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  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    grayblazer - - Coffee Talk


    I was just at two other hiking websites and they don't seem to be doing much. There were no new posts in days on one and uninteresting posts on the other. This site is da bomb as the kids say. I think I'm gonna move my gallery here. Can I do that yet?

  • It would take us 2 days just to make it in one direction (5-7 miles per day), but we can always turn around at that gnarly tree which, along with the state line, is all I wanted to see anyway. I don't mind retracing my steps for a few miles, but when it gets to full days it seems like wasted energy somehow.[/quote] HYOH. That is a beautiful section. The hike up the hill into NC is not as bad as people say it is and it's pretty flat after that into Deep Gap. The tent sites on the ridge above the …

  • The Dicks Creek/Deep Gap might be scrapped for a better option.[/quote] You could easily do that in and back in two and a half days. Start at either end. That's a great hike. Camp on the ridge near the shelter in NC.

  • I realize that I am not helping you. I don't understand why everybody pays for shuttles. It does makes sense to shuttle if you have two cars. I guess I'm a cheap bastard. I usually hike one way for one, two, three or four days and then come back the way I came. Does anybody else do this? Am I doing it wrong again? Will I be banned? One time I did hitch hike back up to Carvers Gap from the town of Roan Mountain. That was an easy direct hitch.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    grayblazer - - General


    Quote from TrainWreck: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…01953341cda873e724dbd9f49” Everybody hates us for the Gore/Bush debacle and George Zimmerman verdict. What's a little weather. Stop drinking that hater-aid. It might only get up to 69 in G-ville today. What's up with Francis (lighten up) being the man of the year? By not picking the Prez, (again) doesn't that prove they (Time Magazine) are racists? LOL What say you, Rotag?

  • the football thread

    grayblazer - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trillium: “Quote from grayblazer: “Feel sorry for me. I'm from Tampa Bay. Then we had Grudin come and screw things up and it's not been the same since they got rid of Dungee.” How has Will Gholston DE been doing this season?” I'm not sure. For some reason they have not been showing a lot of Buc games. Even the t-shirts are going for $2. Fickle fans.

  • the football thread

    grayblazer - - Coffee Talk


    Feel sorry for me. I'm from Tampa Bay. Then we had Grudin come and screw things up and it's not been the same since they got rid of Dungee.

  • Quote from TrainWreck: “We need to get Dogwood over here too.” ... and my Fl buddies Chief Duffy and Moytoy, please.

  • Short Walks with Coach Lou

    grayblazer - - Trip Report


    Good stuff. We're prolly going to Torreya State Park, FL next week. That's as close as you can get to feeling like you're in NC in FL. I'll post some pics after I go. Our goal is to try and make it to Ron Haven's Fool's Bash next spring. ATM, how far are you from Torreya or Chipley?

  • Hiking NH

    grayblazer - - Trip Planning


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from grayblazer: “Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Now tell the rest of the story about the original Willey house! Quote from grayblazer: “The Willey House in Crawford Notch was run by my ancestors. If you have time, the hike up Mt Willey is awesome and steep with a good view of the Webster Cliffs and Mt Washington. My Dad, my son and I hiked up Mt Willey together in the 90's. Pretty cool. Three Willeys on Mt Willey.” ” Now here is the rest of the story ... http://www.roo…

  • Hiking NH

    grayblazer - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…01953341cda873e724dbd9f49 View from Mt Willey looking at Webster & southern presidentials” Love that spot. My Dad, my son and I were there at the same time. I reread that story and the locals reported that there was more damage to the Presidentials from that one night of storms than there had been for 100 years.

  • Hiking NH

    grayblazer - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Now tell the rest of the story about the original Willey house! Quote from grayblazer: “The Willey House in Crawford Notch was run by my ancestors. If you have time, the hike up Mt Willey is awesome and steep with a good view of the Webster Cliffs and Mt Washington. My Dad, my son and I hiked up Mt Willey together in the 90's. Pretty cool. Three Willeys on Mt Willey.” ” Now here is the rest of the story ... http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nhcarrol/bios2/willey.htm

  • Hiking NH

    grayblazer - - Trip Planning


    The Willey House in Crawford Notch was run by my ancestors. If you have time, the hike up Mt Willey is awesome and steep with a good view of the Webster Cliffs and Mt Washington. My Dad, my son and I hiked up Mt Willey together in the 90's. Pretty cool. Three Willeys on Mt Willey.

  • Quote from Hikermom: “Quote from Rasty: “Can someone tell Lone Wolf his email bounced back to me for some reason. Might be why he hasn't been able to register.” Do you want me to talk to him? ... I can. FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!! Karen Bennett Dillard can talk to David Lone Wolf Blair.” :sick: Now you really messed up. No one's supposed to know his name.

  • Quote from milkman: “Quote from DeerHunter: “Thanks, ATM. How are your knees? Have you gotten them operated on yet?” Nope. After consulting with the surgeon I'm putting it off for a while. I opted out for a series 5 injections over a 5 week period to replace the fluid in my knees. Right knee feels good, left is getting there. Been getting electric stimulation along with ultrasound and rehab machines. I'm about 4 weeks in now. Got in the pool today and swam 500 yds. Feelin' optimistic. Will be te…

  • Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from rocksNsocks: “Toli, might you make the harriman trip?” Man, my pack is going to be heavy.....winter gear, cheesecake, travel chess set, pepe.........I better borrow Tipi's Mystery Ranch!” You, they think I'm bringing my Uke, hehe appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…01953341cda873e724dbd9f49 but someone else can bring the bullets, i gotta draw the line somewhere” That's a very fine fiddle indeed!

  • Quote from aficion: “When I got 2 threads closed at once, two weeks ago, one in the humor thread, for absolutely nothing, I applied for the name Gator Bait, just for fun, which was initially approved. I was astounded. But before I could post I got pmed and told to cease and desist. Had to laugh it off. Glad you guys got your shit together.” He has no sense of humor. On the other hand he thinks he's a riot.

  • Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from ChooChooTrain: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from milkman: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from milkman: “Hey there Drybones. Go Auburn! Dammit!” Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then.” Go State, Michigan that is.” My thoughts exactly...but I won't say where to go...I'm not convinced there's not a moderator lurking out there.” Y'all are big boys now. You don't need a nanny. Forum Rules 1 through 7 pretty much cover the bases.” I think the rules stink. Wait a …

  • Quote from Astro: “GB, I love the Captain Ron for your Avatar. Great movie! :)” My #1 Fave!

  • Useless Tool checking in. I had thought Rasty might have been "spanked" Heck, Gator banned me for life (you know what a piece of $hi+ I am) . I had to find ATTroll's email and beg him to get back in. You think Gator's overworked? I tried to come back as a sock puppet on my work computer and he put a stop to that. Good to see the gang's slowly showing up. I will be up on the AT for spring break. Maybe even Ron's Bash in Franklin now that I think the HHQ's Hobos might not be out to hurt me. Good o…