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Search results 101-120 of 385.

  • welcome to the cafe

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “Switching over to State Of Affairs. Katherine Heigl is my newest TV girlfriend.” I just hope, after tonight's episode, that one doesn't have to be a necrophyliac to consummate such a relationship ...

  • Hiking & Biking

    LDog - - General


    Quote from milkman: “... it's a hard tail. ” Pretty sure they're what makes the rockin' world go 'round

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LDog - - General


    Quote from Rasty: “No snow here. I'm sad.” I'm sad for you too ...

  • There was a disturbance in the Force

    LDog - - General


    Quote from Rasty: “Quote from max.patch: “not exactly health food. nutritionfacts3.gif” Honestly you might be better off having a Mountain Dew and a Cigarette.” Add twinkies and you could invent a new internet. Or Kardashian app

  • How many of you carry a GPS SPOT?

    LDog - - Electronics


    Quote from Rasty: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from WiseOldOwl: “Quote from CoachLou: “Kevin.....I discovered that my gadgit has a compass! I'm not sure if it is actually reading the magnetism or a satelite!?” How a bout a model or name brand - I can find it for you... some do - others get the compass by using an algorithm of the satellites.” I have a brandy new (3mnth) I6” Yeah, recent iPhones all have fluxgate magnetometer and six-axis accelerome…

  • There was a disturbance in the Force

    LDog - - General


    Wanted to like it. Tried it as an alternative to PB, but was too sweet to carry a whole jar. I'd occasionally find Justin's version in small packets and pack a couple as a treat. justins-chocolate-hazelnut-butter-squeeze-pack.png

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LDog - - General


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/3354/The blizzard's past, the sun came out, and it's colder'n a well-digger's ass!

  • Hiking & Biking

    LDog - - General


    Rule #12: The correct number of bikes to own is n+1, where N is the current number of bikes one should own. It's also been suggested that the correct number is S-1 where S is the number that causes separation from a loved one. What is the correct notation combining the two? N+1<S? [N+1,S)?

  • Hiking & Biking

    LDog - - General


    Just discovered this thread, and so I'll ramble as I am wont to do ... I bought my first car in 72 when I was a HS junior in Sun Prairie, WI. A yellow Opel Sport Coup with brown primer spots. I had it less than a year when the oil crisis of 1973 hit. Being a log-hair hippie, I sold the car, and bought my first nice bike from the Yellow Jersey Bike Coop in Madison. A French-made Jeunet. It had a Reynolds 531 double-butted frame, Stronglight cotterless cranks, Simplex derailleurs, and Mafac center…

  • Quote from max.patch: “Quote from hikerboy: “bears can smell through "odor proof bags"” i think "odor proof bags" are kinda like filtering water from a spring directly as it comes out from the source. makes ya feel good but doesn't really accomplish anything.” Heh ... Like filtering water, then treating with chemicals on the AT.

  • welcome to the cafe

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from socks: “Quote from LDog: “Quote from socks: “Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary on right now ” Apparently no one in Sir Paul's circles has the compassion to tell him that he should no longer sing in public ...” right. Did ya happen to notice who was playin' gee-tar on that score...Steve Vai. Pretty cool, he's a phenomenal guitar player....didn't know the bass player or drummer??? ... not that I would, but I sure know who Vai is, he played with Zappa for a long time.” Playing with Fr…

  • welcome to the cafe

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from socks: “Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary on right now ” Apparently no one in Sir Paul's circles has the compassion to tell him that he should no longer sing in public ...

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LDog - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “ Forecast for mt washington: Temperatures will likely be dropping to the coldest reading of the season so far. With the extreme cold and winds, wind chills will be approaching 100 below overnight[/b]. Any skin exposed Sunday through Monday will see frostbite setting in in as little of a couple minutes. Additionally, hypothermia could be accelerated if dressed inadequately. With severe conditions expected from summits to the valleys, hiking will be extremely risky Sunday thr…

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “What do you mean calling Boar Gryllis a "fake" survivalist? He's survived so far, hasn't he?” all you really need is a survival bracelet” And to drink yer own piss ... JUST-DRANK-MY-OWN-PISS-BETTER-DRINK-MY-OWN-PISS.jpg

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LDog - - General


    Were having a bit of a blizzard this morning. 12° with NE winds around 27mph, gusting to 45. Low tonight is expected to be -4. Woo-hoo!

  • Inspiration

    LDog - - Trip Planning



  • deep tracks

    LDog - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • welcome to the cafe

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from socks: “Are you waiting for a resupply or bounce box...could take a while, the US postal service is shut down. about.usps.com/news/service-alerts/welcome.htm” Perhaps a wee tad overstated. Apparently only "Large Customers" are affected.

  • welcome to the cafe

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    I was on a cruise in the Indian Ocean, heading for a port visit to Perth. Unfortunately, the Ayatollah Khomeini started shooting a ships in the Straits of Hormuz, so we had to go back to Gonzo Station ... Always wanted to make that port visit ...

  • Inspiration

    LDog - - Trip Planning


    "No one over 50 should ever trust a fart." - Unknown