say that you are doing a flip flop thru hike starting at that shelter. Since their interpretation of a thru hiker is one who INTENDS to hike the trail in on trip (not one who acctuall…

  • Basketball Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Seems to me that if teams forfeited multiple games and the program lost money -- that would eventually cause the negative behavior to change. ” Exactly.


    odd man out - - AT Specific


    I often get the "in which state is this sign" questions wrong because when zooming in to read the sign, I click a random answer by accident.

  • Basketball Thread

    odd man out - - Coffee Talk


    I've always wondered why refs insert themselves to try and stop altercations. I think it would be better to stand back and take notes. If both benches clear, you eject everyone, both teams forfeit.

  • BSP Question

    odd man out - - Trip Planning


    One other Q. Am I correct that dispersed camping is allowed and sites reasonably available all along the trail in the HMW. I ask because I saw that camping was not allowed in the Gulf Hagas area and there was a fee camping area east of the Hermitage just outside AT corridor. I have not seen anything about camping regulations along the AT (except in BSP, obviously).

  • BSP Question

    odd man out - - Trip Planning


    I did some more reading. From what I can tell, The Hermitage is a grove of old growth pines trees on (or near?) the AT by Pugwash Pond just north of the West Branch Pleasant River crossing. Just north is a loop trail west of the AT through Gulf Hagas, a narrow gorge with many waterfalls. It sounds like it would be a nice side trip, if time and energy allowed. Many seem to call it "The Grand Canyon of Maine", which seems a stretch. Having hiked the real Grand Canyon a couple of years ago. I have …

  • BSP Question

    odd man out - - Trip Planning


    it's listed as a location in the Thru Hikers Companion. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/16473/

  • BSP Question

    odd man out - - Trip Planning


    I was going over info on the HMW. I keep sing reference to The Hermitage near the Gulf Hagas area, but haven't figured out what these are. Do I need to?

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    odd man out - - General


    I saw the first Red Wing Blackbird of the season (first for our family, that is).

  • Daypack

    odd man out - - Packs


    I got the Nano 16 last year. I too wanted a minimal day pack. I use it a a personal item on plane trips (fits under the seat so it doesn't count as carryon luggage).

  • BSP Question

    odd man out - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Astro: “No, but I originally planned to. Unfortunately in trying to catch better weather to summit, I slowed down at the end of the 100 mile wilderness and then took a zero at Abol Bridge. So after burning those two days I just had Shaw's pick me up and take me back to Monson. My summit dinner unfortunately was just the best sandwich I could find at a gas station on the way back to Monson. ” I've been rethinking my my plan to go NOBO to allow some more flexibility to adjust for weathe…