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  • welcome to the cafe

    BirdBrain - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Rasty: “Contributing to the delinquency of a rodent” i think the last thing you want to do is give the campsite vermin the munchies” One of the many reasons I quit the stuff back in 1980. I have enough trouble with food without the munchies.

  • Inspiration

    BirdBrain - - Trip Planning


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…6ea77acb49cd3ae8bf8e34819 I do not know if this will inspire anyone else. It is my life verse. For me, this is the most inspirational verse in the Bible. It sums up why every event in my life happens. I see what He is doing and therefore know how I am supposed to react.

  • Having done the top 4, I am surprised they listed Madison as the hardest. I thought Mooselauke or the Wildcats were both harder than Madison. I thought Osgood was manageable. For me, Bemis to Hall was the toughest stretch I have faced so far. But that ain't a day hike.

  • Are you saying you won't be drinking on your next hike or does it have something to do with the snowmobile? Sorry. I can't insert an "I am kidding" smiley face from my phone.

  • Alcohol Stoves

    BirdBrain - - Cooking Gear


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…6ea77acb49cd3ae8bf8e34819 appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…6ea77acb49cd3ae8bf8e34819 Does anyone else want one? If so, PM me your address, height of current stand (desired distance from the ground to the bottom of your pot if you don't have a stand), and diameter of stove. This stand is designed for center burner stoves. It will not work properly for side burners or stoves with large diameters. Okay.... I will say it.... it is designed for the eCHS. However, it will …

  • Quote from hikerboy: “ you're doing it wrong!!! bb i do a fair share of overplanning, feeling it gives me knowledge to change plans whenever i need to or want to.so when i say i wing it, its only because ive done a fair share of homework for me to do it.” I hate to break it to you (tongue in cheek), but I consider you to be one of the more prudent planners on this site. You are one of my many E. F. Hutton's on this site. When you post an opinion, I listen. I do so because I know you have looked …

  • Post number 4000. 4000 = 4 x 10 x 10 x 10. 4 is the number of my obsession. 10 is the number of all. When something is repeated 3 times, it is done for emphasis. None of this matters to normal people. I suspect there are a few abnormal people here that will appreciate the symmetry. I have hopes that a post of this importance will say something provocative or inspirational (depending on your mindset). So here we go.... The goal (in the context of this site) is the trail. As such, the secondary go…

  • Inspiration

    BirdBrain - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Da Wolf: “"blue-blazin' is like jerkin' off. everyone does it but no one admits to it"” I admit to it. Blue-blazing that is. I blue-blaze to every 4000' hill within 2 miles of the AT and to every vista within reason and then walk back to where I left off. Now if you are blue-blazing to avoid a tough spot on the AT, then I understand your point. On both counts I would say it is none of my business what other people do, but I prefer the real thing.

  • hiking plans 2015

    BirdBrain - - Trip Planning


    Norwich to Maine Jct for a shakedown (3 days). Then NoBo Long Trail (25 days). Dates not determined, but will be some time after camping, fishing, and sailing. Shakedown likely end of June. Start Long Trail likely mid July. After that, likely retire from hiking more than 3 days at a time. Too many other things on my bucket list and not enough years to do it all.

  • Favorite Trail Food

    BirdBrain - - Trail Chefs


    I only eat 2 meals on the trail. Sugary oatmeal for breakfast and mac-n-cheese for supper. Same routine every day. No variety. Given that they do not change, I guess you could say they are my favorites. I could list my snacks eaten while walking. However, that was not your question and they would all be equally boring and redundant as my meals.

  • Alcohol Stoves

    BirdBrain - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from TrafficJam: “BB, thank you so much for my stove, it's a work of art. It has a special shelf in my studio.” I got a beautiful rug in the mail today. No matter how much junk I mail out, I can never seem to keep up with the generosity of others. Thank you TJ. By the way, you will be getting a couple stands for your eCHS stoves as soon as I get more material to build them.” I'm glad you like the rug...I was happy to get it off the loom and no…

  • Alcohol Stoves

    BirdBrain - - Cooking Gear


    The alcohol stove discussion suffers from a confusion between power and efficiency. Also, many people equate a homemade alcohol stove system with a cat food can and a piece of tinfoil. I should note that choosing a powerful stove like a jetboil or a simple stove like a supercat is neither ignorant, nor stupid. It is just a choice. There are very compelling reason to choose a jetboil or supercat. You have to be a little touched to spend months straining over a gram of fuel as some of us do. Havin…

  • Alcohol Stoves

    BirdBrain - - Cooking Gear


    I have seen similar results. If you have an efficient system that defines the environment, weather conditions matter little. The eCHS is the bomb. It runs fine sitting in a snowbank. Thermal conductivity is largely irrelevant when the fuel is not burning in the bowl. Having a good screen is another huge step toward defeating the elements. An air gap is a fantastic insulator if it is not moving rapidly away from what it is insulating. Good job OMO. Spread the word. You have the best stove possibl…

  • How do we assess "experience"?

    BirdBrain - - General


    Great perspective. That clears up a lot for me and likely states much of what was obvious to others.

  • How do we assess "experience"?

    BirdBrain - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “bb the wind was coming in from the nw.she would have had a difficult time, if not impossible to get back to the hut from star lake.” I understand. It is shocking that she made it to the top of Madison. I can't imagine what she faced up there. When I was there, the wind was only about 40mph. I had a hard time walking in some spots. When I got to the hut, the wind was almost gone. Wind direction was obviously much different on my walk. Just researched it in case my memory was…

  • How do we assess "experience"?

    BirdBrain - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “ if you're talking about madison hut, its locked tight.she had gone past the hut and was found near star lake. once she was past the hut, the wind would have prevented her from going back.” I am referring to Madison Hut. I understand that she would have to do damage to get in. If memory serves, the climb over Madison is much more difficult than the walk to Star Lake. I feel a fool second guessing her. I am sure she didn't choose this end. I just doesn't add up in my mind. T…

  • How do we assess "experience"?

    BirdBrain - - General


    Quote from Rasty: “The only equipment related information I saw was she didn't have any type of shelter.” There is a huge shelter between Adams and Madison. All you have to do is go to the lowest point between the two. That is the part I don't get. There has to be something I am missing. I have not read all the stories, but wasn't she found in that area? The hut is not hard to find. I am pretty sure I could find it blindfolded if I was in that area. It is directly between the two hills. I would …

  • How do we assess "experience"?

    BirdBrain - - General


    Quote from TrafficJam: “My lack of experience makes me very cautious.” There are a pile of people that lack experience, but are not cautious. I would contend that it is not your experience level that makes you cautious. You are cautious because you are wise. I will let others assign attributes to people who are not cautious regardless of their experience level.

  • Alcohol Stoves

    BirdBrain - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from TrafficJam: “BB, thank you so much for my stove, it's a work of art. It has a special shelf in my studio.” I got a beautiful rug in the mail today. No matter how much junk I mail out, I can never seem to keep up with the generosity of others. Thank you TJ. By the way, you will be getting a couple stands for your eCHS stoves as soon as I get more material to build them.

  • Alcohol Stoves

    BirdBrain - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from BirdBrain: “Two stands ready to go. They will be in the mail to Camden soon. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…6ea77acb49cd3ae8bf8e34819” Man, she is going to be carrying quite a load! ^^” One of the those stands is staying in Maine. Violet will only be taking half of the stuff I sent to her. Half of it belongs to her. Of course she could take hers with her I suppose.