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  • he knows how to dress. nice shirt

  • Ask a Chef

    hikerboy - - Trail Chefs


    i use instant breakfast instead of sugar, and more nido

  • congratulations to laughing dog on completing his lash and earning his 2000 miler status!! 10462662_10153681797963534_5984527662121890721_n.jpg

  • Ask a Chef

    hikerboy - - Trail Chefs



  • from her facebook page "I fought hard to get here, but my big mile March across the mid-Atlantic has me over halfway in under a month!" 11816987_887099524706039_7029999557340245342_n.jpg

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    im psyched. totally. stoked!!

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    you have bigger tits

  • Quote from WiseOldOwl: “Quote from hikerboy: “ponder this.the coastline will be underwater 100 years from now.historically cities were ports first. ” Coastlines change and I have an understanding of Plate Tectonics from High School (Required for SAT in 1979). At the time it was more than 45% of the science part. While New Orleans may be sinking that's not the same for everywhere else. New Jersey was a sea bed a very long time ago. Cape May is disappearing. IF you really want to know it not sea l…

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    desert may be sizzling in mid june though.we'll have to carry a lot of ice

  • ponder this.the coastline will be underwater 100 years from now.historically cities were ports first.

  • Quote from WiseOldOwl: “OK one more time successful (Modern) cities require - infrastructure-a flow of goods and people and bedrock to build up! (Skyscrapers) cant build on mud or sand. ” ok. one more time. whats your point?

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    i loved it when it said the trail sometimes leads to a dead end of blowdown. sounds like fun.

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “3 emalis & 76 maps sent. ” got em

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “First town we would hit Is a few miles away from Clarks Ferry. One of worst river crossongs on Oregon Trail. Thus reason for town. Lots of rafting rivers in ID not to mention backcountry. I think something could be worked up, even if just local companies. IN ID I think that would be about a 500 mile range! ” im not going to be able to sleep tonight. the outdated guidebook mentioned in the pdf is the one i have. this looks to be a great adventure!!!

  • Quote from WiseOldOwl: “Quote from hikerboy: “its hard to build cities anywhere. if its not hurricanes its tornadoes, windstorms mudslides earthquakes drought.crime. guns. cops some lives matter others matter more or less. we should abandon the concept of cities and go back to hunter gatherer society. find me a mastadon!! ” Huh? HB honest when has a Hurricane hit London? America has some interesting weather. Europe not so much... Most cities require a unique successful infrastructure & commerce …

  • Thru Hiker Burger

    hikerboy - - Hiking Humor


    i had the lone wolf heart attack burger or somesuch at the blue blaze cafe. i think it had 5 layers of patties bacon and cheese.

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Get them to send a support crew for resupply! ” its actualy not too far fetched. we sponsored a girl who drove across the country recreating her grandparents trips to the national parks in their old chevy .she drove an equinox from ny to chicago. switched out for a silverado she drove out west and came home in a camaro. maybe a chevy colorado z71? turbo diesel? if i could put a story to this trip, i might be able to pitch chevy on sponsoring a support crew.

  • its hard to build cities anywhere. if its not hurricanes its tornadoes, windstorms mudslides earthquakes drought.crime. guns. cops some lives matter others matter more or less. we should abandon the concept of cities and go back to hunter gatherer society. find me a mastadon!!

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    i already told the boss. he asked me today about the movie awitw,saying maybe the at was getting too popular. i told him about idaho.his jaw dropped.( i think he lives somewhat vicariously through my trips.)

  • idaho centennial trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Mountain-Mike: “I have to find dtae for Ohio Bike Week. Once that show is done(early June) I'm free to go. I have an email in to ID State tril coordinator asking for help/info on terminus shuttles, any permit info & outfitter that may do resupply (caches) although i didn't use that term since most NFs consider them illegal. Journal you posted they hiked it in a little over 2 months. I also like their resupply list. What has changed will take so more research. With some emails I'm sure…