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  • Quote from WiseOldOwl: “More important - Coach? How long does Cheese Cake last on the trail? me thinks three days,,, and its consumed.” If you sit on it it lasts a little longer because the more discerning,(picky), won't touch it.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from BirdBrain: “Right after I make it 4.” nice scarf bird. florida state for all the marbles. ACC is due.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from CoachLou: “49 Quote from rocksNsocks: “Mornin boys” ” Rah Rah” We've made to one more day 'Socks!” That we did. Tis a good day.” Everyday perpendicular is good.” True dat [strike]No Dirt Napping[/strike]” Glad to be alive. Glad the cafe has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes. Where the hell is everybody? Maybe its just me but I still miss the smiles of S'more, the dog…

  • Depends entirely on wind velocity and direction. On a still day a potent fart's aroma might linger for quite sometime. Any cross breeze will pretty much spare anyone near you unless there are switchbacks involved. A mild breeze moving the same direction as you could keep you enveloped in noxious fumes for quite some time. It pays to know which way the wind blows when one's cheese containment apparatus begins to reach its natural limits. Of course if you position yourself just downwind of a privy…

  • Hiking High Koos

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from aficion: “Roses are red Gators are green and now so am I oh the carnage I've seen! :sick:” if you're fixing to puke, move away from the tater machine” Did we get the tater machine back? :woohoo: Man this place is shaping up fast. :cheer: I'm feeling better already :lol: anyone care to dance?

  • Hiking High Koos

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Roses are red Gators are green and now so am I oh the carnage I've seen! :sick:

  • Hiking High Koos

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LadyInRed: “crazy weather here warm in North Cackalacky new leaves on maple! ....it's true. That tree is in for one big shock next cold front that passe through” Roses are red Maples are too Once a year usually In this case times two Roses are red Maples ain't purple Cold weather makes for Some fine maple syrple

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LadyInRed: “Good morning, sunshine! appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…276632d97f040d483a8017ea0” Helluva way to start the day. 2.gif

  • Hiking High Koos

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Goodnight one and all been nice hangin with you all y' got a lot of gall B) :dry: :lol: :silly: :kiss:

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from DeerHunter: “Quote from aficion: “Couldn't be better. Thanks. We are going to get up with HM soon. I feel it comin'. Maybe we should ride down to Damascus and get some huggin done?” Myself, HM, Teacher and Snacktime are planning to do a hike down near the James River sometime next spring. May probably. You will have to join us. It will be great.” Sign me up.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Couldn't be better. Thanks. We are going to get up with HM soon. I feel it comin'. Maybe we should ride down to Damascus and get some huggin done?

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Good to see you truckin on in DH! B)

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “I'd like to see it become one of the go-to places for good info. Along with some fun thrown in.” Plenty of knowlegeable, experienced, and helpful people here.....with a sense of humor too...What's not to like? B)

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from CaptNat: “Welcome topic question… Is there going to be a humor section? I don't want to mix a serious question like whether or not to take a gun to a privy with frivolous topics like pack weight. Oh the stress and pressure of learning a new site…. Where is my avatar? Do real men wear kilts?” Real men wear quilts only if they are real outdoorsmen. Their women knit them for them while wearing blindfolds apparently. I'm not real sure though....somebody here is bound to know.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    A big welcome to CrazyB our newest member. You have come to the right place! :woohoo:

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Happy to do it. If you need anything more or different scale, etc I'd be happy to do it.” MM, Thanks for the response and kind offer for info through the Whites etc. I will get up with you about it when the time comes for my SOBO attempt. Sometime in the next couple of years I hope. Thanks again.

  • Hiking High Koos

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Hikermom: “Quote from CoachLou: “Hikermom, Shmaybix, HMKD or 5 8 a rose is a rose :whistle:” Thanks you Coach!! You were lookin mighty dapper yo self. I love the new hair cut! I told ya! It's all about those crocs 2! :whistle: Coach's crocs & JB's pigtails... Huge fan!! I should be able to make a High Koo about that... can someone help me?? Teacher? Aficion? Where is JB?” JB's saving lives chess and cheesecake for coach Lou Hiker Mom just shines pigtails and pig's tales crocs and alli…

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Oooh, oooh. I want to help. Can I just post my credit card number here and let you pick the amount?[/quote] Yes, and if you post 2 credit card numbers , I will hike not once, but twice around the block.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from BirdBrain: “P-Q5” Qside O-O............and I need to do some work. Continue later.” Fair enough. I will give you my move so you can ponder it. PxB. You are hurting buddy.” And now for a brief intermission from the Mother of all thread hi-jacks. Here's a word from our sponsors: Hello, and welcome to the other side. In addition to welcoming all of you here I would like to take this opportunity to begin a fund drive for one of our most beloved…

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    aficion - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “Quote from aficion: “Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from aficion: “Quote from BirdBrain: “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZNxbzEwB5k” Got friends already. Need worthy opponents. :huh:” Do you play chess. That is the only game I can challenge anyone on.” Prefer checkers. Us hillbilly's are like that y'know. :dry: On the other hand....how 'bout a round of golf? I have a handicap that won't quit. :blush:” Drinkin' out of a Mason jar goes good with checkers. What's the fastest gam…