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  • Batona trail

    moose717 - - Other Trails


    TJ .. that shouldn't be too hard to do... If I were doing it, I'd probably just sew the cut part down into the waistband or if they are high-waisted, I'd put a new waistband in for a more finished look. I'm not a seamstress though. I sew mostly gear and home stuff or easy clothes .. my best item(s) so far are the merino wool mid/heavy weight base layer I made a month or so ago. I purchased the wool from New Zealand and made a great set from an old kwik sew pattern I got off ebay. It was an out o…

  • Batona trail

    moose717 - - Other Trails


    I was supposed to hike with my ladies group for a quick overnight on Saturday, but the trip leader cancelled due to the shitty weather yesterday. I had snowshoes and everything lined up. Kind of bummed, but I can't blame her for cancelling, she made the right decision. If it were just her & I going, we may have gone anyway. We're supposed to go in March. We were just going to do the Mullica River trail to the campsite and then do a loop out the next morning. I'm looking forward to doing it next …

  • Alcohol Stoves

    moose717 - - Cooking Gear


    That's really sweet BB gif.016 I like tinkering around making stuff, so I'll pass this time. I'll add this to my list. I sew a lot, so this will get me out of that "rut."

  • Alcohol Stoves

    moose717 - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from moose717: “I have a question ... when I first started backpacking I made my own alcohol stove out of a catfood can -- found the instructions on line. I've never used it in cold weather, but use it in temps down to about 50. You guys keep talking about "priming" and I tried to watch Kevin when we were at Harriman. Anyway ... in simple terms ... is priming basically just using a little more fuel because it takes a minute or two longer for the alcohol to light?” So…

  • Alcohol Stoves

    moose717 - - Cooking Gear


    I have a question ... when I first started backpacking I made my own alcohol stove out of a catfood can -- found the instructions on line. I've never used it in cold weather, but use it in temps down to about 50. You guys keep talking about "priming" and I tried to watch Kevin when we were at Harriman. Anyway ... in simple terms ... is priming basically just using a little more fuel because it takes a minute or two longer for the alcohol to light?

  • whats the weather where you are?

    moose717 - - General


    Well we had about 4" this morning, I went home on my lunch and it's nothing but a wet, windy mess now. I'm only a couple of miles from the beach in Monmouth Cty, so we're not supposed to get too much. I'd rather the snow than this crappy rain. Good news though ... the dunes seem to be holding up. High tide was about 8 this morning and there is no major flooding. gif.004

  • To write or not.

    moose717 - - General


    I think it's a great idea to write a book. I'd buy it. I have so many hiking books, but most of them are AT hikers books ... AWOL, the barefoot sisters, etc. I have a couple of books on backpacking from the 70's and Ray Jardine's book. I read anything & everything and try to learn from them all! Good Luck ... you should do it!

  • To write or not.

    moose717 - - General


    [/quote] I don't know how to use one :blush: but intend to learn so I can hike the BMT. I love reading about people's experiences...it's another way to learn.[/quote] I don't know how to use a compass either. I was web surfing earlier and found that the LLBean close to me is having a compass/map class in a week or two. I plan on checking it out. I was impressed -- doesn't take much -- when one of the ladies I was hiking with took out her compass, put it on the map and said ... I think we missed …

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    moose717 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from moose717: “Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Trillium: “Quote from LoboSolo: “den mommy is at it http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?101260-Responsible-Posting-Do-you-care” Saw that. Biting my fingers to keep from typing any comment.” take a gander at this one http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?101303-Chat-room-on-the-AT” WOW. Just read it - hadn't looked before. How come everyone wasn't moderated for talking about closed…

  • Re:welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    moose717 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trillium: “So, I've been over there reading HM's thread and just busted a gut reading the following from Aficion, particularly the last line: "Having answered thusly, I would like to add a few cogent thoughts. I do not come here to try and make others feel good about themselves. I come to learn, to laugh, to share, and to enjoy the company of people who share a passion for the outdoors in general and the AT in particular. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do....but if you don't...It is…

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    moose717 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Trillium: “Quote from LoboSolo: “den mommy is at it http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?101260-Responsible-Posting-Do-you-care” Saw that. Biting my fingers to keep from typing any comment.” take a gander at this one http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?101303-Chat-room-on-the-AT” WOW. Just read it - hadn't looked before. How come everyone wasn't moderated for talking about closed threads? And was the reasons given by HM f…

  • Introduce Yourself

    moose717 - - General


    Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from BirdBrain: “I think I scared her off. Wait a sec. It must be someone else's fault. RS, you loser.” Naw, her boss just probably came in the room and she had to get back to work...use to happen to Train Wreck all the time, hehe....I'm likin retirement.” Happens to me ALL THE TIME! This is a slow time of year ...

  • Introduce Yourself

    moose717 - - General


    Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from hiker58: “No, BirdBrain, I am a beginner hiker, and a mom, but not HikerMom. Nice name, didn't feel quite right callin ya that ! I do plan to stick around. I don't really know any ppl that can or would even think of taking a 2100 mile walk, hope to get to know some here. Sanity is not as important to some as to others...pls define normal....lol” Welcome aboard. I friend all the women (some of the guys are weird). :whistle:” He's right, I…

  • Introduce Yourself

    moose717 - - General


    Welcome Hiker58!

  • Introduce Yourself

    moose717 - - General


    Happy Birthday RS ... may you have many more! gif.004

  • Introduce Yourself

    moose717 - - General


    Welcome Blacksmith! You'll enjoy the site and learn a bunch!

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    moose717 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from rocksNsocks: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…02b0c34592859402820652d2b oh shit OZ, I just pissed maself” Clean it up before it drips on me 'socks..... gif.014 gif.014 gif.014 gif.014 gif.014” At first all I saw was the top of the picture. I thought I went to the wrong site and was looking at someone's Bologna Pony! Nearly choked on my coffee!

  • And In Other News

    moose717 - - Coffee Talk


    Gassy Cows blamed for explosion: http://www.my9nj.com/story/24562554/gassy-german-cows-blamed-for-barn-explosion

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    moose717 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “It's not hiking related but if you insist.” Very cool! What are you making?

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    moose717 - - Coffee Talk


    [/quote]I'm ashamed that I got sucked in. On a good note, to get back to my zen state, I got a lot done on a project that's been on my loom for a while. 49.gif[/quote] Nothing to be ashamed of ... it's the internet