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  • Hiking & Biking

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from Ewok11: “I don't begrudge anyone whatever kind of exercise they're getting, indoor or outdoor. I'm in Idaho where the whole concept of the "Idaho Stop" started, in a town with bike lanes and still people don't get it. I tried zigzagging through neighborhoods but man oh man, I always seem to hit trash day. So, regular traffic, plus trashcans, plus street-side parking and it just isn't worth the stress level. I applaud the people who make it work. I also think the city I live in doesn't…

  • Hiking & Biking

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Yesterday I rode my bicycle to work and home with no problems. Today as I'm wheeling it across a parking lot, on my way to my local bike shop I see the rear wheel has quite a wobble. The plan was to replace the stem with an adjustable one, to raise the bars a little, but now the rear wheel needs to be trued, or possibly replaced because it's that bad. I don't remember hitting any big holes or bumps, it's a mystery to me. ” Quote from jimmyjam: “I'm still a daredevil riding …

  • What Are You Reading?

    Dan76 - - Books


    Awaiting Frankopan’s ‘The Silk Roads, A New History of the World’ on the local library’s reserve list. However while doing so, started L. T. Ryan's Jack Noble series. Very lightweight summer reading. May not continue reading the series.

  • Whiskey Thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Was given a half full bottle of Fireball...a cinnamon enhanced whiskey. It does wonders as an added ingredient for apple pie. Not so much for sippin.

  • Baseball Thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Class act.

  • Hiking Buddies

    Dan76 - - Trail Dogs


    While I frequently hike overnight with a mature canine companion, I don’t take her on extended hikes involving challenging landscapes or the potential for weather extremes. Kudos for the rescuers. Hopefully the hikers will make a sizeable contribution to a tribute BBQ in gratitude.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Dan76 - - General


    You use a good headlight. Had one for several months until it was lifted during a library stop. Should have removed it prior.

  • Hiking Plans 2018

    Dan76 - - Trip Planning


    Quote from jimmyjam: “I'm going to do something, I just don't know what or when. How's that for a plan? ” One of the NCOs that worked with us was fond of saying ‘Plan A goes to he.. with the landing of the first mortar round, than you’d better have a Plan B, C, and at times a D. However my hiking plans have not survived the events of the past few years. Therefore it’s been a catch as I can.

  • Similar experience in southern Missouri. The floating tent concept appears to require sufficient anchoring to prevent a stiff breeze from propelling It across a lake.

  • Country

    Dan76 - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Jake Ace: “Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from Astro: “Other than a little bit of guitar when I was 12, unfortunately all I ever really learned to play was the stereo. ” To this day I still play the radio in the car ” it’s that other thing that no one talks about ” Not according to the Mormon Words of Wisdom. ” whatta they say -- yae or nay? ” Those folks are highly against such activity. In fact, starting at age 12 each youth is privately interv…

  • Country

    Dan76 - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Quote from Jake Ace: “Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from Astro: “Other than a little bit of guitar when I was 12, unfortunately all I ever really learned to play was the stereo. ” To this day I still play the radio in the car ” it’s that other thing that no one talks about ” Not according to the Mormon Words of Wisdom.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Spent much of yesterday hiking in an area previously known as Bears Ears National Momument prior to shrinking. Temps were high 90s. On the way to Moab, saw this interesting rock formation. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…f11e567585ef4374bae665fde

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Raining it's butt off here, second day in a row. Supposed to rain for the next two days. I wish I had set up one of my tarps in the backyard so I could go get under it and listen to the rain. I guess I'm a little wierd like that. Anybody else like the rain like that? ” Like the sound of rain pelting a metal roof. Used to sleep in a hammock on a porch with such a roof.

  • Ice Age Trail - Southern Wisconsin

    Dan76 - - Other Trails


    I've studied it for a possible extended hike, but I wish to thru the AT prior to another major hike. And yes it poses the challenge of considerable road walking. But Wisconsin does offer great brats, cheese, and other foods. I also hear the beer is not too bad.

  • The Golf thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Early in his career, I followed him because I met his Dad.

  • A few years back, I was an assistant GS leader for a Dutch troop. The reasons why I ended up in this position are myriad. Lots of fun experiences. The girls learned, as well as I.

  • Baseball Thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Cubs snowed out...and I had tickets.

  • Campmor might be in trouble

    Dan76 - - General


    Just a few years ago, I recall reading the Campmor paper catalog, marking items for further research. The well used Kelty down bag came from Csmpmor as will as several items of base and outer wear.

  • Baseball Thread

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Pleased to read the Red Sox are doing well. 8-1 record.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Appease a bit naive as she's not a member of the ATC.