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  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    windy and 68F. at 6 am.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    got up to 89F. At my tent. Cooled off to 76F. at 8:30 pm. Clear and starting to get windy. Park gate closes at 9 pm.

  • Outdoor Outfitting 101

    JimBlue - - General


    My sister and I go to a Mexican restaurant run by them. Their cooks are Mexican to.

  • Trail Days.... here I come!!

    JimBlue - - General


    oh. You aren't with the band. That's why.

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    Now I can cook in the rain. If I need to.

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    9 by 12 foot tarp used as an awning. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…dd3bb67fe2554d906971db32f

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    big tent so I can stretch out. I have my scout tent along if I need it. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…dd3bb67fe2554d906971db32f

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    Hardly anyone here. Going to set up my tent just in case that 20% chance of rain kicks in. A crew is up here working on the building housing the big foot statue for the leave no trace trail.

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    Thanks !

  • Urinating in Water Sources

    JimBlue - - Trail Health


    Is it still sterile if someone has a bladder infection ?

  • Outdoor Outfitting 101

    JimBlue - - General


    When the ship traveled to the Mediterranean Sea some of the table wine we were served at lunch was good some not very good and some was close to being vinegar. This was Italy an Greece. Didn't do any day tours the one time we stopped in a French port. The one Portuguese stop in Lisbon was good food and good wine. I have some photos or slides somewhere of our stops. Not sure where they are except in one of 100 boxes.

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    All packed and loaded the car up. Found my rain coat and rain pants. I think I'm going to need them. Towles and spare clothes, in case my tent springs a leak.

  • Outdoor Outfitting 101

    JimBlue - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from odd man out: “saw some of these outfitters in Ashville last week, but wasn't really gear shopping. We fid buy beer, however. ” Fid or did? Perhaps you bought more than you should have. ” Must be one of those Dance the Midnight Fandangos.

  • Hiking & Biking

    JimBlue - - General


    70% chance of rain this coming Sunday. I've been told it has rained in the past during the race. Sunny last year. Highest predicted temperature is 77F on Sunday. I hope to walk around a bit on Saturday, don't know if I would call it hiking or not.

  • Urinating in Water Sources

    JimBlue - - Trail Health


    A lake decades ago. I try to avoid doing that in small water sources.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    rain chances and time of day is varying all over for the coming weekend. Hot during the day and cool at night for now.

  • 2017 - Hiking Plans.

    JimBlue - - Trip Planning


    Quote from ScareBear: “Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Quote from NoAngel: “Quote from StalkingTortoise: “Working on a plan to climb Mt. Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in China this weekend. I'd better hit the stairclimber at the hotel gym for the next few days... th ” I hope they built that foot bridge better than all the crap they make and send over here. ” Amen brother!The Chinese are masters of the "It looks pretty good" mentality. But when they know they will be audited, they do tend to step up …

  • whats the weather where you are?

    JimBlue - - General


    clear and hot today. Rain chances starting on Wednesday.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    JimBlue - - General


    Quote from Astro: “I was not the only one out for an evening walk today. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…dd3bb67fe2554d906971db32f Quote: “ ” ” says file not found.

  • And In Other News

    JimBlue - - Coffee Talk


    Good luck !