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  • Things to make fun of....

    Tuckahoe - - Coffee Talk


    ...and to make fun of dumb people. fios1news.com/longisland/protest-over-farm-cow#.Vw6jdXMpCBb Where do folks think their Whole Foods or Fresh Market beef come from?

  • Burger King for the Win!

    Tuckahoe - - Coffee Talk


    Burger King wins again!! m.aol.com/article/2016/04/09/e…s-after-prank-c/21341311/

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Tuckahoe - - General


    some of our lil chicks at work... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…1eb13d25f1d6739fc979bb7f7 appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…1eb13d25f1d6739fc979bb7f7

  • Hiking & Biking

    Tuckahoe - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Tuckahoe: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Tuckahoe: “Just turned over 6000 miles on my bike ” Wow! I don't have a clue how many miles I've ridden, my odometer broke nearly two years ago. It's not close to 6,000 though. That's a lot of miles. ” That's over the last three years too. Funny thing is I didn't commute any this winter cause I didn't want to deal with our icey cold days. I got to feeling like a lard a$$. ” I've become a baby about the cold. Until t…

  • Hiking & Biking

    Tuckahoe - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Tuckahoe: “Just turned over 6000 miles on my bike ” Wow! I don't have a clue how many miles I've ridden, my odometer broke nearly two years ago. It's not close to 6,000 though. That's a lot of miles. ” That's over the last three years too. Funny thing is I didn't commute any this winter cause I didn't want to deal with our icey cold days. I got to feeling like a lard a$$.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Tuckahoe - - General


    Just turned over 6000 miles on my bike

  • 5 Myths about Tourniquets

    Tuckahoe - - Trail Health


    Quote from Dan76: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from Tuckahoe: “#1 best place to apply a tourniquet is at the neck... Tight... Really really tight! ” Did you have a previous career as a marriage councilor?gif.005.gif ” If so, most likely it was short-lived. ” I wouldn't be a good marriage councilor... I probably would be only a minute into an interview before I'd ask, "why are the two if you such selfish a$$holes?"

  • 5 Myths about Tourniquets

    Tuckahoe - - Trail Health


    #1 best place to apply a tourniquet is at the neck... Tight... Really really tight!

  • Pretty cool article about the archeology of what is probably the earliest evidenced battle in bronze age northern Europe. sciencemag.org/news/2016/03/sl…olossal-bronze-age-battle

  • Travel Outside the US

    Tuckahoe - - Trip Planning


    Quote from mental note: “Quote from odd man out: “Quote from mental note: “Wouldn't stop me from going, but I wouldn't want my kids traveling now. ” I work with international exchange programs at our university. We sometimes have a hard time convincing international students that it is safe to visit the US due to our gun violence. The statistics say their concern is valid and that your children are probably safer traveling in Europe than the US. ” tell there mother that ” Damn! If only you had S…

  • Travel Outside the US

    Tuckahoe - - Trip Planning


    Well, at the moment I feel like bashing my head against a wall. Predictably, after yesterday's terror attacks in Belgium, there is now a flurry of people sh**ting themselves out of fear and questioning whether iit is safe to travel to Europe. All the while they are oblivious to the seemingly innocuous everyday things that will really kill them. qz.com/558597/charted-terror-a…pe-from-the-1970s-to-now/

  • Quote from Rasty: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from Tuckahoe: “And only one post, before a guy snags post #2... ” Maybe some guys have the same problem? ” Man Boobs don't just happen. That takes many years of neglect. ” And if those men get off their a$$es and hike, their boob to pack issues will more than likely go away.

  • And only one post, before a guy snags post #2...

  • LightHeart Gear - tents.

    Tuckahoe - - Gear


    Every product will at some point have a failure. How a company handles that failure is what is as important as the product itself. With regard to zipper failure on a tent, I do expect the failure to be addressed, but I won't fault the tent make for a part that was made by another manufacturer.

  • LightHeart Gear - tents.

    Tuckahoe - - Gear


    Before switching to a hammock I had a Lightheart Solo, and it was a great tent. That video not so much... dang stoners

  • Virginia Concealed Carry Deal

    Tuckahoe - - General


    Quote from Drybones: “Quote from Dan76: “bci.utah.gov/concealed-firearm…rocity-with-other-states/ The latest listing of reciprocity with Utah. But check for currency prior to traveling. ” Looks like I'm good to carry in Utah.....not that I ever carry.....but should. ” But you should be able to make that choice for yourself

  • Virginia Concealed Carry Deal

    Tuckahoe - - General


    I could not find Elf's original thread to post this in. At the time I avoided posting anything, because anyone who knows anything about Virginia politics knew this unilateral desicision by the Attorney General to end reciprocity wouldn't stand. In Virginia the General Assembly wields the power, and it was a pleasure to see the greasy sh**stains that are the Governor and the AG turned into the General Assembly's little b*itches. thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/02/daniel-zimmerman/390565/ roanoke.com/n…

  • Travel Outside the US

    Tuckahoe - - Trip Planning


    Nnniiiccee... Pound Stirling hit $1.39 this morning. When I started this thread and planning my trip it was $1.55 and that's what I budgeted. As I post this expenses are paid and they averaged at $1.45. Now 180 days to go.

  • Burger King for the Win!

    Tuckahoe - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Tuckahoe: “I did once try out a southern CW era Coffee substitute made from sweet potatoes. Peel, slice, cut into small cubes and dry. Once dried, roast in a skillet until dark brown then grind. It was actually pretty good. Nice mild Coffee flavor with a sweet strong caramel flavor. ” blasphemy ” Naw it was experimental archeology...

  • Burger King for the Win!

    Tuckahoe - - Coffee Talk


    I did once try out a southern CW era coffee substitute made from sweet potatoes. Peel, slice, cut into small cubes and dry. Once dried, roast in a skillet until dark brown then grind. It was actually pretty good. Nice mild coffee flavor with a sweet strong caramel flavor.