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  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Drybones - - General


    It's hard to beat mocking birds for listening....takes a while to figure out they are mocking birds...they do every other bird you've heard and throw in an ambulance siren to throw you off...one stays in the maple by our deck.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “Hey Katie, can I please have a glass of chocolate milk? [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-foNukLB-5w[/url] ” That is really impressive!One of the stretching exercises I now do daily my physical therapist emphasized keeping things level by saying "don't spill the coffee", but this taking it to a whole another level. ” I do one similar to that each day after work...called don't spill the margarita...pretty challenging when it's filled to the rim...and …

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “While we were hiking in the 100 mile wilderness we got to see a fresh water otter. It didn't hang around long enough to get it's picture taken. ” They are fun to watch, got a pic of one in my back yard, would show it to you but I lost my phone a couple weeks ago on a bike ride on the Blueridge Parkway, had about seven crash into the water beside me when I was paddling a run behind the house, scarred the crap out of me, saw a litter of young ones on the Etowah eating a large…

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from Astro: “REI planning to sell 8 acre headquarters due to move to remote work. www-washingtonpost-com.cdn.amp…commercial-real-estate%2F ” Another article on this from Outside online.outsideonline.com/2416265/rei-…-headquarters-remote-work ” What these articles do not say is that many companies are abandoning Seattle right now because of the lawlessness that is ongoing there now and the prospect of increased taxes to pay for the mess. ” My son's c…

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from roadrunner: “Quote from IMScotty: “An unknown roar? Here are some black bear sounds... youtube.com/watch?v=3o2cMGCMK2c Vs. Moose sounds..... youtube.com/watch?v=--PyKhohVcY ” Yeah, I've listened to tons of recorded animal sounds, including mountain lions; they don't compare...It'll just have to remain a mystery. ” The bear sounds like me sleeping.....the moose...bad case of constipation.

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Three of us drove 8 hours to reach the Art Loeb trailhead to see a sign telling us we could not hike because of bear activity, needless to say we hiked anyway, got caught by a ranger when we crossed the Blueridge Parkway, got a lengthy sermon but he sent us on our way...he was a pretty nice guy.

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    The rangers do a lot of controlled burns in the forest here, only good thing about hiking through them is the wonderful cat holes a dead pine makes when it burns deep into to ground, just kick some dirt in it when you're done and you're on your way.

  • Donation Time

    Drybones - - Site Information


    My daughter's track coach at William $ Mary was a Stimpson....kind of person you want your kids around.

  • Took a walk today

    Drybones - - General


    I lived about 25 miles from Grayson Highlands for five years and never went there until I moved to AL and started hiking.

  • marmite stuffed pizza

    Drybones - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from odd man out: “If we are talking exotic international pizza, I'll nominate Pizza Vulkamen (Valcano Pizza), ranked as on of the top 50 foods in Sweden. It is described as "a visually impressive dish with extra everything – there are pockets of cheese and ham, salami, bacon, and beef tenderloin in a wide ring. Erupting from the center are french fries and a salad with Béarnaise sauce". tasteatlas.com/pizza-vulkanen appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…df8d408852591544623746f9b ” Throw in a loa…

  • Donation Time

    Drybones - - Site Information


    Scottie...did you by any chance have a relative who coached track at William & Mary?

  • It's time for new shoes

    Drybones - - Footwear


    I like the looks of those...buy if they are comfortable I could care less how they look, once covered in mud they all look the same.

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from roadrunner: “It's tough for me to decide which state I like best. I tend to like the southern half from Virginia down, but Maine is special to me, probably because it was my first real hike on the AT. I hiked the entire state from north to south. I saw a lot of neat wildlife and even got roared at, by something I still have no idea what it was all these years later. ” That roaring you heard was the black flies...run like hell!

  • Donation Time

    Drybones - - Site Information


    Scotty...text me your address... 205-587-1371 and I'll send you a check.

  • My most memorable, not actually the meal, but the after desert desert was in Erwin when Uncle Johnny took us in to town for dinner and supplies, we had a big Mexican meal with several beers and apple pie and I bought a loaf of frosted cinnamon raisen bread (18 oz) to take back on the trail. I was sitting on a bench waiting for Johnny to pick me up and thought I'd have a slice of that bread...ate the whole thing...and was still hungry.

  • Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “On Day 34 I hitched into Erwin, TN with 2 other thrus where we did laundry, picked up our mail and wrote letters, and then went to Pizza Hut for pizza and the AYCE salad bar. Everyone is Erwin was very friendly which was the opposite of thier reputation at the time. We then hitched back to Nolichucky Expeditions for cheesecake and strawberry rhubarb pie. At 7:30 pm we started our hiking for the day, headed (with 1 additional hiker) to the first shelter 2…

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from IMScotty: “Wow, you guys are making work hard for this. Here is something to change the subject ” Yeah, it’s the worst part of being a moderator. I haven’t read any of it, not being interested in watching friends fight over stupid shyte. Hopefully, everyone is acting like an adult. ” Acting like an adult is not my strong suit but I've really held it together on this one...and it's been reaaaaly hard.

  • It's time for new shoes

    Drybones - - Footwear


    If you're walking fast enough to do 20-24 miles a day, and one 28, you're slapping the ball of your foot hard against the ground, not bad if it's dirt, rocks eventually beat you up bad, my down sleeping bag hurt to touch my feet, I was hurting so bad one night I seriously thought of crawling away from the shelter to pee...but the ground around the shelter was solid rocks stuck in the ground...wish I could remember which shelter that was...never want to stay there again.

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Trump is already setting the stage to declare the election invalid. And anybody who doesn't see that isn't paying attention. ” The Dems are still calling the 2016 election invalid...if you can't win one steal one.

  • It's time for new shoes

    Drybones - - Footwear


    A good insole is more important to me than the shoe, I replace insoles with one with as high an arch support as I can find, helps the damaged nerves the rocks of north VA and WV gave me.