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  • New Year Goals

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Always appreciate Andrew Skurka's reasonable approach. My goal for 2021 is part of number 6 of his 7 steps, gaining more fitness before I hit the AT this summer, knowing much of it is the hardest parts there are. Planning more exercise and hikes. especially as things warm up in the Spring, and then a week or so trip like the Bartram Trail in June. Also try to moderate my diet better too, with goal of "relatively" leaner, stronger, and lighter body going up and down those rocky…

  • Took a walk today

    Trillium - - General


    My walk yesterday combined exercise with business as I walked 1.82 miles to the Golf Course (and back) for a meeting with the Golf Course manager to prepare him for a meeting with the Director and the Rec Commission. That brought me to 11.1 miles for the first 6 days of January so I've met my goal.

  • And In Other News

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from max.patch: “If you thought the 2000 election was interesting you ain't seen nothing yet...Trump ain't leaving until the tanks come rolling down Pennsylvania Ave. And there's gonna be blood in the streets until that happens. ” The above is from August 7 -- nothing that is happening today -- or anything that has happened since the election -- should surprise anyone. Our government is under attack by Trump and his minions. ” Thank you to all the sane Georgians who …

  • Naughty or Nice?

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from IMScotty: “So my gifts were only peripherally hiking related. This canvas mushroom bag my wife got me for my mushroom forays, but it should be handy for grocery shopping to... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…92486519be46292d9a984da26 and this metal enameled bird cup... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…92486519be46292d9a984da26 Only problem with the bird cup is that it is for European birds. So it is not going to up my birding game unless I travel to Europe. Come to …

  • New Year Goals

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trillium: “Quote from Traffic Jam: “I set goals instead of making resolutions... maybe it’s the same thing but psychologically, it works better for me. I usually have something in mind but this year I haven’t thought about it. This year has been hard so I’ve been doing short term, monthly goals to keep myself on track. ” I like this wording better. Goals rather than resolutions. I don't want to set an unreasonable goal so I'm going to say that I'm aiming to walk at least a mile a day …

  • And In Other News

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “The local paper is counting down the top 10 local stories for the year. Today is number 2: The Pandemic Number 2?! What is the world in number 1 gonna be? ” It's going to be the election: the orange menace going after your governor, your head of elections, etc, etc, etc.

  • "Where am I Now?"

    Trillium - - General


    I'm thinking it's between Standing Bear and Hot Springs but I've not hiked that section yet so my guess is uninformed. I'll say Max Patch.

  • New Year Goals

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “I set goals instead of making resolutions... maybe it’s the same thing but psychologically, it works better for me. I usually have something in mind but this year I haven’t thought about it. This year has been hard so I’ve been doing short term, monthly goals to keep myself on track. ” I like this wording better. Goals rather than resolutions. I don't want to set an unreasonable goal so I'm going to say that I'm aiming to walk at least a mile a day at least 5 days a week…

  • Christmas 2020

    Trillium - - General


    A Belated Merry Christmas to Cafe'rs! Covid has really messed with my sleeping; don't know why but I regularly wake up between 5am and 6am now, rather than around 7am-ish previously. On Christmas Eve I woke up about 4:30am, on Christmas Day I woke up about 3:10am and today I woke up at 4:50am. So, I was unable to stay up to watch mass from St. Peters. Instead my husband & I attended a 4pm Vigil mass at my parents' former parish. They have a HUGE collection of Santa Bears. This year they only set…

  • A New National Park (and Preserve)

    Trillium - - General


    Well, it's Saturday. About 39 hrs until shutdown if not signed.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from Astro: “After waking up every morning this week with temperatures in the 20s this week, I am not worrying too much about global warming. Matter of fact I am looking forward to picking my dad up in NC tomorrow to drive him to FL Saturday for his Birthday with his brother and sister. I like the 70s a lot more than the 20s, so I guess I will be celebrating a little local warming my self. ” Well, I have to disagree with you. The average temp at this time is high 20's with some occasional …

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    Trillium - - Trail Health


    Quote from IMScotty: “StalkingTortoise, Sorry to hear about your father. As you know dementia patients are at extremely high risk, so I understand your just concern. Add to that the 'lock down' rules and social isolation that has been so devastating to the health and well being of all nursing home residents. Hopefully these vaccines will soon allow residents like your father to get the care and social interactions they need and deserve. There is a large 'independent living' complex near where I …

  • Jennifer Pharr Davis

    Trillium - - Appalachian Trail


    Well, she's just one of 29 people appointed to the Council. The co-chairs are an Olympic beach volleyball player, a former football player, not sure about Mariano Rivera, was he a baseball player? Urban was appointed. 45's buddy, Belichick was appointed. Haha Johnny Damon. I don't know most of the others. OMO - do you know who either Julie Teer, of Michigan or Brenda Larsen Becker, of Michigan are?

  • Hostel Around The Bend -- Georgia

    Trillium - - AT Specific


    Have they said what the 2021 rates will be for bunkhouse, private room, camping/showers?

  • And In Other News

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Time Zone: “Mrs. Time Zone and I drove ~9 mi to Costco on Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and promptly turned around and headed home after seeing the lot full and many cars circling the lot for spaces. I noticed no line outside the warehouse, so apparently Costco wasn't limiting the number of people inside, as it had earlier in the pandemic (when things weren't as bad (prevalence) as they are now!). Looking forward to going again sometime but IDK when that will be. Masks aren't…

  • Happy Holiday

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “I just finished listening to the local radio station's annual playing of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant Massacree. It made me think of my friends here on 'the group 'W' bench.' Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! ” My daughter had the song on her IG and when I saw it, I realized that the husband must have forgotten about it because they always play it on the radio at noon here and its been a tradition to listen to it. This also reminds me of Socks. Miss him and hope he is doing…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Trillium - - General



  • And In Other News

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Good points. Right after I wrote my post I checked my FB feed and saw that George Stephanopoulos is quietly lobbying for the job. I hope that doesn't happen. I can see Anderson Cooper -- but CNN pays him $12 million a year plus he gets to moonlight for 60 Minutes which I understand he enjoys. He could do marathon tapings of the show a few days a month and squeeze it in his schedule -- but how much does he really want to work? Can't answer that. ” Another person who would l…

  • "Where am I Now?"

    Trillium - - General


    Yes, Max was correct about the cemetary. It's a short distance south of the Turnpike and is just steps off the AT, maybe 10 yards max, so a first down, and was a great place to have lunch. I had 3 gents join me (or should I say 'joint'ed me, I passed) and another 4 hikers wave as they hiked by. Thanks Max for the very informative posts about the cemetary. I said awhile back that it was unlikely that I would have been able to ID any pics; however, I knew immediately that OMO's pic was of Pictured…

  • Basketball Thread

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    NBA draft is next Wednesday, Nov 18. The potential Spartan draftees are Cassius Winston and Xavier Tillman, Sr. X is projected to go in the first round but out of the lottery. Cash is a very accomplished PG and whoever passes on him is making a mistake. Not even sure if he's projected in the 2nd round which will be a damn shame. Yesterday was National Signing Day and the Spartans class is ranked #6 nationally: Jaden Reed, Max Christie and Pierre Brooks. Jaden is on a team with the #1 player in t…