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  • BSP Question

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    I just asked Kathy how long we took and she thinks it was somewhere in the 10 to 12 day range. I suspect most people can do it in less if they want. We purposely wanted to use up our whole vacation. It's not a very hard section, but it's beautiful and we wanted to linger in it.

  • Thru Hiker's Companion

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    It turned out to be easy to cut the Companion into sections as Elf suggested. First thing was to find where I wanted to make the cut and decided to cut right after page 120. I layed the book open and pushed the pages as far back as I could. Then I used a brand new snap-off knife to cut down between the open pages. 2 light passes and it was done. There a few pages at the back of the book I wanted too so I did the same thing back there. Then I put the 2 pieces that I want together and using clear …

  • Hiking & Biking

    LIhikers - - General


    Quote from max.patch: “lol, if bikers are the same as hikers I'm sure google can take you to plenty of people who will tell you what your bike should weigh empty and what it should weigh fully loaded for touring. ” I imagine Matt C could set me straight

  • Hiking & Biking

    LIhikers - - General


    I got curious last night and wondered what my bicycle weighed. Just like in hiking, lighter is better, to a point. Back in 2019 (I think) I bought a Surley Disc Trucker as it's a bike made for long touring rides, and I plan to ride across the country. It's got a steal frame, robust wheels and a triple drivetrain. I equipped it with fenders, lights, rear view mirror, pump, computer and a rear rack. I used to use it to commute to work but now I ride it for fun and excercise. It also has a trunk ba…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LIhikers - - General


    Another beautiful day here on Long Island. I even worked up a bit of a sweat during my morning walk.

  • Thru Hiker's Companion

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    That sounds good, I guess I'll give it a try.

  • Hiking & Biking

    LIhikers - - General


    Today was a blue sky, sunny and warm (mid 40s) day so Kathy and I rode our bikes over to a coffee shop we like. Sat there sipping our drinks and enjoying a slice of banana bread while we talked with each other. It made for a simple, but enjoyable date. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LIhikers - - General


    Sunny and 44 right now

  • Thru Hiker's Companion

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Sarcasmtheelf: “Quote from LIhikers: “Anybody know a good way to cut pages out of the book? I need the section from Georgia to West Viginia, which is the front half of the book. There's also a few pages at the very back that I'd like to keep too. If at all possible I'd like the front half to stay bound together. Any suggestions? ” You may have seen me post this photo before, however my solution is to carefully cut the book down the binding to create multiple sections, then I only brin…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LIhikers - - General


    The sun was finally out today with temps. in the low 40s. We got in a walk of a few miles.

  • Thru Hiker's Companion

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    Thanks for the suggestion, but I already have the book and want to use it.

  • Took a walk today

    LIhikers - - General


    Sunny and 65? Hiking was the right choice. Save the sweater for a day when it's raining and gloomy outside. Bicycling would have been a good choice too.

  • Thru Hiker's Companion

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    Anybody know a good way to cut pages out of the book? I need the section from Georgia to West Viginia, which is the front half of the book. There's also a few pages at the very back that I'd like to keep too. If at all possible I'd like the front half to stay bound together. Any suggestions?

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from LIhikers: “is Virginia really a mid-Atlantic state ” It used to be called the northern ruck,and we already have a Southern Ruck in Tennessee, so we changed it to Mid Atlantic. Its really just a few miles south of Harper's Ferry. ” oh, that's not too far. Maybe next year.

  • Iron Master's hostel in PA would make a good place.

  • Thru Hiker's Companion

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    I got my books in the mail today.

  • is Virginia really a mid-Atlantic state

  • Quote from odd man out: “I'll be retired soon. Last day will be April 25. But as I get older, the thought of long car rides becomes less attractive. ” OMO, congrats on your upcoming retirement. I hope you can make the transition easier than I am. I find it tough mentally to not be doing what I did for over 50 years.

  • Any of us could take the initiative to organize something in their own locale....just sayin...

  • Thru Hiker's Companion

    LIhikers - - Trip Planning


    Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from LIhikers: “Thanks hikerboy. I ordered directly from ALDHA. I like much better to have the book in hand than use a PDF on a device or gadget. I guess it'll get here when it gets here. ” You should get it in the next week or so. ” I got an email that my order has been shipped, 2 copies of the updated Companion. I plan to leave 1 copy with our son when we do our LASH and carry the other one ( with half the pages removed). I'll probably get the Far Out app but hope t…