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  • Dry Humor

    WanderingStovie - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from JimBlue: “I used to play Everquest slightly drunk. One drink on a Friday night. ” Everclear?

  • What Are You Reading?

    WanderingStovie - - Books


    I read Not Without Peril a while back. I have not done the Presidentials yet. I took it as a warning. It would be hard for me to be mad at the deceased.

  • Dry Humor

    WanderingStovie - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from Grinder: “Quote from JimBlue: “sounds like you all need to hydrate. ” But this is the Dry Humor thread, so that would constitute thread drift, and we all know that isn't allowed here. ” And no posting under the influence

  • Quote from meat: “Quote from JimBlue: “Colin Fletcher in. His excellent book The Complete Walker says that 1 pound on the foot is like 5 pounds on the back. I wear sneakers or light hiking boots for hiking. Day hikes will show you what you and your family can do easily and safely. Steel toed are too heavy for hiking. ” It's the first day of the rest of your life, congratulation on an excelent book choice and one that been on my night stand for more that 30 years! His other titles you my like as …

  • What Are You Reading?

    WanderingStovie - - Books


    Quote from JimBlue: “Danke. I try to be accurate but I'm only human. Note I'm not happy with many things from the past. Particularly how the Native Americans were treated. I realize there was good and bad on both sides. To forget the past is to make the same mistakes. ” The Trail of Tears is one notable atrocity.

  • What Are You Reading?

    WanderingStovie - - Books


    Quote from NoAngel: “Not a hiking book, but I'm reading Zane Grey's Tonto Basin. I like anything western. But I'm not fond of horses-weird I know. ” How do you like them ponies?

  • A place for jokes

    WanderingStovie - - Hiking Humor


    I know a guy who punched a black bear in the nose after being charged. He seems to have beaten the odds.

  • I've only seen military drills in movies and on TV, but from what little I've seen, it seems like keeping the barrel pointed skyward is wise, although I wouldn't want to be hit by a falling bullet. Do hunters tend to blow their toes off? A rifle sling might be better than steel toed footwear. I hope you enjoy thread drift, Joyal. Get used to it. ☺

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    WanderingStovie - - Gear


    Quote from JimBlue: “as I have said it's a step down from the 80 to 90 pound packs I carried when I slightly over half my current age. I weighed 180 pounds back then to. Not the 230 I weigh now. ” How about bicycle touring? It is lower impact than hiking, if you spin in a low enough gear. My knees were complaining as I tried to push up a hill in too high a gear today. My weight crept up to 210, so I need to get busy.

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    WanderingStovie - - Gear


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from JimBlue: “already talked to the relatives about day hikes with a light load. Next weekend I can car camp overnight. Then take short day hikes with my other back pack. And make a reservation for the Cheaha. Challenge. Or walk around the back yard and make the reservation. ” That's a good idea. Have fun! As to your previous comment... I exercise all the time and feel in pretty good shape, but doubt I can carry a 40lb pack. ” How are you healing?

  • Alcohol Stoves

    WanderingStovie - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from WanderingStovie: “I widened the aperture to 1 5/8" (41 mm) and left the jet holes at #76 (0.5 mm). The jets ignite ten seconds after lighting the bathtub. There is less thermal feedback because the jets are not hitting the inner piece. The jets are not as noisy, but the flame tears away from the hole (leaving a gap between the hole and the flame). The burner is now 15/16" (24 mm) high. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/8890/ You should be able …

  • Jim Blue's Gear List

    WanderingStovie - - Gear


    Quote from NoAngel: “Scarebear has some good suggestions. You can use the small wire type stakes (even make your own from coathanger wire) and put a small rock on top of the stake if its windy. ” I use the rocks with my Vargo titanium stakes. I would not bother with coathanger wire for tent pegs or pot stands - too soft IMO. Thick music wire from a hobby store or hardware store might work, although it will rust.

  • Quote from ScareBear: “Quote from meat: “Quote from Dan76: “I was the first responder to several messy suicides. Just wish folks would think about the scene friends and family discover. ” What a mess. ” Its a mess even if it was a clean go. Suicides leave behind a horrific emotional mess for the survivors. Here's a clue. If it is woman and it is a gun to the head, arrest the husband/boyfriend. Just sayin... ” Please test for gunshot residue first.

  • Someone was pulling your leg, IMO. Steel toed footwear is generally too stiff (and heavy) for hiking. Good hiking footwear has tread wrapping up around the front of the toes, which helps a lot when bumping into rocks and stumps.

  • Quote from Grinder: “Quote from Mountain-Mike: “Quote from Grinder: “Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from Grinder: “Quote from IMScotty: “It appears that our friend Gray Blazer has gone silent. I like to think that he has finally found Big Foot and that the two of them are enjoying some cold ones in a cave someplace. You might want to ask Grinder if he knows anything. I believe they met at a meet-up once. ” Nope, not a clue. Only person I've met from here is Rasty. One time randomly my first time ev…

  • New here!

    WanderingStovie - - Coffee Talk


    Greetings and salutations. What brings you here?

  • Damascus to??

    WanderingStovie - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from meat: “Chili mornin' eh boy's? I kinda chuckle when people ask "I'm leaving April 1st will I really need a jacket, hat or gloves?" ” That is why if I ever get to do a thru, I am leaving early May instead March or April. ” Hike fast. ” You would be surprised how steady can keep up with fast on a long hike. ” I was thinking average miles per day, not MPH. I went 26 miles at 2 MPH in one day south along the AT starting at…

  • Damascus to??

    WanderingStovie - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from meat: “Chili mornin' eh boy's? I kinda chuckle when people ask "I'm leaving April 1st will I really need a jacket, hat or gloves?" ” That is why if I ever get to do a thru, I am leaving early May instead March or April. ” Hike fast.

  • And In Other News

    WanderingStovie - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from JimBlue: “I agree that if Congress was on the same health plan as the poorest people it would be much better. ” The affordability threshold is about 46k for a 50 year old in my neighborhood. So at least the IRS doesn't hit me with a stick.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    WanderingStovie - - Trip Planning


    I am in a holding pattern until my new shoes show up at the nearest REI. I guess I will camp and test my alcohol burner. I bought ramen. Maybe I should get some oatmeal so I feel like a hiker. Hopefully I will have new shoes on Friday and can go take a hike.