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Search results 141-160 of 292.

  • Bear spray?

    Muddywaters - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “In NYC I understand that hunger has driven the rats have become a bit more aggressive and fearless of humans when Covid shut some of their restaurant food sources down. I wonder if fewer campers, hikers and such in the Smokies has had the same result with the bears? Just thinking out loud, who knows what happened here. ” I understand the theory, but I have gone hiking in state parks the last two Saturday's (still need to post pictures and details), and th…

  • Let's talk about quilts

    Muddywaters - - Gear


    I use quilts. Sometimes. Not as warm as a good bag. They're all made by yahoo's just going off of some average amount of loft. when you compare that to a western mountaineering bag there's not nearly the same amount of insulation over the torso and the feet. More or less by the time you add a head covering and the fact that the quilt is larger so you can tuck it under you there's very little weight difference with a light bag. Maybe two or three oz..maybe. thats it. But if you're somebody that g…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Muddywaters - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Interesting video from Glacier National Park of hikers being chased by a Grizzly Bear. Includes commentary and coaching. ” Sometimes running works....... Do you know why you're supposed to play dead when you attacked by a grizzly bear? Its to get you used to the way you're going to be in just a minute....

  • And In Other News

    Muddywaters - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Astro: “I know a lot of people wish Tommy Tutone had used a 555-xxxx instead of 867-5309 for Jenny's number. ” For those who don't remember the classic. m.youtube.com/watch?v=6WTdTwcmxyo ” When my son was in boy scouts, some boys got chummy with 18 yr old ranger that accompanied us first 2 days at philmont . They asked for his number. To text later when got back . He told them 867 5309. They didnt catch on.....the adults did......

  • Long Trail Overview

    Muddywaters - - The Long Trail


    Yup wendy is still shuttling. Steve hasnt for several years The Squires in richmond are not this yr, but will let you park at their place. You can camp in their yard too. Ask of course, that should go without saying.

  • American Perimeter Trail

    Muddywaters - - Other Trails


    I want to see the fkt attempt

  • Especially nursing injuries all the way

  • - Good for her. Since stringbean and karel went nobo, I think the concept of sobo being advantageous has pretty much been disproven, and there are no nobo and sobo individual records. The weather is a bigger factor.

  • marmite stuffed pizza

    Muddywaters - - Trail Chefs


    Somewhere I have a photo of a restaurant menu from middle east...... And on the menu is octopus pizza with black ink sauce.........i passed.

  • No guilt eating after you've been hiking weeks. any other time if I ate a whole large pizza and then went and had ice cream I might feel bad...... In more ways than one

  • Guns On The Trail

    Muddywaters - - Gear


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from odd man out: “Also, would it be accurate to say that most (or all?) Incidences for which a gun would have any value would require the gun to be more accessible than inside a pack? ” That's the first thing I thot of. IF someone thinks they need a gun on the trail then storing it inside their pack doesn't make a whole lotta sense. ” my guess is they sleep with it cuz they're scared of things that go bump in the night....or grrrr

  • Not to take anything away from someone who walked the at 18 times, vast majority of which were slackpacking with his slack pack groups........ But why? There are so much better places to actually hike and see than the AT..... The AT community is pretty special.......but at some point you got to want to see something else....... Instead of the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and …

  • Astro on the CT 2020

    Muddywaters - - Trip Report


    I hear ya. This coronavirus crap spoiled my spring hiking ,summer hiking ,and my fall hiking. I'm still trying to figure out where I can go hike in fall that's interesting, within about 26 hours of driving...... And that I can get a shuttle..... And that I can meet the state's quarantine requirements..... Oh and that I haven't hiked before....and it won't be ungodly hot before november. I got step son getting married in mid September.... Prime hiking time... Wedding was displaced from the spring…

  • Astro on the CT 2020

    Muddywaters - - Trip Report


    Maybe you can get back this yr? Good 6 weeks of prime season left.

  • News flash Everyone that lived back then made derogatory comments about other people...... compared to the civilization that Europeans built , most of the rest of the world was grossly inferior.... Their way of life did not promote the same level of advancement technology. Get over it. Europeans conquered and built the world. The whole damn thing. That's the fact Jack. Everybody else is still playing catch-up today. While bad-mouthing the people that brought them out of the mud huts... And showe…

  • Astro on the CT 2020

    Muddywaters - - Trip Report


    Well sorry to hear you have to cut it short. I always worry about my kids and wife needing me and I'm out of reach for days..... Fingers crossed it hasn't happened yet. It will be there next year. And The Best is yet to come. I used a brs3000 with cannister on CT and jmt, had no issues with elevation. Im stingy with fuel...110gm cannister got me thru CT. Good for about 20 boils for me..... And a few dinners were had in towns and i skipped a few when sick, and when raining. It's really all a blur…

  • Theres 4 records ...fastest supported and unsupported For each men and women. if the unsupported is fastest overall then there's only possibly one , or 2. if someone need to differentiate between north and south then they just didnt pick the right direction, and they want to claim something. It's a little premature to talk about claiming anything as well....... Correction it's a LOT premature....

  • Astro on the CT 2020

    Muddywaters - - Trip Report


    Cool good to see you're having fun. Its monsoon season.... It kind of rains a lot this time of year. Daily. My weather turned on a switch at the 1st of September... No more rain and noticeably cooler. And about three days later I was done. I think it rained almost every day up to that point. Normally they're short showers that stop by sundown, and day dawns bright and clear. One prolonged one didn't stop , I spent 18 hours under my tarp laying down. Slept about 16 of that too... streamable.com/k…

  • He did not just say she could claim an "american" fkt did he? Might as well claim one for someone with pink toenails at the same time. Or bleach blond hair. Stupid

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