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  • Quote from Rasty: “The shelters should all be taken down. Problem solved. ” JJ may be right in thinking dispersed camping will be more damaging, Not from guys like me, Nobody would be able to tell I was there. The problem lies with people that have got into hiking and backpacking and missed the chapter of leave no trace. The shelters build community with those that stop and stay. Once removed it would be hell to put one back. Lucky as most of the trail has both methods available. There are lots …

  • Lithium charging bricks A little as five years ago REI really did not have an electronics dept. Today there are dedicated Isle’s to comfort electronics from Fit Bit to Luci. Charging Bricks all the rage right now – some claim to charge a Iphone 7 up to ten times. Example I own a small about the size of a credit card and other the size of my remote for the TV. They are fairly indestructible, out last your phone and once purchased, will be around for years. It is much easier to go from a solar pan…

  • The challenges of charging a smartphone on the trail Obviously you need a lot of surface area to get a decent output; in the United Kingdom with a lot of cloud it just doesn’t really work the outputs are just too small unless your panels are huge. Here in the USA cloudy and Green tunnels are less of an issue as yet again a major mile stone of engineering has once again made older panels obsolete manufactured prior to 2015. The latest changes including moving the tiny wire lines behind the collec…

  • Nice read so what is the dry carry wight, per person without water or food? I use a fish electronic weight prior to leaving.

  • Quote from WanderingStovie: “Mine is bigger than yours. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/8458/ ” Uh AHHHHY, Canadian coins clearly don't count! Pass the bear Bro....

  • Quote from JimBlue: “Bought mine today. Nice. ” Yea - can you see on a cold night going back the bag and adding a foot box or wrapping yourself... appears pretty easy.

  • Ask a Chef

    Wise Old Owl - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from Rasty: “ ” Hi Rasty, after what was five days the thinner pieces turned black and some odd area's, I am reducing the process to 4 days, to keep consistency... thoughts? As soon as began to start to "pump it out" demand exceeded what I had bought. I am buying 5-6 pounds as it "fits" on the bottom shelf. Now I am running a Kippering or hot smoke and Cold smoke on the same day.. oops. Oh in one month the price jumped from $18 to 24... possibly it was from cartels in Salmon or Futures.

  • OK nothing to do with the trail, I amazed how many have access to boards on Craig's List and AM radio swap lists. I am about to impart one of my stainless steel vertical smokers in exchange for clapboard to make Owl boxes. Hmmm a clear republican worried about environment for those that know me. So I going to make 4 boxes for my one acre, as I have 75 foot trees around my property, from what I know, owls like 20- 25 feet up for gliding. f1bc6f78449d427efd836c9e85d26e5a.jpg There is a cone of gal…

  • I understand the love of Zippo and Bic, I had experience with both leaking and melting plastics. freezing weather appears to be the issue.

  • Hoodless Sleeping Bags

    Wise Old Owl - - Sleep Systems


    Quote from Drybones: “I bought a Big Agnes Horse Thief hoodless bag, was rated at 35*, froze my buns off at 40*, as did my hot sleeping wife...sent it back...really liked the bag but just wasn't warm, don't believe it had anything to do with the hood. I will confess, the name of the bag had a lot to do with me buying it. ” Can you elaorate?

  • I hang out with a biology major, and she is working on her B.S. in biology at West Chester university. She is about 26 and cute as hell and a darn good friend. Her dad repairs computers in cars. There are some 26 microprocessors in a BMW today and that is how he makes his business. I too have a Amateur and radio background. Lots to talk about. Short version she lost it when I discussed making Gravlax. for the first time... all those pesky worms in the fish, an almost chicken little moment. Folk'…

  • These throws have resonated with both the Hammock and UL community.. not sure why - its a OK add on.. and useful as stuff gets colder.

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Quote from TrafficJam: “My top ten, not including shelter, bag, clothing Compass lighter Vaseline cotton balls Rope Absorbance hemostat Duct tape Knife Aspirin Benadryl Beeswax bar ” Well - we are discussing a better choice than an overall simple list. A white Micro Bic is the choice of UL over a "lighter" Gorilla tape appears to be better than duct. Concrete string is UL and as or better than most over the counter rope. A small Leatherman holds …

  • Hoodless Sleeping Bags

    Wise Old Owl - - Sleep Systems


    Good choices Mags. I am partial to the Big Agnes sleep systems - a slide in pad and a top down comfort, how do your choices relate?

  • Would it surprise anyone when I bring my dogs I bring bag balm for their paws?

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “My top ten, not including shelter, bag, clothing Compass lighter Vaseline cotton balls Rope Absorbance hemostat Duct tape Knife Aspirin Benadryl Beeswax bar ” Well - we are discussing a better choice than an overall simple list. A white Micro Bic is the choice of UL over a "lighter" Gorilla tape appears to be better than duct. Concrete string is UL and as or better than most over the counter rope. A small Leatherman holds its sharpness better than Wenger Swiss. Some Compa…

  • Bison Bag

    Wise Old Owl - - Sleep Systems


    As a big reader of HH the other WB I can say Rasty that this is an expensive starter set for newbies. This is not a bad choice, just how the hell do you use it in Late hot summer? I am still a huge fan when a hammock is flexible - you can leave some parts at home in terms of quilts and after a huge mishap one night, as I got wrapped like a burrito upon entry - I will continue to tout the HH version where you fall back from the center.

  • Hiking Nightmares

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from odd man out: “Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from JimBlue: “My hiking nightmare is just as I am about to fall asleep... people camped nearby decide to sit up all night and talk. Not loudly just enough to be irritating. ” Bring your own shelter and hide well off the trail. ” It's amazing how far sound can sometimes travel in the woods. Maybe it's because of the low level of ambient sound the non natural (aka human) sounds are more noticeable. But there …

  • Hiking Nightmares

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    FYI if it is your bod and you want to toak and drink... that is on you IDGAD. I don't have to listen to you at 3 AM . That is my take I will stand by it. nuff said. I will continue to stand for family values.

  • Hiking Nightmares

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from JimBlue: “My hiking nightmare is just as I am about to fall asleep... people camped nearby decide to sit up all night and talk. Not loudly just enough to be irritating. ” I had worse and total embarrassing. Drunk and High at the same time keeping 30 people and families with kids....up all night with yelling and screaming... Even the trail dogs complained... It was so bad I bugged out so fast at 3 am the group sent apologies. Yup - hiked back to the car in the light of the moon at 25° …