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  • Tour du Mont Blanc

    StalkingTortoise - - Other Trails


    In preparation for my daughter's upcoming thru-hike (she'll be coming 'round the mountain in July), I wanted to post up some information that I have gathered. The trail passes through France, Italy and Switzerland with snow-covered Mont Blanc (white mountain) an ever-present fixture. Unlike the AT, the Tour Du Mont Blanc (TMB) is a circle hike. You can start at any access point and hike either clockwise or counter-clockwise. The popular option is to start in Chamonix France hiking CCW - probably…

  • Whiskey Thread

    StalkingTortoise - - Coffee Talk


    It was sometime last year that the Buffalo Trace Distillery took Sazerac off the allocated list and made it available every day in the gift shop. One bottle per day, same as BT bourbon. Their old distributor was playing games with BT offerings, making customers buy X and Y if they wanted to get more BT products. I enjoy Sazerac, but my favorite ryes come out of New Riff Distillery. Never found a single barrel pick that I didn't like, and their specialty ryes are outstanding. I'm talking a 95% ry…

  • Whiskey Thread

    StalkingTortoise - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “So what's "really special"? My son-in-law, who is a bourbon fanatic recommends Weller. I've never seen it in the liquor stores so I'm guessing they hide it from us "ordinary people". ” Any of the Bardstown Bourbon Company Discovery Series offerings are special IMHO. Several toasted barrel bourbons (Penelope, Bluegrass Distillers) are also special. I have a few small-production bourbons that surprise me with every pour. Even Woodford Reserve Double Oaked makes me smile an…

  • Whiskey Thread

    StalkingTortoise - - Coffee Talk


    Whenever I have bourbon-drinking guests over, I'll offer a pour of Blanton's with the caveat that it's a very good $66 (retail) bourbon. Then I offer something that is truly special so they have a frame of reference. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…b333ae3bf8a0bd95a3fa21ab2

  • The Baxter Area - Maine

    StalkingTortoise - - AT Specific


    I'd like to add that Baxter State Park is an anomaly these days. They have a set of rules and actually ENFORCE the rules. I'd recommend a visit to baxterstatepark.org/ to plan your visit.

  • Hiking & Biking

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    I'd emphasize gloves for winter riding. My last winter ride was in February 2020 to pace my daughter on her last big pre-marathon run. The only part of me that was uncomfortable was my hands. I'd look for insulated windblock gloves. Non-windblock gloves introduced wind chill into the equation.

  • You can turn off those "time to move" reminders. Google will reveal the steps since I can't remember how. I always thought they were funny when they went off while in a plane or driving.

  • Jeopardy

    StalkingTortoise - - Gear


    I'm a little slow this morning. Although I have a pair, I couldn't recall glacier glasses.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    I now have a combination duck / bird / hawk feeder. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…b333ae3bf8a0bd95a3fa21ab2

  • Great... I just found out that I'm headed to Bethel VT next week. I'll get to welcome spring one more time then come home and mow my lawn for the 6th time this year.

  • A photographer from the local paper captured these images which perfectly match what I was seeing. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…b333ae3bf8a0bd95a3fa21ab2

  • My cell phone pictures were not impressive, but the actual view was mesmerizing. About two minutes of totality and then the amazing diamond ring effect. Couldn't have asked for a better view. And from my deck.

  • appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…b333ae3bf8a0bd95a3fa21ab2

  • Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from odd man out: “weather is looking a bit better in Indiana than Ohio, so I may go that way. It's the same distance so I can decide at the last minute. If I miss this one due to clouds, there will be a total eclipse in my backyard in 2099. ” That is exactly why, although I have been looking forward to this and planning to see it for several years, I made no reservations anyplace. Flexibility is key. ” And if you are used to sleeping in a tent or h…

  • Earthquake

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    I didn't feel it, but I saw it. I was on a Zoom call with a colleague that lives in Easton PA. Everyone on the call noticed his camera shaking and someone even posted in the chat "Are you having an earthquake there?" We all chuckled until he checked the news and came off mute with "Actually, yes. We did have an earthquake here."

  • Took a walk today

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “No walk today for me as it's pouring rain all day today, again. ” Yeah... the Northeast sure is in for a spell of weather.

  • Took a walk today

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from rhjanes: “Quote from LIhikers: “Today is gonna be a zero because of the rain. I guess I prove Matt-C's point. ” I checked Matt-C's YouTube. He's got a recent post about someone. It's talking about that dog that has been posted as missing on the AT, in Facebook 2024 hiker groups. ” Knucklehead Angry Guy is ranting about Ramdino, who's kind of become the news reporter for the AT on YouTube. And once again showing how little he knows about the AT. He also reiterated…

  • A buddy of mine from the Pittsburgh area is coming down for my Eclipse Party. He drove down to the KC area (IIRC) for the last total eclipse and experienced some madness after the event was over - Google maps showed every road in red to signify complete gridlock. I'm taking that anecdotal observation as an incentive to pick up food and snacks by this Friday, not on Sunday or Monday. Forecast as of today is for partly sunny skies.

  • A place for jokes

    StalkingTortoise - - Hiking Humor


    One does not simply become a master of karate. First, one must accidentally walk into a spider web.

  • Took a walk today

    StalkingTortoise - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from LIhikers: “Today's walk was just under 2 miles because of pouring rain. ” That is the nice thing about a local hike compared to a long distance one. You can just call an audible and head back to the house. ” If you need to run indoors just because of a little precipitation, you have no business taking a walk. Matt_C