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  • whats the weather where you are?

    roadrunner - - General


    With all the rain we've had, my watermelons are not doing too good, but on the bright side, bananas love water, it's almost impossible to give them too much water. I just harvested a 29lb bunch, with two more bunches waiting to be harvested. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/13005/appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/13004/

  • whats the weather where you are?

    roadrunner - - General


    It's been raining like crazy here in Jax, Fl, so very difficult for me to get my fall garden started. I got a lot of seeds I'll be sowing soon, after I finish a little more chop and drop of the summer plants. Personally, I like all the carbon in the air, makes it easier for my plants to put it (and the sugars) in the ground to feed various soil organisms and give me that super-dark, rich soil -- even in Florida's super-sandy soil.

  • And In Other News

    roadrunner - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “An unknown roar? Here are some black bear sounds... youtube.com/watch?v=3o2cMGCMK2c Vs. Moose sounds..... youtube.com/watch?v=--PyKhohVcY ” Yeah, I've listened to tons of recorded animal sounds, including mountain lions; they don't compare...It'll just have to remain a mystery.

  • And In Other News

    roadrunner - - Coffee Talk


    It's tough for me to decide which state I like best. I tend to like the southern half from Virginia down, but Maine is special to me, probably because it was my first real hike on the AT. I hiked the entire state from north to south. I saw a lot of neat wildlife and even got roared at, by something I still have no idea what it was all these years later.

  • And In Other News

    roadrunner - - Coffee Talk


    We need a president that puts an end to this toxic partisan environment and Trump and Biden won't/can't do this; Trump loves to fight too much and Biden is just out of it. I can't believe the Dems don't have a better candidate to put up against Trump. I can't call this election right now, but IMHO, Biden's VP pick is the most important thing he can do to up his chance of election. I know...VP candidates are not usually significant in presidential elections, but I believe this is an exception to …

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    roadrunner - - Trail Health


    Quote from IMScotty: “So how about that Coronavirus and the Trail? My 2020 hiking plans have gone to crap. I have no fear of getting the bug myself, but I cancelled my annual PCT section hike this year out of respect for the wishes of the PCTA. Now we are heading in to August and my hiking opportunity window is closing. Should I now go ahead and get in a two-week hike on the PCT in California? California and the PCT still do not seem to want me. And to add to the difficulty the MA state governor…

  • Podcasts....

    roadrunner - - Coffee Talk


    Anything (Well not anything and definitely not everything) dealing with the paranormal. I know many say that anecdotes are not data, but at the same time you can't just ignore all of them; we can't call all witnesses either crazies, hoaxers, drunks/druggies or hallucinators. I've come to the conclusion that reality is far stranger than we normally perceive.

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    roadrunner - - Trail Health


    The majority of my casted ballots were via absentee ballots since I was in the military for 23 years; however, I do remember a few times (before being transferred) voting at city hall, here in Atlantic Beach, Fl. I never remembered seeing lines, like what's shown in the news. And now that I've retired and living back in AB, Fl, I still have never seen the lines (and I always vote on election day at city hall). So, it does make me wonder how many voting stations experience these extremely long li…

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    roadrunner - - General


    Quote from IMScotty: “That is great Roadrunner. Good job creating that backyard habitat. I am so jealous you have painted buntings! ” It's not just the backyard, it's the whole enchilada, including my property easement.

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    roadrunner - - Trail Health


    Hiking on the AT seems like the perfect way to quarantine to me. I don't see a problem with resupplying, since I find it very easy to keep away from people in stores, just be mindful and stay away. However, you definitely want to abstain from hitchhiking and sleeping in the shelters -- I can live with that, especially since my style of hiking is to carry at least 2-weeks of food at a time.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    roadrunner - - General


    I love taking pictures of wildlife, got tons from my various hikes on the AT, everything from insects to bears. However, I also like to attract wildlife to my yard and since I started creating habitat for them in the dead middle of suburbia, where I'll never see a deer or bear, much less a bigfoot ; however, I've seen quite a few species of birds I've never seen before. This is what you get for ripping up all your grass, heavily mulching and planting stuff that attracts things and allowing some …

  • Cancel Culture wins another battle. npr.org/sections/live-updates-…s-the-racism-of-john-muir Excerpt: But amid the nationwide reappraisal of racist monuments, the Sierra Club said Wednesday that "it's time to take down some of our own monuments," including of its founder, Muir. "He made derogatory comments about Black people and Indigenous peoples that drew on deeply harmful racist stereotypes," Executive Director Michael Brune wrote on the group's website. "As the most iconic figure in Sierra C…

  • If you have the Amazon Alexa system and ask certain questions about the Appalachian Trail and it's wrong, for example: Alexa, where is the Appalachian Trail? And the answer is: The AT is a path in Georgia. That's it And if you ask, the states it runs thru, it will not answer that, but I did once get it to name four of the states, depending on how I phrase the question... I wonder how many other subjects this thing is faulty on?

  • Thanks all...I checked out the Hwy 340 bridge (Sandy Hook Bridge) on google maps (street view), it's about a 1/4-mile long and I don't see a shoulder -- I see a fog line and a little bit of pavement outside that line, but that doesn't meet the definition of a shoulder (not even a "narrow shoulder") in my opinion, despite what I've read about this bridge elsewhere (including on the ATC site)...seems very dangerous to cross, unless I'm missing something on street view.

  • Looking for information on the work around for loss of the Appalachian trail bridge or has it already been repaired?