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Search results 101-120 of 124.

  • Re:To write or not.

    Just Bill - - General


    Swinger story 1, or swinger story 2? any other requests?

  • Re:Re: gear lists

    Just Bill - - Gear


    http://www.amazon.com/1-5-INCH-Leukotape-Sportstape-76168/dp/B000GCPWI2/ref=pd_sim_hpc_1/186-2906013-8018660 Amazon is an easy spot- but a good sports store, running shop, etc may have some locally. It's cloth tape for taping ankles, but it actually sticks to things. Basically band-aid tape before all the crybabies got involved and got more worried about band-aids being "ouchless" rather than being functional first aid devices. But hey- if you're bandaids didn't fall off you wouldn't need to buy…

  • Quote from jimmyjam: “maybe I'll just have to suck it up and buy a dehydrator or buy some from Packitgroumet.” More and more I am coming to the realization that a dehydrator is a fantastic thing to have if you have a garden or source of cheap seasonal produce. I tried the complete meals approach and got sick of it since it all turns into a uniformly flavored item after a few months of storage, one reason most commercial stuff is either Italian, chili, or spicy. I do the individual stuff and buil…

  • Re:Re: gear lists

    Just Bill - - Gear


    HB- Not sure if you ever tried Leukotape? amazon.com/1-5-INCH-Leukotape-…6-2906013-8018660 http:// It has replaced all my tapes, moleskins, etc. I didn't see repair items on your list- but I bring about a half roll of leukotape these days. I roll it on a mini bic to keep some handy for any hot spots or small cuts. I roll the rest of the half roll on a drinking straw with about 60yds of 2" gauze to make up my first aid kit. Just cut bandy aids to size as needed. Thread a needle with a few yards o…

  • Sawyer Squeeze

    Just Bill - - General


    Quote from LoboSolo: “how about not filtering or treating” I never filter or treat my busch light.

  • Re:To write or not.

    Just Bill - - General


    Everyone wants to make some money doing what they love- I hope I can find a way. Hell if Cheryl strayed gets paid- why not me or mike or you HB If not- I agree- you do it because you want to. If it pays out- awesome. If not- you helped out. Like life in general- do what you love and things will work out. I have seriously considered your idea Rasty- a "book" style online site would/should do well and fill a void. It would either need to be closed to comment, or relatively locked down. But if it w…

  • Re:Sawyer Squeeze

    Just Bill - - General


    L&F and the rest of you- Screw sawyer. Anecdotally speaking- I find it hard to believe that putting 50lbs of body weight on a bag and flushing ½ liter of water is less effective than putting 2 ounces of water in a syringe. From my experience as an owner of an anti-freeze recycling company- volume is really the main concern when flushing a filter, not PSI. You only need enough incoming pressure to overcome the backpressure of the clogged filter. If you are horribly concerned- mimic the action of …

  • Sawyer Squeeze

    Just Bill - - General


    Back to work- squeeze ya later. Back to the regularly scheduled gif.011 gif.005

  • Re:Naming a child

    Just Bill - - General


    Quote from Rasty: “Bill needs an avatar” Feel free- I probably won't have time to post my garden gnome on acid picture anytime soon. I promise to follow my dad's advice and not get butt hurt like my mom if you pick a bad one.

  • Re:Re: Re:Naming a child

    Just Bill - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Looks like he disappeared again. Perhaps I need to create another poll to to pull him out of the woodwork (or woods as the case may be).” I think you and I have to avoid "woodwork" and "another poll" for awhile buddy.

  • To write or not.

    Just Bill - - General


    Sigh- I need to hurry. Mike- I am doing the same thing. There is a distinct lack of "how to" books of any value. Kephart, Fletcher, Jardine- those are the only quality books I can think of. In the digital age there is a need for a book that aren't so whiz bang fast. If there was a good book out there WB wouldn't be so busy. Skurka's book could have been one, but I have heard it was edited down for consumption by the masses. He was certainly qualified but his book got the "backpacker magazine" tr…

  • Re:Re: Re:Naming a child

    Just Bill - - General


    Just in time- Wife is waffling on Avery. We did settle on Alana for a girl- so the initials AT still have a 50/50 shot at least.

  • Re:Sawyer Squeeze

    Just Bill - - General


    This is a serious post- so additional making fun of is probably required- but looked like time for the know it all in me to chime in- The sawyer squeeze is the best filter technology available at this time. Assuming you want a filter (versus chemical, UV, au natural, or other) then you can't go wrong- mostly. I own and have used all of the above- I prefer a filter because of the speed, lack of chemicals, and because I like to mix drinks other than plain water. Problems- It cannot be allowed to f…

  • Naming a child

    Just Bill - - General


    My first kid was a no brainer- I'm a third, my firstborn was a boy, I'm an egomaniac, so he's the fourth. Easy as the C&O towpath. Child number two though... I'll take suggestions- but my wife and I had a deal- since I picked the first one, she picks the second. Girl names are pretty easy to pick, but boy's names are tricky, especially as we don't want to go with the standard Tom, Dick, and Hairy names. But the purpose of this thread is to discuss a specific name- out of left field she pitched o…

  • Introduce Yourself

    Just Bill - - General


    Well Astro- sorry for the mix up- When choosing to spend time online or in the company of swingers I've found you just have to accept that you're occasionally going to end up in an awkward situation with another dude. Happy B-day socks! Life in the trades will beat you down, glad you're out. The carpenters here have a saying- "30 years in and your out, 5 years out and you're in the ground." Stay active my friend!

  • Warren Doyle answers questions

    Just Bill - - General


    Warren- Thanks for popping on this site- next time you're on- a serious question. I've recently heard about some colleges offering backpacking courses, even a degree in backpacking? I freely admit I don't know much about your work in the academic world but I would be greatly interested to hear your opinion on these programs and if they have the potential to be a legitimate career path? I am curious to hear your thoughts- Are courses/universities exploring these programs? Is this a growing trend,…

  • Introduce Yourself

    Just Bill - - General


    Why is a ginger the default picture anyway- who set up this bullshit site. gif.003

  • Introduce Yourself

    Just Bill - - General


    Actually I remind myself of this guy- http://www.runbum.com/?page_id=507

  • Introduce Yourself

    Just Bill - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Just Bill: “Quote from hikerboy: “i had a ford tempo. it performs at its best on blocks.” Says the guy who PM'd me with a great deal on a used tempo so he could fund his hike.” you look like tintin” Sadly snowy passed away.

  • Introduce Yourself

    Just Bill - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “i had a ford tempo. it performs at its best on blocks.” Says the guy who PM'd me with a great deal on a used tempo so he could fund his hike.