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  • Re:Ask a Chef

    FarmerChef - - Trail Chefs


    I think Beef Tallow is the way to go. It's shelf stable and easily transported. What about warming the tallow until it is liquid and then "soaking" a bouillon cube in it. Or, mix powdered (packet) bouillon with it and then reform into a cube or similar. Pack in plastic wrap in individual portions. Just a thought.

  • thru hikers only

    FarmerChef - - Appalachian Trail


    We'll be coming down probably around Memorial day to nip off the section of Mt. Rogers we missed on our spring break hike. We will definitely look you up for a shuttle. Then I'll buy you a round or two at the BB that evening if you want.

  • Oh indeed! For a bit of easy punch, you can put the oats in the blender and it will reduce them to a slightly grainy oat powder. This is the secret to Mrs. Fields Cookie recipe. Bread pudding can be done the same way except with dried fruit in the "pudding." A bit of vanilla really helps it along but bread crumbs as a pie/cobbler/pudding base can be very effective.

  • Whats in the bowl bitch

    FarmerChef - - Trail Chefs


    A little late to the party today... We had: Warm Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Buttercream Frosting at oh, let's say, 8:00 to open stockings with the little ones. Then it was on to Cheese Souffle with home cured bacon, kitchy mini sausage links from the store (ok, I admit it, I love those little things), and home roasted coffee. If I could convince my family, I would totally go with the shrimp and grits. Delicious! And yes, I've made them myself, even cooked down the shrimp shells for stock. …

  • slow move to get lighter

    FarmerChef - - General


    Quote from namtrag: “HB and Storm, that's one place my wife and I don't carry too much...in fact, when we go on our 2 1/2 day trips (basically Friday evening to Sunday), I am always starving on the Sunday midday hike back to the car. We typically carry two "meals" for each day, and a morning and afternoon snack. Never enough for me lol I do think we are making strides in lightening the weight of our food though. We used to carry cheese and sausage, for example. Now we have begun dehydrating our …

  • Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from WaterRat: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…e7fe42469e2b9680d941d55f3 Quote from Toli: “SideKick would hike in any kinda weather, but could never figure out snow... Yep, he was a squatter... lol.. "WaterRat" post=2940]Quote from rocksNsocks: “Starting to Snow right now, it will be our first significant snow fall of the year, should clear out later this afternoon, and provide a beautiful moon lit winter wonderland walk tonight. I might get a chance to use the sno…

  • Quote from WaterRat: “The girls enjoyed the snow today.” My Husky absolutely loved it. Snow, snow and more snow, please! (not for me, used to love the stuff...the kids and the husky, well, they love it!).

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    FarmerChef - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from FarmerChef: “I shall foil your nefarious poho plan. Bwahahaha. Ok, maybe just delay it a little... :evil:” You shall get your hair bow stuck between boulders in Mahoosuc Notch and be left far behind.” Not so! If I unfold my hair bow and hold on I shall glide past you right over the notch.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    FarmerChef - - Coffee Talk


    I shall foil your nefarious poho plan. Bwahahaha. Ok, maybe just delay it a little...

  • whats the weather where you are?

    FarmerChef - - General


    Snowing like a bandit out our way. Have about 3 inches so far and still coming down steady. Prolly wind up with 5 or 6. More plowing for me to do this evening. More fun with the tractor.

  • And why is me Karma down to 0. I must be leaking Karma somewhere....

  • Extra points to HM for correctly identifying WR as "her." :lol:

  • Quote from rocksNsocks: “Quote from ChooChooTrain: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…e7fe42469e2b9680d941d55f3 How to insert photos! Remember - it's 3 steps, plus you have to hit "submit". If you try to preview it, the software doesn't show the photo, but it should show up when you hit Submit. Drybones, would you try reposting the whole thing just to make sure you got the hang of it. If you're successful, I'll delete the first attempt.” way to many freakin steps, I'm goin back to the other place..…

  • Quote from Hikermom: “Hey y'all... I'm here! I ran all the way.... nice to see everyone! Good ole days are back! Woo Hoo!!” Awesome. So glad you made it!

  • Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from Karma: “Hikerboy! Thank you! :lol: I'm still trying to figure out why I have all these pairs of (COTTON!) pants when I only have two legs. Yesterday I was in the grocery store for the first real time since I finished, and I was desperately hunting for foil packs of tuna. Then I remembered I can buy CANS. It's all so new, this strange and frightening indoor world! I love the new place. Thanks for building it!” Did that grocery store accept your Karma points? I'v…

  • Hiking NH

    FarmerChef - - Trip Planning


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from FarmerChef: “Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from ChinMusic: “I thought The Whites were tough, and then I got to Maine.” What made them tougher? The roots and rocks? Just curious. My husband and I spent about 8 days up there and only hiked about 20 some miles of the AT between Zealand Falls to Mt. Washington Summit. Webster Cliffs got my respect immediately. Were the climbs even steeper?” Still bummed we missed you by...hours. We went down Webster Cliffs and it w…

  • Hiking NH

    FarmerChef - - Trip Planning


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from ChinMusic: “I thought The Whites were tough, and then I got to Maine.” What made them tougher? The roots and rocks? Just curious. My husband and I spent about 8 days up there and only hiked about 20 some miles of the AT between Zealand Falls to Mt. Washington Summit. Webster Cliffs got my respect immediately. Were the climbs even steeper?” Still bummed we missed you by...hours. We went down Webster Cliffs and it was still hard. Plus we picked up a lost notch to…

  • Quote from BirdBrain: “Good night all. I have missed you. It is now time to climb in bed and freeze the wife. It is 30 out up here and I have not warmed up yet.” Do you post outside?? No wonder you're so cold.

  • Quote from OzJacko: “Quote from hikerboy: “so whats next on the tick list? whats your next big adventure? are you coming back to the states?” sorry for breaks in posts. busy today. probable next adventure is the Camino in 2015. I will return (sounds familiar) to the states. Not sure when.” Might see you out there. Thinking about the Camino in 2015 my self.

  • Hiking NH

    FarmerChef - - Trip Planning


    Quote from hikerboy: “franconia ridge is perhaps the best stretch of the entire at if the weather is good.the carters are almost as good as the mahoosucs, and the presidentials are, well the presidentials.” Franconia Ridge was hands down the favorite of all of us on our Whites hike this summer. We enjoyed all the Whites immensely and, when it rained, just chose to bum around town and enjoy the low-life since the high-life was obscured by clouds and supremely uncomfortable in the rain. We get to …