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  • I find it difficult to believe someone could enjoy that.

  • DIY Fleece

    Drybones - - Clothing


    I used fleece when I first started hiking but eventually got away from it due to compactability, I wear a wool hoodie over a wool tee for cold weather hiking and pull the $9.00 down jacket out at camp.

  • Pulling RV’s

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Spend winters in the Keys...no heater needed.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Drybones - - General


    The cat had caught a chipmonk and was playing with it in the back, I dont believe he kills them, just plays with them until he loses interest, all at once a large red tailed hawk swoops in and grabs his toy, it all happened so fast the cat never knew what happened.

  • And In Other News

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “another hiker rescue; this time at utah's grandeur peak. the 190 pound hiker injured himself and needed assistance getting down the mountain. thanks salt lake county search and rescue! [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0QHr7LebrQ[/url] ” Whoever took him up the mountain, should be throw down the mountain.

  • Beer

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Drybones: “I'm beginning to warm up to craft beer...a couple of my favorites...really like the breakfast stout. foundersbrewing.com/our-beer/breakfast-stout/ lexingtonbrewingco.com/product…tucky-bourbon-barrel-aler ” well, they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. i used to happily in my ignorance drink coors and bud. now i can't stand the stuff. now i go to the brewery and spend $7 for a craft beer. it's…

  • Beer

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    I'm beginning to warm up to craft beer...a couple of my favorites...really like the breakfast stout. foundersbrewing.com/our-beer/breakfast-stout/ lexingtonbrewingco.com/product…tucky-bourbon-barrel-aler

  • Want to Buy a Hostel?

    Drybones - - General


    I do have one fond memory of Atkins, when I hit the highway I looked left and right and saw that big red barn on the hill to the right with the scent of greasy burgers floating my way, headed up the hill and saw a young lady from the trail in a window, we waved to each other and I went in to join her, I spent about 90 minutes eating and talking to her, she had injured her achiles and was waiting for a shuttle to Woods Hole in hopes of recovering in a week, 20 miles in 2 feet of snow the day befo…

  • Want to Buy a Hostel?

    Drybones - - General


    $42.00 may have been a bit high for a hostel stay but I'd do it again in a heart beat, good group of hikers there when I stayed, quite a bit better than the Relax Inn in Atkins for about the same price....and I didn't keep thinking something was crawling on me.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    Got the asphalt bike out this weekend for the first time in a while, 28 miles on the Chief Ladiga Trail, Piedmont, AL to GA and back...was surprised there were not many bikes on the trail, nice day, mid 80's.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “felicity huffman sentenced to 2 weeks in prison. i think with good behavior she can cut that down to a week. aunt becky just shat herself. ” 2 weeks hardly seems worth the $ and effort. ” Summer camp...she'll come out a novelty and more in demand than ever to the hollywood crowd.

  • Whiskey Thread

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from Traffic Jam: “Tried Benromach single malt Scotch whiskey. Blech, tastes like glue. ” That's because it's Scotch. I've yet to try one that I like, that's why I stick to good old Kentucky or Tennessee whiskey ” yes...but a friend shared her very old, very expensive scotch when we were watching the sunset on Mt LeConte and it was amazing, so I know that some scotch isn’t terrible! ” Swamp water would taste great with that view.

  • Whiskey Thread

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    A few new items I picked up last trip to TW&S....I made an earlier comment about the Glenfettich not being that good...I retract that, first glass I put ice in it, mistake, drank straight it is nice. The cocnac was outstanding!...TJ you must try and reeiw, I believe you will like it, it's now my favorite pairing with a cigar. I heard a guy ask a worker where the jalapeno tequila was, that caught my ear and I chased after them expecting a pepper instead of a worm in the bottle, was not so, just f…

  • Overmountain Shelter Is Closed

    Drybones - - AT Specific


    Quote from Rasty: “I think the wife and I ate going to hike there next month. Carvers Gap to 19E should be good first backpacking trip for Sinara. ” Keep us posted, I've been planning to get up there again soon.

  • Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Quote from Astro: “ ” Did y'all know that you can't ship alcohol to yourself in your Joe Dodge Lodge care package? It's against USPS rules. Good thing my good buddy Smoking Sox drove down to PA before the hike and hand delivered my bottle to the lodge. I mean... how else could it have gotten there? ” I'm going to pretend I did not read that. ” youtube.com/watch?v=UmzsWxPLIOo

  • welcome to the cafe

    Drybones - - Coffee Talk


    Can't quote exactlyI....but I like the saying on the chalkboard at the gym.....sex causes life, and it's always fatal...

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    My favorite trail ride so far, notice there are no loose rocks on the trail to get you killed so you can turn it loose...Tsali not far behind. youtube.com/watch?v=-gHOPio9RBg

  • Took a walk today

    Drybones - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from Astro: “Curious, is the water in the iron ore caves drinkable? Or is it like the "toxic" Superfund site near Palmerton. PA? ” The water is full of leaves, sticks, and dirt so I definitely wouldn't drink it. ” Sounds like most of the trail streams I've drank from.

  • Overmountain Shelter Is Closed

    Drybones - - AT Specific


    Overmountain is my most memorable night's stay on the trail, got there just before dark after 24 miles of torrential rain, wind, and cold...went upstairs, climbed into the bag, ate a slice of cheese and tried to get warm...but the next night at Mt Harbour was nice.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Drybones - - General


    IMO...if you are a casual rider it doesn't matter much about the bakes, if you do serious down hill you want the hydraulic brakes for sure...just stay off the front one.