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  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from CoachLou: “I was just lookin' at the pics DJ posted in FB. Is that getting near Max Patch, or is he past there? I was thinking about these pics that people you are following when they start out early like this. The countryside is all brown and dead, long veiws, but feel sorry that those early folks miss the green diversity.I am going to get to The Roan area, next spring specificly to time the Rhodies. I'm sure it will be crowded, but...........the Rhodies” The pictures came from the H…

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Hey everyone! We are at the Black Bear Resort right now! What is going on with you guys?

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    hey guys, i met up with good german last night at the shelter! He is waiting on a mail drop here too. Mine should be here today and I'm going to try and hit mollies ridge tonight.

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General



  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Rocks, the spikes are in my mail drop, my mom put em in there and so are the gaitors and some food. i got a new sleeping bag. A cabela's xpg 0 degree backpackers bag and a zrest pad. i am on the lodge computer posting this. I LOVE THE SUCK! Smokys are next! PLEASE MAIL COME! Dang holidays and snow storms holding me up!

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    somebody told me a storm was coming, did i miss it? i saw a little bit of snow

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Hey guys, im at fontana dam waiting on the maildrop still. i cant leave untill tuesday since it did not come today. anyone know where GG is?

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from DakotaJoe: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from DakotaJoe: “Quote from Trillium: “Quote from LoboSolo: “https://www.google.com/search?q=ramps+leeks&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS549US549&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=cVboUq-CBo3KsQTN7IKYCA&ved=0CE8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=620” Thanks LS! The leaves look a bit like the leaves of lily of the valley. What part is edible?” I like edible plants you can find in nature. Is it the bulb that you eat?” the whole plant is ed…

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “How's the back feeling Joe?” It's feeling a lot better. I saved all of my pain meds to take one a night on the trail if it is bothering me too bad I'll do something about it.

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from DakotaJoe: “Quote from Trillium: “Quote from LoboSolo: “https://www.google.com/search?q=ramps+leeks&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS549US549&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=cVboUq-CBo3KsQTN7IKYCA&ved=0CE8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=620” Thanks LS! The leaves look a bit like the leaves of lily of the valley. What part is edible?” I like edible plants you can find in nature. Is it the bulb that you eat?” the whole plant is edible. you chop up the whole thing. the leaves…

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from Trillium: “Quote from LoboSolo: “https://www.google.com/search?q=ramps+leeks&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS549US549&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=cVboUq-CBo3KsQTN7IKYCA&ved=0CE8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=620” Thanks LS! The leaves look a bit like the leaves of lily of the valley. What part is edible?” I like edible plants you can find in nature. Is it the bulb that you eat?

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “he posted on whiteblaze looking for real thru hikers, i told him you had a good story to tell.” Okay, I was wondering how he came across me and now I know. I got a message that said he was looking for thu-hikers and he left me his number. He said at the time I talked to him he wanted to do a Skype thing within an hour and a half. When I called him back to actually do it he didn't answer. it was 53 minutes exactly. I did a little research and saw their facebook page, they lo…

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Does anybody know anything about Crybaby Media?

  • Quote from Trebor: “I still like puppiesappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…53311c911f25a95c9265b0ed3” Yeah, Puppies Rock!

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General



  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from DakotaJoe: “Okay, I checked out geargrams and will begin making it up!” Can't wait to see it. Let me be the first to declare that you are doing it all wrong.” I can't wait to read your declaration of Joe's Ignorance! gif.013 gif.010 gif.014

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Okay, I checked out geargrams and will begin making it up!

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General



  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General



  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    DakotaJoe - - General


    Quote from rocksNsocks: “Joe, I kinda forget where your at with your gear..could you use a pair of micro spikes (medium size)? if so where would be a good place to send them? prolly take at least a week to get from here, NJ, to wherever. ...What else could you use? I'll go through some stuff.” I don't have any micro spikes at all. I will make a new gear least for you guys to evaluate.