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  • Sitting is the New Smoking?

    July - - Trail Health


    Yeah, the biologic effects of chronic smoking are very well documented. However, chronic 'sitting' or inactivivty, or sitting in a 'flexed' position many hours a day must be explored or researched a bit more deeply on the average. Where smoking has become 'mainstream' info, the other topic to a degree has not.

  • The GORP Thread

    July - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from WiseOldOwl: “Fat and meat deliver the right kind of calories Snickers delivers too much unwanted sugar and has a crash on the pancreas.” I agree woo, not to mention, all this sugar consumption is a major contributor to adult onset diabetes. However, I must add, we used to enjoy the game of.... whoever is on point leaves a snickers for the one trailing, and so on... When trudging up a trail...SURPRISE SNICKERS

  • Sitting is the New Smoking?

    July - - Trail Health


    Hey that's another reason Hiking is so awesome, your not in 'sit' mode. Plus takin a 'squat' for #2 is so much more comfortable than sitting on the porcelain throne...

  • Who uses Whisperlite

    July - - Gear


    Quote from PaulMags: “Still use a whitegas stove quite a bit during winter. Inverted and remote canister stoves are slowly taking over even that niche. But, I really don't need (or want!) yet another stove. So for snow melting, break out the trusty MSR.” Mags I was wondering, does the 'canister' need to be kept warm when deep winter camping to function properly? I know with the whitegas whisperlite I just prime for a min or two and temp really has no effect on the 'fuel bottle'.

  • Bear attack

    July - - General


    There are LOTS of bears in the SNP, I have come with a couple of yards several times, and they run away very fast. One thing I started doing when traveling thru bear areas, is to make sounds like humming, clicking stics, etc especially in 'tight' covered trail. The times I have gotten within a couple yards, I was making no noise, It was surprising to all parties involved. If you make a little noise, you should not have a (too) close encounter. Another potential situation is when the cubs are pr…

  • Found this blog, thought I'd share

    July - - Trail Chefs


    I spotted some White Tails this morning... an some Redtailed Fox Squirrells, and ...

  • Quote from Rasty: “There are quite a few run on sentences here” Are you tryin to take the teacher an Apple?

  • Found this blog, thought I'd share

    July - - Trail Chefs


    Thx Grinder, looks to be informative. Anything to do with DIY food prep, count me in...

  • The GORP Thread

    July - - Trail Chefs


    I'm a fan of good ole raisins and peanuts, but very often I like to carry some dehydrated salmon. Spiced different ways while drying produces various delicious end products.

  • And hence, thrice...

  • Congrats on your new interest/passion for mother nature, don't believe everything you read.

  • Daypack

    July - - Packs


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from July: “Quote from CoachLou: “Before I got the Suby/Bean pack, i would use A.L.I.C.E. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…22b8d63b510201455812572e8 She is alittle heavy, and no spring chicken.....I 'forgot' to check her back into supply when I left Camp Lagoon! :saint:” Hey Coach, jumped these for several years based out of Ft Bragg. Still got a couple. Use an old NorthFace day pack now, so old I don't even know the model, still works great !” I checked mine out of sup…

  • The GORP Thread

    July - - Trail Chefs


    depends on where I am and whats available or what I'm craving but ALWAYS lots and lots and lots of almonds.

  • Daypack

    July - - Packs


    Quote from CoachLou: “Before I got the Suby/Bean pack, i would use A.L.I.C.E. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…22b8d63b510201455812572e8 She is alittle heavy, and no spring chicken.....I 'forgot' to check her back into supply when I left Camp Lagoon! :saint:” Hey Coach, jumped these for several years based out of Ft Bragg. Still got a couple. Use an old NorthFace day pack now, so old I don't even know the model, still works great !

  • Post Hike Indulgence

    July - - General


    Quote from milkman: “Quote from Trebor: “What's your "must have" when you get out of the woods after a long hike?” Milk, milk and more milk.” The 'milkshake' I refer to has a long greybeard, and long white hair. and does not pose,

  • Post Hike Indulgence

    July - - General


    Quote from hikerboy: “cheeseburgers and chocolate milk shakes, followed by ayce chinese buffet, kfc, and a steak for dinner.” Met a cool dog outta Ga., he had named himself already. By the time we hit Va. (woods hole) it was general consensus he should therefore be refered to as 'milkshake'. Milkshake if your out there, I hope you find this website...

  • Things I need to fix/change/tweak for 2015

    July - - Gear


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from WiseOldOwl: “HB perhaps you are forgetting the psychology others and their fear. people pack far more of what they are afraid of.” i get pissed off if i come off the trail with a days worth of food uneaten.” Then just keep hiking for another day if you can. :D” i dont really care on a short week section, i kinda overplanned it that way, but thats not an option on lash's” Yep, me too hb. Short trips often have multi unexpec…

  • Who uses Whisperlite

    July - - Gear


    Ok so we have had a couple nights here down to 30', so fall is coming. Fired up the old shaker whisperite. Firing up an alchy stove is basically striking a match. I must admit I get a kick out of priming, pumping, and lighting this lil stove. Kind of like a little jet engine Did a systems check, all that was required was a little pump cup oil, and wiped and oiled o-rings. Then boiled a coffee, all set for snowfall!

  • Trail Maintenance and Volunteering

    July - - General


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from July: “I have found the older I get the more interest in trail maint I get. Especially the past few years. In younger days all we wanted to do was hike hike hike I remember a trip in the Smokeys as a young kid, early one morning we passed a 3 man crew carrying chain saws, gas, tools, they stopped to talk for a moment. I remember thinking 'thats awesome' I want to do this someday :)” There are 10 of us on the LDTC, Charlie and I are 57..........we are the babies! …

  • Trail Maintenance and Volunteering

    July - - General


    I have found the older I get the more interest in trail maint I get. Especially the past few years. In younger days all we wanted to do was hike hike hike I remember a trip in the Smokeys as a young kid, early one morning we passed a 3 man crew carrying chain saws, gas, tools, they stopped to talk for a moment. I remember thinking 'thats awesome' I want to do this someday