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  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    Drybones - - Trip Planning


    Check this virtual hike out, thought it was pretty cool, doing it with the "kids" 1st of July. hikingproject.com/trail/701151…lle-gorge-wilderness-loop

  • The END of EMS

    Drybones - - Gear


    My shopping history: 1. If Walmart has it I get it there, it's economical, it's local, if I decide I don't like it they take it back. 2. Started out with a Discover credit card with 1% cash back, they stopped crediting me with the cash back, I left them forever and switched to a Cabelas card since I bought a lot of gear from them, they were once reasonably priced. The shipping they charged on gear I used the points to buy was too high...$17.00 to ship a pair of shoes...and prices went up and the…

  • Urinating in Water Sources

    Drybones - - Trail Health


    Quote from ScareBear: “Quote from max.patch: “Quote from montana mac: “Quickest way to cure a jellyfish sting is to urinate on it ” that's an urban legend (possibly started when r. kelly was walking on the beach and came upon a 13 year old girl who had just been stung ) and popularized on a episode of "friends". i'd suggest anyone going to the beach google first aid for jellyfish stings before leaving home. first thing ya need is salt water -- which should be easy enough to find. ” Vinegar. ” Wh…

  • The END of EMS

    Drybones - - Gear


    I will confess, I have become an Amazon junkie...free shipping, no taxes...recent purchases...$62 leather steering wheel cover $10.99, $120 bike rack, $39, $500 bike, $300...I support local stores if it's close, but I don't give money away. All things have a life, then they go the way of all flesh, something will one day put Amazon to rest, but doubt it will be in my lifetime.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from uncle meat: “Quote from NoAngel: “It's been way too quite in here. ” white blaze is down a quort too. Guess folks is hikin' ” I couldn't get on for about three weeks, thought you guys had shut down, my computer didn't want to go there.

  • 23 hours

    Drybones - - Trip Planning


    Now that's my kind of planning and preparation....bet your daughter will remember it when she's old.

  • Making Fire

    Drybones - - General


    If you generate enough friction you can start a brush fire.

  • Quote from sheepdog: “My girl Izzy smiles. It's hard to get a good picture because she is wiggling all over when she does it. This is the best so far.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…65f7e5063b406744a0faa9eab ” Sindy Lou had this thing, when the wife got out of bed in the morning she would hop in bed with me and not let the wife back in bed...photo taken by wife trying to get back into bed.

  • A place for jokes

    Drybones - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from Rasty: “a 22 will kill. it just won't stop anything for a while. ” My brother killed a deer with a .22 LR, a .22 magnum has more energy than a .38 special.

  • Plantar Fasciitis

    Drybones - - Trail Health


    Same diagnosis I got for the ball of my foot....have a hunch I'll just have to learn to live with it...the feeling that my socks are bunched under my toes may be worse than the pain, at least now I know what it is and won't stop every 10' trying to un-bunch socks that are not bunched.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    Drybones - - Trip Planning


    Quote from NoAngel: “Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Working on a plan to climb Mt. Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in China this weekend. I'd better hit the stairclimber at the hotel gym for the next few days... th ” I hope they built that foot bridge better than all the crap they make and send over here. ” We throw rocks at the stuff they build, but you have to admit.........at least they still build stuff.

  • infrared and daylight trail camera ?

    Drybones - - Gear


    Great shots...and nothing died...what's that in the third photo down?

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    I read a bunch of dumb, but funny headlines a while back, only one I can remember was a baseball headline...."A-Rod goes deep, Wang injured".

  • infrared and daylight trail camera ?

    Drybones - - Gear


    Quote from meat: “Nor has most of the free world in the last 20 years The stock of Eastman Kodak (NYSE:KODK) took a big tumble in March, finishing 20.1% lower. The drop, which occurred in the wake of a lackluster earnings report on March 7, erased all of the gains the stock had made since January 2016, leaving it down 43.3% since it was relisted on the NYSE in 2013.Apr 11, 2017 ” Are you saying "don't buy'.

  • DIY tent

    Drybones - - Tents & Shelters


    Quote from NoAngel: “Very nice tent!!! ” I'm ashamed to show my DIY gear after seeing her's.

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Dmax: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from SandyofPA: “Quote from meat: “Quote from sheepdog: “Building these raised bed gardens. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…65f7e5063b406744a0faa9eablappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…65f7e5063b406744a0faa9eab ” hydroponics? ” Strawberries? ” water lilies?That's a nice box of screws pictured. ” First thing that came to mind when I saw those was a place to keep minnows for fishing. ” That's what we thought too. Herring and other bait li…

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    I enjoy catching bait as much as catching fish....sometimes I think I'm not normal.....other times I know I'm not.

  • DIY tent

    Drybones - - Tents & Shelters


    Quote from SandyofPA: “You can't see the extra seal tape from putting the tieouts on the wrong side of the fly, someday I want to make something without using my seam ripper! It came in at 18ozs. with the stakes and everything except the one trekking pole that holds it up. Maiden hike starts in 2 weeks in Erwin, Tenn. heading north until I get tired of walking. Hope to say hello to Lone Wolf again. ” I'd like to do that stretch again if for no other reason than having another breakfast at Mounta…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from Dan76: “Went out mid-morning for a local trail hike between showers. Lots of wildlife spotted including some snake porn. Have yet to identify the pair and unfortunately was not carrying the camera. Rain showers throughout the day and forecasted into the evening hours. ” I thought I saw a 10' cotton mouth flopping around near the pond behind the house once...on second glance it was just two 5'ers having great sex.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    Drybones - - Trip Planning


    I may have already mentioned this, you know how it is when you get old, you start repeating yourself, you start repeating yourself...got a week of backpacking planned in the Tetons first week of September, a friend got the permits, I don't do permits, I don't do permits.