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Search results 81-100 of 214.

  • Should I be Worried?

    PaulMags - - General


    I did my first solo backpacking trip when I was 22. It was New Hampshire as well. Mom was convinced I was going to die... Twenty years later, she still gets nervous when I take off for solo hikes. Your daughter will be fine. And so will you. You are just being a good dad.

  • Since land management agencies are generally conservative, I suspect that bear *canisters* will be required on the first 450 miles on the AT in the near future. So it goes. Hell, Canyonlands NP (red rock desert) requires them now. Yeesh....

  • Dumb question... Is it possible to moth-ball the rest of the hotel and just keep the restaurant and bar open? Seems the bar/restaurant is semi-profitable at least. The lodging just seems to drain what little profit is made from the bar. Just one idea. As I said, may or may not be realistic.

  • ULA mesh repair

    PaulMags - - Packs


    Quote from Foresight: “I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that the mesh and bushwhacking are incompatible. ” Pretty much. Chris from ULA is great with customer service. For a small fee, he can (and has) sewn on the robic fabric to make a a heavier duty pocket. If I did more bushwhacking, as opposed to the more benign off-trail hiking here, I'd seriously consider it. Something to think about anyway for the future. re: Frogg Toggs Even more so! :O

  • Quote from Woo: “Not much difference between NH and CO. ” The weather, plant life, terrain, ground cover and many more places are vastly different. NH is far more difficult for backcountry skiing and off-trail travel than CO. Wetter, too. Even in the summer, Colorado is much cooler and drier. And so on. Sure you spent time in either place? smile.png Being serious, I have not backpacked in NH since 2008 (though I did quite a bit for my formative backpacking) I was curious as to how important is b…

  • Quote from Foresight: “You have to go to school to be a Catholic? ” Nope. But it helps with becoming an ex-Catholic many years later. Quote from WOO: “Mags - you already know the answer... DWO Doesn't kill anything - simply repels insects. ” I don't even know what DWO means [1] Nor do I wish to kill insects per se. And, come to think of it, you really didn't answer my question about current conditions in NH either. Which I sure as hell wound't ask if I knew the answer. [1] I have former co-worke…

  • I remember how muggy it gets in the summer even up higher...so I really did NOT want to wear the long sleeve/pants combo. :O I'll do the permethrin treatment on clothing then before I take off.

  • I bought my plane ticket have my vacation time approved for July. Visiting the family in RI and meeting my new niece who is expected in mid-June. Hopefully she looks like the mother and not my brother. I will be spending four days in NH first and backpacking in the Whites. My buddy and I from Catholic school will be catching up while enjoying some of the best scenery back East. Question: With the prevalence of Lyme disease in my old neck the woods, should I wear long sleeves and pants for this t…

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “Are pine nuts kitniyot? ” Technically not a legume, so I suspect so. toriavey.com/what-foods-are-kosher-for-passover/

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Drybones: “That cheesy, pizza looking thing made my mouth water and I just finished dinner. ” Called a frittata. Quiche w/o the crust. I made one last night for my friend's Passover dinner. Roasted some pinenuts that I sprinkled over it. Came out rather well, I thought.

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from JimBlue: “I don't eat the things my Norse ancestors ate either ” The food my very recent ancestors is quite good, luckily. Typical lunch at Grandma's growing up after I shoveled her driveway.... I suspect Coach Lou may have had similar food! ng_whitebeansoup2.jpg frittata1.jpg sausage-and-peppers.jpg

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “I'm reluctant to write this, but I grew up with sauce or marinara ” In all seriousness, the sauce vs. gravy is just in good fun. Really should be called ragu. But our ancestors just did a rough translation for the 'Merigans. So here we are. I still say 'gravy' when I am feeling ethnic however.

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “On a selfish note, I assume that your absence means that P.O.D. will never correctly pronounce my name again? ” Mr DiLorenzo may be able to help with that. (Though, I did grow up more ethnic. He called it pasta and sauce rather than the more correct macaroni and gravy. )

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from PaulMags: “Quote from Foresight: “I deleted TTS from my list. ” Me too... ” I wasn't kidding... pmags.com/so-long-to-the-trail-show

  • Quote from CoachLou: “Quote: “ ” skalkahosteakhouse.com/ Just 20 miles off the CDT!!! ” Nice... It is quite possible I am moving to Bozeman, MT later this year...have to add it to the list.

  • Trail Groove Magazine

    PaulMags - - Books


    Just digital. A PDF version can be downloaded for a fee.

  • Best place for steak on a trail? This one... dinerhunter.com/2015/06/27/the-peat-bar-lima-montana/

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Foresight: “I deleted TTS from my list. ” Me too...

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    What I found interesting is the American long-distance hiker mindset (Have to connect very footsteps on this arbitrarily defined trail) vs the International trekkers mindset (I'm on holiday. Why the hell do I want to walk a road? Screw it. I'm hitching) Either method has validity. The differences, to me, were interesting.

  • Podcasts....

    PaulMags - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “I'm behind on the Trail Show. Downloaded the current one this morning and will listen tomorrow. It sounds like a good one cuz Disco and P.O.D are hiking the Te Araroa. ” The first half was tough for them. The second half they enjoyed. The 2nd part is coming out the 20th. So good timing.