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  • Windows 10

    Mountain-Mike - - Site Information


    When My original Kindle Fire started acting funky I replaced it with a Samsung Tablet 7". I love it for portability. Sync with Outlook on my laptop, but can only run one funtion at a time, so I can't play music & do something else at same time. Not a big problem for me. I went with tablet over kindle because kindle didn't have a sd card slot. Having that allows me to add as much content as I like, mostly music & movies for a trip. I's only limited to size of SD Card. Down side was I couldn't get…

  • Windows 10

    Mountain-Mike - - Site Information


    Quote from jimmyjam: “What gets me is when I go to buy an ink cartridge at WallyWorld, the new printers with ink are only about $5 more than the ink cartridge I need for my old printer. There ought to be a law. ” Most new printers come with only a partially filled cartridge, It is getting weird though. aA year or two back I almost bought a printer for the company rig since I my portable one was in storage & couldn't get it in time. Printer was only $25...I opted against it when I would have had …

  • Windows 10

    Mountain-Mike - - Site Information


    I signed up fpr it. I had to buy a new laptop in March when old one was threatening to die on me during Bike Week. I use it to much for work to be without. Came with Windows 8.1. They annouced the free upgrade to 10 & figured I would just jump up to it rather than learning something soon to be banished. if I don't like it I can always do a system restore from before I install it. So far I'm not a big fan of windows 8. I don't particulally like everything on the cloud & it seems like they want yo…

  • That same pic & article happened several years ago. It's the next town over from where I spent a winter a few years ago, renovating my fathers cabin.

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    Quote from Trillium: “Quote from twistwrist: “thanks! Yeah, started stronger than I expected, but I can certainly tell all those hours on the stairmaster with my pack were worth it. Thanks all! It's fun having folks to share this with. ” I hear you. This place is like a family; a little dysfunctional at times, but they will always have your back.Good to hear you're having a great time! Quote from Toli: “Quote from twistwrist: “Thanks all. Heading out in an hour...rain and storms are probable the…

  • Hiking in the Heat

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    I just enjoy doimg it all wrong to much to change. Found what works for me on most hikes & don't care much about what others think I am doing wrong, I may toss them a piece of Bannock bread every now & then,

  • Hiking in the Heat

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    He was a maverick. Like to see how a current light weight hiker would tear apart his pack list,

  • Hiking in the Heat

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    After a few days aclimizing to the heat it;s not that bad as long as you stay hydrated, Loose ventiated clothes & light hat help. If you need shade hang your tent by the stake loops.

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from twistwrist: “Trail journal update tonight. Celebrating 100 miles on trail today! Celebrating with a :smile-beerglass: of course. I started a my hike a mile south of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia a week ago today. I've slept in trail shelters, hiker hostels, in my tiny tent at campsites and even stealth camping out in the woods alone. I've listened to owls and coyotes sing me to sleep in the woods, dealt with gnats unceasingly dive-bombing my eyes, felt muscles and…

  • Clarity on an AT thru-hike

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    Love the post. Just take cae of the blisters. It's the small things like untreated blisters, & ticks than wreck many hikes. Not lion, snakes & bears!

  • Quote from Foresight: “I brined in kosher salt and brown sugar this morning when I got home then grilled them this afternoon. Normally, I would have taken more in process photos, but I dropped the ball. This is all I have, lol.... Before..... IMG_6596.JPG After.... IMG_6592.JPG ” I try no to be negative here, but YOU SUCK! for teasing us so much!

  • jimmyjam's jammin lash

    Mountain-Mike - - Trip Report


    If it works out for you I highly recommend a stay at Glastonberry Mountain. Either the shelter of fire tower. I did my epic 38 mile slack pack through here. If I had my pack I would have stayed!

  • Any hike is great, even a day hike. Giving the choice I'll take a LASH. After my attemped thru of the PCT in 95 when I had to skip the Sierria due to high snow year I attended an ALDHA-West conference. I had already decided that at some point I want to hike the CDT so I decided to pic Brice's mind about it. I had the priviledge of hiking with him for a week or so on the PCT. Brice Hammock has trippled crowned twice & is still hiking. I use him as an example when people say they are to old to hik…

  • f there list I loved the MH Spaggettie w/ meat sauce. MH Chili Mac. Beans didn't rehydrate so great. If the gas from it was any worse it would have been lethal. By my own flatuance or strangled by the guy in the bunk above me that night. Still had no problem trading it out with other hikers.

  • Making Fire

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    When I worked at a BSA camp for the summer I built several top burn campfires a week. We needed two low maintenace fires to last about 1 1/2 hours. I did get to cheat and use kerosene to start them. & the lighting ceremony at most were lit by the torches each consiting of 1/2 rolls of TP on poles that came from the lakes in canoes.My basic fire was large logs in a log cabin paramid with kindling stuffed in the middle & a tepee on top. I left the bottom open to stuff torches under & help light si…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Mountain-Mike - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from socks: “when I get duplicate requests to fix somethin'...I just move it to the bottom of the pile. ” If it gets on my to do list I consier it a job in progress.

  • Quote from Foresight: “I have a whole backstrap sitting in my fridge as I type. Tomorrow it meets it's destiny, my grill. ” What time? I'll bring tthe wine.

  • I would never presume to rate food for someone else. Wht I consider spicy other friend consider bland. I did most of my AT thru with Mountain House meals bougt in bulk. Most are pretty tasty, but I can use Knoor sides and suppliment it with a few things freeze dried, canned/foil packed or dehydrated & still come out way cheaper. Down side I have to cook for a few minutes. I don't mind that. I use that time to filter water or set up my tent or read. Just me, I like cooking. Stirring a pot every m…

  • Making Fire

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    Quote from milkman: “Dried palm fronds work great. You can tale the leaf part and almost crumple them into dust. Tear them into small pieces on top of that. Use whole ones on top of that. Break the main stalk into little bits, then bigger pieces, then whole pieces, then add what ever you got after that. Pine, oak, whatever. Palm fronds light up better than paper. ” Good to know. As a side note , if you see palm treees on the AT your navigation skills need more work!

  • Making Fire

    Mountain-Mike - - General


    It goes agains most pak rules but, "High wood is dry wood", Those dead dry limbs on pines also called squaw wood are for getting a fire going & keeping it hot. Let me back up a bit To have a decent fire you need three thing Tinder: Something you can put a match or lighter flame to & it will light. Paper serves this purpose great. Good time to used past pages of your trail guide or paperback you have. In nature you can just grab a dry branch & slice some shavings off. Kindling: Small twigs. From …