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  • the football thread

    milkman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from socks: “Quote from milkman: “Quote from socks: “Are you ready for some Football? Season opener tonight Pittsburgh Steelers vs New England Patriots ” Season 96. Ready! I hope they play to a 0-0 tie. ” Hmm, has that ever even happened? ” The Detroit Lions and New York Giants played the NFL's last scoreless tie on Nov. 11, 1943

  • Your PSA!

    milkman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Did anyone catch the double entendre of the thread title? ” Do you mean PSA? Poop Shute Analysis?

  • the football thread

    milkman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from socks: “Are you ready for some Football? Season opener tonight Pittsburgh Steelers vs New England Patriots ” Season 96. Ready! I hope they play to a 0-0 tie.

  • deep tracks

    milkman - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Quote from JimBlue: “I remember when that song came out on the radio. Many of us kids loved it. Sang it rather often. ” Heck, I'm singin' right now. Thanks a lot HB. You got yers comin'!

  • welcome to the cafe

    milkman - - Coffee Talk


    Tom finally decided to tie the knot with his long time girlfriend. One evening, after the honeymoon, he was cleaning one of his cars for an upcoming show. His wife was standing there at the bench watching him. After a long period of silence she finally speaks. “Honey, I’ve been thinking, now that we are married, maybe it’s time you quit spending all your time out here in the garage and you should consider selling your cars and your gun collection.” Tom gets a horrified look o...n his face. She s…

  • tents ? cannot find one all specs I like

    milkman - - Gear


    Quote from EdDzierzak: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from LIhikers: “I too have a JJ wallet. For hiking vacations I take a credit card, debit card, driver's license, and auto registration. I also bring my AAA card. Driving an old 2002, high mileage (340,000 miles) car it seems like a good idea. It also gets a small discount if we look for a motel room during the vacation. ” AAA also gets you a discount on Amtrak ” Yep, but at our age the Senior discount is better. ” What I like about AAA is you don'…

  • Fake bacon flavored vegan crap

    milkman - - Trail Chefs



  • Quote from rhjanes: “I used a pole in the 1970's....except it was a 4 or 5 foot tall stick I found along the trail. I tossed it no later than the trail head. ” Same here for me with the single hiking stick. Started around 12 years old. First time I ever saw the use of the two pole method was 1973 on Blood Mountain. An older guy came walking up with 2 ski poles while we were all sitting around shootin' the breeze. A kid from England was starting his thru-hike and he questioned the guy about it an…

  • Quote from Trebor: “I just saw it myself. I thought it was a funny movie and laughed out loud a number of times. I didn't critique the movie as it pertains to accuracy of hiking or of the AT. My guess is that 75% off the people in the theater were 60 yoa or older. I don't foresee many of them hitting the trail any time soon. Both Redford and Nolte nailed their rolls, especially Nolte. ” Nolte's dealing with his issue was classic.

  • Quote from hikerboy: “i wouldnt even think of analyzing it in terms of at purism.the at really only served as a backdrop to a story of two friends on one last adventure,dealing with growing old. ” Kinda reminded me of the Bucket List.

  • Quote from socks: “I wonder if when astronauts get together after seeing say "Appolo 13 they say things like "well the flux capacitor was completely outta rotation with the anti-gravity modulators according to manual C-6 of the ladies auxiliary unit" or "I hope they don't make it back, they didn't deserve it" In the words of Chaz Barkley~"I might be wrong, but I doubt it" ” appalachiantrials.com/what-a-w…nd-the-appalachian-trail/

  • welcome to the cafe

    milkman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “1. When she tried to sing, it sounded like a walrus giving birth to farm equipment. 2. Her eyes twinkled, like the moustache of a man with a cold. 3. She was like a magnet: Attractive from the back, repulsive from the front. 4. The ballerina rose gracefully en pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant. 5. She grew on him like she was a colony of E. coli and he was room temperature Canadian beef. 6. She had him like a toenail stuck in a sha…

  • the football thread

    milkman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “maybe bowling? ” Don't you mean bawling?

  • Quote from Rasty: “this bear was a second time offender ” God forbid!

  • Happy Labor Day... 2015!

    milkman - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from milkman: “Is today Labor Day already? ” All because you are retired does not mean you need to rub it in. ” I'm lovin' it Astro. First thing I ask my wife when I wake up is, what day is it? The second thing is, is there anything we HAVE to do today? And the third thing is, what are we gonna have for supper?

  • Metalheads

    milkman - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • Metalheads

    milkman - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • Metalheads

    milkman - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Very fitting AT hiking song. Brings a new meaning to youtube.com/watch?v=SHYK96uGirM

  • Metalheads

    milkman - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • Deflatriots

    milkman - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trebor: “Brady may of beaten the suspension but he's still a pansy and no Federal Judge can overturn that. ” tombrady.jpg