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Search results 21-35 of 35.

  • VIDEO: Noon to Noon Part 2

    12trysomething - - Trip Report


    Quote from hikerboy: “nice video. does that tree shelf work on the ground as well?” Thanks. Yes, you can just set it down. Take a look at Klauss' video. youtu.be/_81GG20cTGE

  • Very nice!

  • Alcohol Stoves

    12trysomething - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “I made an adjustable stove yesterday. It weighs 0.8 ounces, is 2 11/16" in diameter, stands 2 5/8" tall, and packs away 2 1/16" tall. There are 17 air holes. Any number from 0 to 17 can be blocked, for 18 heat settings. With all holes blocked, it has a small flame, about 1 inch high. With all holes open, the flame is about 4 inches high. The holes are blocked by a rotating ring at the top of the burner. It should not be adjusted while lit or hot. appalachiantrailcafe…

  • VIDEO: Noon to Noon Part 2

    12trysomething - - Trip Report


    Our food coma is in full swing now. Thanks for watching. youtu.be/75h_TTqwXG8

  • Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from 12trysomething: “A buddy and I went out for 24hrs on the FLT this past weekend. Here is part 1. Thanks for watching. youtu.be/u4LJReLlfgk” 12trysomething...!!!! Please allow me to apologize. i hope you have lurked long enough to realize...THIS...is what happens to most all serious thread/ conversations......It truely is all good................ sometime I'd like to tell about my new sticks! :thumbsup:” Haha life is good!

  • Quote from LIhikers: “If I ever get to do the hike from NYC to my son's place in Ohio the Finger Lakes Trail will be my route across NY state. I've only been on it for a bit in the Catskills.” Nice, this was my first time on it as well. I hope to get a bit more of it this winter. Thanks.

  • Quote from TrafficJam: “I'm not against Ramen, I eat it sometimes too. It's the easiest thing to pack, especially a spur-of-the-moment hiking trip. 12trysomething, I loved the video because you were obviously having a great time. It's fun to go on short hikes and take a lot of extra stuff.” Amen to that, I have tried to get out at least 1x a month this year! Thanks for the view.

  • Quote from Tuckahoe: “How'd the Bear Creek Coountry Kitchen Broccoli and Chedder work out? I have been thinking of trying it out on my next hike with the addittion of some dried broccoli, mushrooms and a can of chicken.” It is excellent. Give it a try.

  • Quote from Drybones: “Great job with the video. Everything on the menu looked great except those scrambled eggs...only MH meal I just could not eat. You did a better job than I on the first bite of that Ramen/cheddar broccoli meal, what I said was *^&^%##. I've done the Finger Lakes wine tasting trail many times but not the hiking trail...wish I'd been into hiking when I lived there.” Thanks for that. I try and keep the videos G rated...all that means is a lot of editing. Thanks for watching.

  • A buddy and I went out for 24hrs on the FLT this past weekend. Here is part 1. Thanks for watching. youtu.be/u4LJReLlfgk

  • 65 miles, 5 days.

  • The laziest thing I've ever done? NOTHING

  • Introduce Yourself

    12trysomething - - General


    Howdy all, Rob here, I am married with 2 children. As with many others, I am fortunate to have found a love for hiking. I find it a great blend of research, planning, gear, DIY, trail time and video editing. I currently live in Central New York and try to take a trip a month (my wife's idea!) and share them via my YouTube channel. I have been lurking around this forum for sometime and am glad to be a member of it! Happy Trails!

  • Alcohol Stoves

    12trysomething - - Cooking Gear


    Like most everyone that has posted in here, I am a stove junkie. Usually I use a different one for each trip, rotating through my DIY collection. Here is a link to my last stove and a DIY how-to. I am heading out for a short over night tomorrow and am deciding which one to bring as I type. youtu.be/EKy9w_hbg80 Stoves are an addiction

  • Pillow Talk

    12trysomething - - Sleep Systems


    I use my Jacks-R-Better down sleeves. Multi-purpose and weight is only 3 ounces.