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  • LNT Craziness

    CaptNat - - General


    I was ok with seeing Reese "Nekkid". Had some pretty nice background scenery also.

  • The Hammock Photo thread

    CaptNat - - Hammocks


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…25f1d71c5a4f5a16fe442463fPart of a Kayak trip down the Peace River...

  • LNT Craziness

    CaptNat - - General


    You guys hike in nicer areas than I do. Instead of LNT, I have to pick up trash tossed by everybody ahead of me... I don't pick up orange peels or apple cores but I do pick up each and every sunflower hull.....

  • "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always be what you've always been..."

  • CRAP, Y'all made me read the comments too and I don't usually do that....

  • First annual stalk Hikerboy hike

    CaptNat - - General


    Once, but that was when I was new...

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    CaptNat - - Coffee Talk


    I got hit by lightening on a ridge between Black Gap Shelter and Springer Mountain. I'm sure it wasn't a direct hit or I would have been a spot on the trail but it really hurt like the dickens. I smelled a smell like burning hair which is odd since I have very little hair. I expected my boot to be full of blood when I took it off, but there was no injury at all. I have been wrought with paranoia ever since. I've got to go, my wife is trying to kill me...

  • Poopin

    CaptNat - - General


    If you're serious enough about the environment to pack out your poop, you're serious enough to pack out everybody else's too. Mine's over there behind that brush...

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    CaptNat - - Coffee Talk


    From time to time my wife will set my pack by the door and give me that "look". I can't even imagine her telling me NOT to go hiking or camping!

  • A Walk in the Woods - the Movie

    CaptNat - - General


    I would like to play Katz...

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    CaptNat - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LoboSolo: “http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2014/04/08/Topless-Chick-Goes-Crazy-in-McDonalds” That kind of behavior is exactly why I divorced her!

  • Leaving a Trace

    CaptNat - - General


    Well if y'all are gonna be offended, I wanna be too...

  • Hiking Journals

    CaptNat - - General


    I hope this thread takes off. I've tried written notes, electronic notes, and voice recorded notes. Everything ends up dirty, wet, muddy, mashed crumpled, lost, or stolen by UFO's. When I get home it takes two days to catch up, two weeks to get my gear dried, cleaned up, and squared away. I end up not writing anything at all about the trip... But I have good intentions...

  • I stopped playing hide and seek cause no one would look for me. Now I've got new inspiration, I'll just look for myself!

  • Am I a real Hiker?

    CaptNat - - Hiking Humor


    Who would be silly enough to walk around in the woods for personal enjoyment when they could be hiking?

  • Diva Cup

    CaptNat - - Hiking Humor


    Tiptoeing quietly out of the room...

  • Strong women...

    CaptNat - - Coffee Talk


    Beautiful story about beautiful people.

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from grayblazer: “I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is why I can never afford to be a real hiker. I do own a 20 degree synthetic bag from Gander Mountain that seems to work well.” There's no such thing as a "real hiker". :)” How can you say that Ms TJ? I'm a "real hiker" and have gaiters and hiking poles to prove it!!!

  • Thank you very much for this Mr. Milkman! I did it then had wife do it. You probably saved us some aggravation as I hadn't heard of this...

  • I'm a selfish introvert. I wish there was some way to have the trail closed on those occasions that I have the chance to get up there and walk on some of it so that I have it all to myself. I don't want to see the numbers increased! I think fondly of what it must have been like years ago when it was mostly a secret!