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Search results 121-140 of 214.

  • Country

    g00gle - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • Quote from socks: “One thing I'll say is the land we live in is vast, many forget this...as small a world as it is, there is still much land to get lost in. ” Yup! I got lost in Los Angeles one time. My life hasn't been the same since. Man... The things you see! But nobody wants to believe you. You try to describe the fear and the shock, but words just don't do it justice. Thank God I didn't stumble over to U.C. Berkley! I hear some people have never made it back from there...

  • Quote from grayblazer: “I've never seen a UFO, but because a lot of people don't believe me and actually tell me I'm a liar, I don't discount the UFO stories. ” I know how ya feel... I haven't seen congress do a damn thing worthwhile since I can remember - but every election year, I just hang head my head and head for the polls like everyone else.

  • Fake bacon flavored vegan crap

    g00gle - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from JimBlue: “No list of ingredients... so, is it made out of old leather jackets ? ” If I had to guess... I'd say hormone-free, grain fed communists.

  • Fake bacon flavored vegan crap

    g00gle - - Trail Chefs


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/5048/ amazon.com/CMMG-Tactical-Cooked-Bacon-9-Ounce/dp/B003RC5FQ2

  • Forgotten History of Americans Parks

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “It's really the same sort of attitude that means that the guy who offers me a lift and won't accept gas money had better check his seat cushions after I get out, or that the hostelkeeper who accepts a 'suggested' donation may find that I've left double, because I'm "not hurtin'", find it still cheap at the price, and want to cover for the last guy that stiffed him. It's the same thing that motivates me to trash out the firepit, clean the waterbar, or move the blowdown. …

  • Privy v. Cat hole

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from Drybones: “Since my knees don't let me squat that low, there are special logistics required, if a privy isn't available I need a log, I'm building my triceps taking dumps, it's going to be really schmitty if my hands ever slip and I land in...you know what. ” Before today, I had never actually put a visual to the term, "S**t and fall back in it."

  • How far do you go before you go?

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from Dan76: “Bear in mind the distance removed from the trail varies dependant upon terrain, vegetation, and of course the presence of any easily offended parties. ” Agreed. Because of the areas I usually have available for hiking, conscious concern is evenly split - environmentally and socially.

  • Was never really a "musicals" kind of guy, but my wife introduced me to some things that weren't too bad. Les Misérables was one. Wicked was another. The original version of Rent was far better than I would've expected. And, God help me, if you've never seen Avenue Q - then don't. Once you see Avenue Q, there's just no going back (those who've seen it know exactly what I mean!)

  • the baxter debate continues

    g00gle - - Appalachian Trail


    Quote from rafe: “My experience with Baxter State Park predates most of my AT miles. I tend to side with BSP in the latest bru-ha-ha. I have fond memories of nights at Chimney Pond, hikes over Knife Edge and Cathedral, and even Daicey Pond (years later) -- before the AT got rerouted away from there. I don't doubt that the enforcement is uneven. Yes, I can see how one might think Bissell was being a jerk. Jurek was using social media to the hilt, with 160 thousand followers. Bissell must have fel…

  • My First Deer

    g00gle - - Hiking Humor


    Back when I was just a Yahoo (bad search engine humor) I was over to my bosses house watching a tragic documentary (Cleveland Indians baseball game) in the evening. The boss was a turkey hunter and like to carve his own call boxes. So he was working on that thing all through the game and when I went to leave later on, I discovered that one of his better neighbors had left a frozen turkey siting on the steps. Funniest thing ever!

  • Forgotten History of Americans Parks

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “Precisely. I know I've profited greatly from unearned privilege, and that's shameful. And I understand that the privilege is founded in bloody history. ” I have to respectfully disagree with this notion. If you had personally stepped on the backs of others for your own advancement, than would be shameful, brother. But where and what you were born in to was no more under your control than those born in to far less fortunate circumstances. I find no shame in simply being …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “I live in Microspikes in the winter up here, but yes, pavement does a number on them. I plan to replace them about every 3-4 years. If you don't need as agressive a spike, Stabilicers hold up better than Yaktrax and the cleats can be replaced. Yaktrax are all right for shoveling the driveway, I suppose. They are not suitable for the trails around here. Period. What is suitable varies with trail conditions. On a typical winter trip I may be carrying Microspikes, mountain…

  • My First Deer

    g00gle - - Hiking Humor



  • bad bar-be-que

    g00gle - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “All BBQ sucks. ” appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/5047/

  • Forgotten History of Americans Parks

    g00gle - - General


    Yes, but the real question is... What is their opinion on Scott Jurek??? Sorry, couldn't resist. * ...tucks tail and runs for the door.

  • Quote from max.patch: “i posted this a couple years ago. Quote from max.patch: “TED NUGENT INTERVIEW....1977...have a look inside the mind of a man that proclaims himself to be a patriot, but here he tells how he got a 4F.... Nugent is a self admitted draft dodger. Interviewer: How did you get out of the draft? Ted Nugent: Ted was a young boy, appearing to be a hippie but quite opposite in fact, working hard and playing hard, playing rock and roll like a deviant. People would question my sanity,…

  • Quote from Trillium: “I was a thespian in HS. ” Thankfully nobody here discriminates. Okay, seriously, I'm familiar with Les Miz and that was pretty awesome!

  • Site Improvements

    g00gle - - Site Information


    Quote from Rasty: “click on more options ” For some reason it's always far more appealing when someone tells me NOT to click on something... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/5046/

  • whats the weather where you are?

    g00gle - - General


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from g00gle: “Amazingly, it's a balmy 60* right now on the coast of Lake Erie. Downtown Cleveland is probably just a touch warmer cause of the traffic, people, etc. We just haven't had a very hot summer. That makes me worry about the winter. Especially with that super duper El Niño system sitting out West. Anyone think that El Niño thing is gonna have much effect on an East Coast winter? Trying to figure out if I'm gonna need to pack extra sleep gear and Yak-Trax or s…