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Search results 121-140 of 148.

  • Wow an S&M thread, The Cafe Rocks. 50 shades is everywhere.

  • the football thread

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    So it appears they sure are investigating the crap out of the Inflatriots. I thought for sure they would slip it in fine print during the free agent thing. Maybe they are waiting for a news story about a linebacker NOT beating his wife or Hernandez walking.

  • Quote from socks: “Yeah I don't get coming to a dog forum with noting but criticism.” You know, you're right, that's why it's called the dog forum. However, I cannot help futile attempts to get back for the teeth in my legs.

  • Quote from Drybones: “Blue Jay La Fey What can I say He did it all wrong Up to his last da” Impressive

  • One more thing, I adore hiking alone. I am well aware of the danger. If I die, please feel free to make up anything you want.

  • What is it about the net that draws people to rail against those who cannot defend themselves? Possibly the fact that it is soooo easy to pile on the dead. Believe me I love to argue, however I require an adversary.

  • Quote from LDog: “Nah, that's bullh*t. If anyone thinks that a place like Kincora can be left to run on autopilot with the assumption that hikers will do the right thing, well then he's a fool, because we know a large percentage of them won't.” As much as I hate to disagree with you my friend, I have to agree with Jack on this one. Bob is no fool, if you find a "historic" place to stay (my words), that does not meet you requirements just move on, it's not like we walked there that far. I complet…

  • Quote from max.patch: “all towns are great. some are greater than others, but they're all great.” I completely agree, over the years I've tried everyone. Love then all, never a bad experience. Southerners Rock.

  • Quote from LDog: “I'd occasionally find Justin's version in small packets and pack a couple as a treat.” I love this stuff, another hiker got me hooked. I have to buy a jar on line, which I hate doing, and then put globs in zip lock bags.

  • Quote from IMScotty: “I hope we never live in a world where people are not allowed to take risks.” We would all have to be robots and even then there would be at least one that decides to thru hike.

  • Quote from AnotherKevin: “Who among us hasn't made a mistake? I'd bet that most of us who have been hiking for any length of time have made near-lethal ones. I know I'm lucky still to be here after some of the damn-fool things I've done.” Quite often people forget or pretend they never made a mistake. Which is actually better than the new cultural norm of placing their mistakes on TV. My favorite is you see a beautiful scene of a buffalo grazing, and then a stick comes flying in from off camera.…

  • How do we assess "experience"?

    Blue Jay La Fey - - General


    Experience outside of the Whites not only does not help, it may hurt. You could have a false sense of security. I've been in an ice storm in July several years ago, part way to Madison and retreated. If I was younger my experience might have killed me.

  • McCandless

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Trail Health


    My theory is that he died of invincibility. I know because I used to suffer from that.

  • McCandless

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Trail Health


    Quote from Astro: “Unfortunately stubbornness can override a whole lot of intelligence.” I resemble that remark.

  • Actually I would prefer mostpeople to use stench food bags. Not only is it massively entertaining but it makes my bag even safer. Remember you put your stench bag directly into your pack. When I use a shelter you are protecting my pack from mice. The old saying is that I don't have to run faster than the bear, only faster than you.

  • The key to Bear Bags is they have to be waterproof and therefore the scent from the food cannot escape. It's well worth the extra weight. Bear have poor eyesight compared to us but their nose can detect food from 2 miles away (several studies). I have watched bears in SNP walk right under my bag when all they had to do was stand up and swipe. They never knew it was there. I also keep the bag away from open or cooking food to keep the outside scent free. Bears unlike humans are easy to figure out…

  • Woke up to -17F but strong sunrise. We have about 2 feet of snow on the ground. Waiting for 5 above to Xcountry ski as I live next door to a great ski/snowshoe lodge.

  • I have had ticks on me on the AT in Mass. from May to September. I support all methods of tick protection however I believe the best way to avoid tick diseases is to check yourself right after you pee in the morning and right before you get in your sleeping bag. Of course this means you need to be very flexible to get to part of your back so when it is possible ask someone to look there. This is by far the most dangerous thing about LD hiking IMO.

  • the football thread

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    Oh one more thing that no one seems to be talking about. When is the last time you saw an interception where the original receiver is Flying Away at the moment of the catch. Why did Carrol not throw the red flag as it was his only chance? He had more than one time out left. Even his acting sucked.

  • the football thread

    Blue Jay La Fey - - Coffee Talk


    To me it was like watching the WWF. There is no way, anyone even in high school football, would have thrown that pass. I smell some type of dive or fix and a creative one at that. Much better than halftime or standard football games. I expected to see Hulk Hogan on the sidelines. The party I was at made a sound like a gigantic football being deflated at the end. There is a strong chance I'll also enjoy the Deflatriot Cover Up by the WNFL "legal" department. It should also be VERY creative.