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Search Results

Search results 621-640 of 684.

  • Quote from max.patch: “Quote from hikerboy: “over time this will become the place to come for information as well not too many kids on wb.we're going to bridge the gap between Facebook and WB” i hope you are right. need content and chit chat to survive. got the chit chat down pat. no content yet to speak of. hopefully that will come.” Give it time, it's only been 4 days!

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from ChooChooTrain: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from ChooChooTrain: “Btw, most of us are also still on the other site. Unless we get kicked off. Each place has it's own purpose!” over time this will become the place to come for information as well not too many kids on wb.we're going to bridge the gap between Facebook and WB” Stop the presses. HB said the F word.” I will not go there” Where are you right now?

  • Welcome, Deer Hunter!!! appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/39/

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from ChooChooTrain: “Btw, most of us are also still on the other site. Unless we get kicked off. Each place has it's own purpose!” over time this will become the place to come for information as well not too many kids on wb.we're going to bridge the gap between Facebook and WB” Stop the presses. HB said the F word.

  • Btw, most of us are also still on the other site. Unless we get kicked off. Each place has its own purpose!

  • Quote from PapaD: “um - I don't really know - I get so much junk e-mail I'm just not sure - - what's up with it? back to the earlier point, why was / is the "other site" so over moderated and full of such hard asses? I never really got that . . . . after all, it is supposed to be a place of information and discourse regarding something that most people on the site consider fun, a hobby, an enjoyable pursuit, something to smile and laugh about, appreciate and so forth. Making everyone feel as if …

  • Quote from PapaD: “Ok - now that I'm here, we ought to make a list of cool kids that are missing. Is that other place so moderated that everyone is over here now. I got abused over there a few times too many and sort of got tired of sitting down with my cocktail and having to edit and re-edit what I thought about topics just to make sure I didn't get kicked out - - over there if you brought up something the least bit opinionated, it was booted from the Cafe (like saying that blue blazers are che…

  • It may work differently on some computers. I usually skip step one as well, but I think sometimes it's necessary to use it to open the Add box. We're all learning!

  • Try practicing some more!

  • appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/29/ How to insert photos! Remember - it's 3 steps, plus you have to hit "submit". If you try to preview it, the software doesn't show the photo, but it should show up when you hit Submit. Drybones, would you try reposting the whole thing just to make sure you got the hang of it. If you're successful, I'll delete the first attempt.

  • Quote from moose717: “Quote: “, welcome to the other side.” the dark side? the lite side? inside or outside?” Don't forget the back side

  • Quote from CaptNat: “Welcome topic question… Is there going to be a humor section? I don't want to mix a serious question like whether or not to take a gun to a privy with frivolous topics like pack weight. Oh the stress and pressure of learning a new site…. Where is my avatar? Do real men wear kilts?” I think it's already been established that personal opinions regarding what exactly defines "humor" vary so widely as to render the definition meaningless :whistle:

  • Quote from Trillium: “Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from Teacher: “So what happened? Did anyone actually get kicked off?” Not so's I've heard, yet.” I truly hope that doesn't happen. No site can be all things to all people. This site has a different mission which includes among other things thread drift and quite a bit of fun, hijinks, hilarity. The other site has tons of useful information that helped me immensely over the years. To be truthful, I wouldn't be backpacking if it weren't for the…

  • Quote from aficion: “Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from OzJacko: “Things are clearer now. I got a heads up PM in WB about this place, was too busy to follow up for a day and had the PM deleted when I went looking for it. The last reptilian snap at me I guess.” Wow! I finally saw what your profile picture is. Somehow I was seeing 2 eyes and a big nose. It is hard to describe. Look at the can as the right eye and Roo's body as a big brown nose. And no, I am not drinking. :)” Th…

  • Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from OzJacko: “Things are clearer now. I got a heads up PM in WB about this place, was too busy to follow up for a day and had the PM deleted when I went looking for it. The last reptilian snap at me I guess.” Wow! I finally saw what your profile picture is. Somehow I was seeing 2 eyes and a big nose. It is hard to describe. Look at the can as the right eye and Roo's body as a big brown nose. And no, I am not drinking. :)” I see what you're talking about. Like a weir…

  • Quote from max.patch: “Quote from hikerboy: “ i was reprimanded for soliciting wb members for the new site, so i simply agreed to halt my efforts.cant control the minions, though, can i?” sometime today the url in the pm i got was changed to ************ i think the word "private" in "private message" isn't quite true.” Happened with me also. It was working properly a couple of days ago.

  • Quote from aficion: “When I got 2 threads closed at once, two weeks ago, one in the humor thread, for absolutely nothing, I applied for the name Gator Bait, just for fun, which was initially approved. I was astounded. But before I could post I got pmed and told to cease and desist. Had to laugh it off. Glad you guys got your shit together.” Two threads at one time? You going for your Masters Degree or something :cheer:

  • Quote from slowmind: “Cheese won't make it 1 mile... it has no legs” A bloc of melted Velveeta was clocked at moving approximately .00001975 ft/sec

  • Quote from Rasty: “Quote from milkman: “Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from milkman: “If you're gonna bring cheese and you're hiking with WOO be sure he brings a Swiss Army knife with a cork screw.” You just got yourself moderated :P” Am I the first?” Maybe if Train Wreck knew how to put someone on moderated status! :dry: :lol: :sick: :silly:” Hey! I'm immoderately immodest when it comes to moderating morons!

  • You jackasses! I knew I'd regret giving you my password!! appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/19/