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  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk



  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk



  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    youtube.com/watch?v=PW10k7sE49o Let Hate Week begin. I was at the ga*e in *aryland with *y son yesterday. I think *y blood pressure is finally back to near nor*al.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Salad pizza is likely to give me cardiac arrest. ” It's likely to cause *e to put so*eone ELSE in cardiac arrest.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=Tcz3VTe_9Xk ” I'll be damned. Something more wrong than pineapple on pizza.

  • Sleeping Bag

    Grinder - - Sleep Systems


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Hey! Thanks for helping me work all this out. ” Always glad to help. Sharing my pack sniffing expertise is what I excel at. Quote from Traffic Jam: “if the shyte hits the fan. ”

  • welcome to the cafe

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “a few days late...but i just saw it. 45055437_10158196089918438_7250525375472599040_n.jpg ”

  • Baseball Thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “why the hell is bud selig in the hall of fame? ” Longevity? Bribery? The fickle and mysterious nature of the HOF voting process?

  • Baseball Thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Any you feel are worthy? ” Rose. No need to explain why.

  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “can georgia beat alabama twice in a month? of course not. ” Unfortunately I have to agree with you.

  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from chief: “Quote from Grinder: “Quote from max.patch: “so all georgia has to do to win the national championship is to beat alabama in the sec championship game, and then beat em again a month later in the playoffs. and the odds of that happening is lottery-esque. ” I'll be an UGA fan like a mofo in both games if it comes to that. Of course, even if 'Bama didn't win the national championship, their fans will add another one to their total just for making the playoffs. If they actually wi…

  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Has anyone noticed that ESPN's NFL Countdown show doesn't get NEARLY the spread of food brought to them that Gameday does? Some guy was handing out individual wrapped something (sammiches of some kind I'd presume) as opposed to the crew of three or four that usually hauls out food for the Gameday group.

  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    While I'm spewing unpopular haterade, can the world please just get OFF of the Brady bandwagon? Is they guy a great QB? Yes. Is he the "GOAT"? Hell mothereffing no. All week I've been hearing "Brady vs. Rodgers" about the Sh*triots-Packers game today. Okay fine. Let's let them go out there and play it one on one. Then we'll find out how much better Rodgers is when he wipes the field with Brady's punk a$$. "But Brady's played in eight Super Bowls and won five." No, Brady's TEAM has. Put HIM on th…

  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “so all georgia has to do to win the national championship is to beat alabama in the sec championship game, and then beat em again a month later in the playoffs. and the odds of that happening is lottery-esque. ” I'll be an UGA fan like a mofo in both games if it comes to that. Of course, even if 'Bama didn't win the national championship, their fans will add another one to their total just for making the playoffs. If they actually win it, the fans will add two or three to …

  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    My heart rate and BP tend to elevate during Buckeye games, whether it's going well or badly. I'm either hopping up and down screaming happy, or hopping up and down screaming pissed off.

  • the football thread

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    That Buckeye game had to be the most painful win I've ever witnessed. Holy crap what a bad season for my blood pressure!

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Cool lookin' ride, TJ!

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “Nobody cares about the color of a car that much. ” Maybe in TJ's case. I get looks and comments all the time and I KNOW it's the color of the car, not me. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…bc08142d6d2809063385491d1

  • Crotch Pot

    Grinder - - Cooking Gear


    I think I'd rather carry a cast iron skillet and a bundle of wood to make a fire. Or a generator and electric stove. Or stay home.

  • Country

    Grinder - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “wouldn't know who this was...until he opened his mouth. youtube.com/watch?v=yWloaxXWv0g ” And started singing through his nose. ”