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  • How to keep your feet warm

    AdventureMyk - - General


    Rasty, that sounds like some of the places I ride my dualsport on the way out to camp. Might be 10"+ of water for up to half a mile in head-sized rocks but the nice thing is you are pretty much assured you won't have intruders of the two legged kind.

  • welcome to the cafe

    AdventureMyk - - Coffee Talk


    As bad as many of the hybrids are selling (save for the Prius) there are usually spiffs on top of regular commissions. Go and look at the sales charts and you'll be surprised. That's also something you always do before buying an unusual car. "These things are selling like crazy!" "Yep, at the auctions... They have only sold 1,100 out of the 26,000 they produced this year (which was fitting of the first TWO years of the CRZ sales!)

  • How to pack your pack

    AdventureMyk - - Trip Planning


    Sleeping bag stays in it's compression sack and that is wrapped in a trash-compactor bag. (only when on the hike, otherwise hanging in my closet or laid out in the hammock in my room). No matter what else happens you don't want your sleeping bag wet and since in our bags that's on the bottom the extra bag is a precaution (Osprey Aether and Ariel) Cook set (GSi dualist and/or soloist) goes on top of the bag in the pack (little divider is there) and centered. It's the least necessary at any given …

  • welcome to the cafe

    AdventureMyk - - Coffee Talk


    What was too short for kayaks? 17' Wilderness Tsunami (red/yellow) and 17' Perception Eclipse (red) 14' Dagger Savannah (Blue) I hadn't intended to by the Perception that afternoon but I simply flipped it upside down, put the rubber V-pads down and used the tow-hooks. I think more pics were taken of it that day... lol

  • welcome to the cafe

    AdventureMyk - - Coffee Talk


    I've seen that video a few times. Worse, I used to work for a vehicle claims office of a major insurer. "I'd rather have all that big old steel around me than drive a tin can." Nice myth, but the reality is that the tin can absorbs the energy of impact where the steel trap turns you into a pinball amidst razor blades. Another wonderful myth: "I don't want to wear a seatbelt. What happens if the car catches on fire? I want to get out!" It's a lot easier to get out without both legs shattered and …

  • welcome to the cafe

    AdventureMyk - - Coffee Talk


    Wow... a CRZ with a rotary exhaust and the undervalence straight off an RX8... nice and original. I still miss my '91 CRX Si. Worse, I miss my Lotus... to bad the deer didn't.

  • That explains why everyone says I could get away with a Tarp Tent? Hmm... <ducking>

  • How to keep your feet warm

    AdventureMyk - - General


    Super duper ultra thick REI hiking socks and good shoes/boots during the day. At night? A fresh pair of those thin ankle-socks, one of the little shake 'n bake style hand-warmer things, then a fresh pair of the REI hiking socks. When you put it on the bottom of your feet the thin sock keeps it from being against the skin and in place, the thick sock traps the heat and keeps it from getting too much air at once inside the sleeping bag so it stays warm without being too hot. It's so comfy you will…

  • Thanks. That kind of thing is easy to do but lots of fun.

  • Introduce Yourself

    AdventureMyk - - General


    I will take being stuck on a bus with a group of thru hikers before I deal with the 'french shower' types. You know, the ones that don't bother to take a shower for a week but put on more and more perfume to cover for it? There was one that used to always catch the elevator at the same time in my old office. It was so strong it would leave your eyes watering. I finally asked one day if she would actually just take a shower instead of bathing in perfume and apparently that offended her for some r…

  • What will your next pack be?

    AdventureMyk - - Packs


    Wasn't having a Jansport Pack about the same as having a Members Only jacket back then?

  • welcome to the cafe

    AdventureMyk - - Coffee Talk


    Rasty, I agree and they could have done a bit different with the CRZ and had a winner instead of a showroom sales failure. (They hit 8% of their projected sales the first two years. 8%!!!) CRZ Si (with the Si drivetrain, tightened suspension, better seats, no-hybrid) CRZ (Normal Civic driveline, same seats and such as now, no-hybrid) CRZ HF (High Fuel like the CRX-HF, this would be the hybrid and sell for about the same as the Si version which should have been seriously profitable without all th…

  • Quote from Tangent: “ You're not alone. I've been known to kayak camp. I got a 14' wilderness system tsunami I go out on lakes and camp with. Love sleeping on the islands. It's the main reason I bought a hammock.” My 2 17' are a Tsunami and a Perception Eclipse. I love the storage of the Tsu but the handling/agility of the Eclipse. Wish they made a way to blend them. Add in a 14 Dagger Savana and a 14 Necky Zoar to round out the crew and I have pretty much everything camping-wise covered.

  • What will your next pack be?

    AdventureMyk - - Packs


    I'd likely be considered the idiot for my pack is an Osprey Aether 85liter (or 87 liter since it's a large). Not the lightest thing in the world but built like a tank and I tend to forget I'm wearing it even with upwards of 35-40lbs on me. The hiking companion just sold her Osprey Aura 50 (which didn't seem to fit her well) for an Ariel 65-liter and she loves it, especially after this past hike. I know everyone screams to thru-hike with 50 liter or smaller but most of what I have is bulky, like …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    AdventureMyk - - General


    Quote from Astro: “ Days like these make we wonder why I ever left South FL. ?(” It only took me 7 years to escape Fla and get back into the US the 2nd time. I'll stick with the mountains and the people here any day! Back on topic: Warming up from 7 degrees with a feels like of -15 in Knoxville, TN.

  • I wonder if I could get Weird Al Yankovic to go hiking with us? I swear my line of parodies of the stuff they call music these days seems to line up with his quite nicely.

  • I'm not sure if the whipporwhill is as annoying as that coon dog (with neck beacon no less) that decided to find our camp at 1am... It was on the other side of Panther Creek (kayak camping night) and splashing and howling for a good 4 hours trying to figure out how to get across to us. At first we just heard the scratching and clawing and had seen bear scat on the trail... definitely a bit of an eye-opening moment.

  • I will admit it's not uncommon to toss in just one earbud when kayaking and playing a song like One Tree Hill (U2) which has the perfect cadence for paddling. Some of the longer stretches seem to just go on and on and that's where a good song helps keep the rhythm. Come to think of it, am I the only kayak-camper on here?

  • welcome to the cafe

    AdventureMyk - - Coffee Talk


    I can attest that I will never own another Mini Cooper. It's made by Broke-My-Wallet. It's an '07 and I have literally paid as much in repairs for the car (including a new engine) as I did for the car itself. If I could ever get it running right I'd sell it. On the other hand, when it does manage to go 30 mins without going into limp mode it's kind of fun to drive and definitely surprises people. It also cruises through Deal's Gap faster than the average motorcycle with 2 17' kayaks and a full l…

  • Traffic, I wonder if those Grouse tend to be around the Smokies? Might make for some interesting sounds but I'm not sure I ever heard them before.