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  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Ewok11: “It's finally out of the 90's most days but still no rain in sight. We have had ZERO measurable rain since June. The smoke comes and goes and for the time being there aren't any fires super close by. ” Wish the tropical storm that sent us so much rain this week could have made it to you instead. ” Isn't that always how it is? We need it and you have it or vice versa.

  • A friend who will be missed

    Ewok11 - - Trail Dogs


    My condolences. I had to say goodbye to my 14 year old dog last year. It's certainly never easy. What a great tribute you shared about Rugby!

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Pictures like that make you want to move, or at least visit. ” I don't always appreciate the simple beauty in the area where I live. I'm from the deciduous glory of the Appalachians and I've lived in some very vibrant places like the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. It's easy to look around and just see scrub land and basalt rock. I forget to notice that there's actually a lot going on if I take the time to pay attention and to remember that I'm really close to so many distinctly…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    It's finally out of the 90's most days but still no rain in sight. We have had ZERO measurable rain since June. The smoke comes and goes and for the time being there aren't any fires super close by.

  • My husband and I have a Jannu. I do my best not to think about the price and for the times that he, I or both of us have use or would be using it, the weight isn't an issue. We slept beside a glacier, in Alaska, in September in a three season and even with my above average body temp when sleeping (i.e. my husband says I'm like his own personal space heater), we both got REALLY cold. That was what finally persuaded me to reluctantly agree to such a pricey purchase but it's been worth it.

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    Last weekend my husband and I finally both had a weekend free AND the smoke from the area fires lifted enough that the sky was mostly clear. We took advantage of the opportunity and visited Craters of the Moon National Monument. It's a surreal place and I've never seen so much lava rock in one place that wasn't the result of intentional landscaping. We got a late start, so we didn't have time to explore the caves. I will definitely be going back for cave exploration and maybe some camping and/or…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Ewok11 - - General


    While not the excessive heat that some of you have shared, here in my part of Idaho we set a record for the most consecutive days of 90+ degree weather and there's no end in sight. We haven't had any measurable rain in well over a month and that doesn't look to be changing either. Fires everywhere. It's gross.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from max.patch: “at stone mountain park in atlanta the speed limit is 25 mph. there are a couple good sized hills in the park. if ya speed ya get ticketed -- and that includes bicyclists. that's the only place i've personally seen a bicyclist ticketed for speeding. ” I think I would be too afraid to ride a bike at Stone Mountain. The last time I was there, the people I was with were just sure they knew a back way to get there faster. They didn't. We ended up having to park in Stone Mountai…

  • Hiking & Biking

    Ewok11 - - General


    For clarification, I don't think the majority of drivers in Southeastern Idaho are jerks and I detest some of my fellow cyclists. I think most people are legitimately ignorant to the rules of the road and a good many are distracted. It happens when I'm on foot and in my car too. I almost hit a guy on a bike because he darted out in to the crosswalk as I was turning and he didn't have right of way. I was almost squished while on foot when I was in the middle of a crosswalk where I did have right …

  • What Are You Reading?

    Ewok11 - - Books


    I'm working my way through Bernard Cornwell's, The Saxon Tales series. If you've watched The Last Kingdom series on Netflix or I think the BBC, it's based on Saxon Tales books. So far I'm enjoying the books.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Ewok11 - - General


    I don't begrudge anyone whatever kind of exercise they're getting, indoor or outdoor. I'm in Idaho where the whole concept of the "Idaho Stop" started, in a town with bike lanes and still people don't get it. I tried zigzagging through neighborhoods but man oh man, I always seem to hit trash day. So, regular traffic, plus trashcans, plus street-side parking and it just isn't worth the stress level. I applaud the people who make it work. I also think the city I live in doesn't do a very good job …

  • Hiking & Biking

    Ewok11 - - General


    I haven't been by here in what feels like forever. New job of three months and I think I'm finally over the jetlag portion of adjusting to the hours. I decided since my commute each direction is only 3.23 miles from door to door that I would start biking or walking most days. I tried biking twice and after way too many people almost running over me and one situation where I had to hastily ditch my bike, I've gone to just walking. The problem here isn't even that they can't see me. They can. Ther…

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    I took a walk today and couldn't have asked for better conditions. The snow line has jogged up to above 6000 feet in most places and the majority of the lower trails in the are are clear and dry. It was beautiful 70 degree, blue bird day here in SE Idaho today. I believe the name of the trail I was on is locally known as Wiggle Worm. It was a nice three-ish mile loop up and back and I really enjoyed being able to get out in the fresh air and sunshine. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…2d84fdbf6ec26…

  • Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “WOO, with due respect, your last post was a little hard to understand. By my interpretation I think the summary of what you meant was "be assertive with the range instructor beforehand, make sure they understand your level of experience and possible needs and be sure they are can assist and are willing to accomodate before paying for the range time." If that's the case the I certainly agree. ” This I understand and agree with. I meant no disrespect and clearly said tha…

  • Hiking Plans 2018

    Ewok11 - - Trip Planning


    I don't have any plans just wishes and hopes. 2017 was a year of drastic change for my household. We said goodbye to the Army and moved half way across the continent for my husband to attend school and now we're navigating life as broke college kids again. I thought I left that life behind 15 some-odd years ago but it's worth the sacrifice for my husband to get the education he desires and deserves. It just means that funds are somewhat limited, so adventures are as well. My wish would be to fin…

  • I don't think I entirely understand Woo's post above this one but that's probably just me. Bo Peep - Keep an eye out for gun stores, ranges and instructors (preferably certified ones) offering ladies night events. It might seem cliche but you might also find yourself more comfortable in a group of women.

  • Quote from Dan76: “Accompanied a lady friend (a LEO) to a gun shop a while back, not that she needed my advice. However waiting for several minutes for service, she motioned for me to join her at the counter. Almost immediately we were approached by a salesman intent upon providing service to me. Despite my assurances she was the customer, he continued to address me. She than casually flashed her badge and told the sales guy he just lost a sale as we departed. ” Quote from Bo Peep: “I went to a …

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    Thank you all for the concern. Luckily, I live with a medical provider, so I know that I just have a regular old cold that goes away and then comes back before my immune system has had a chance to recover. I think since we are in a fairly small town now it has less to do with circulation issues in Walmart and more to do with people congregating there and just being unsanitary. It doesn't help that one of the companies I broker for, owns a large portion of the cough and cold medicine brands. So, …

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    I figured it was time for my monthly check in. I still haven't managed to fully kick this horrendous chest cough. I've narrowed down the culprit to the local Walmart. My job requires me to be in and out of various stores in the area on a daily or weekly basis. I can go anywhere with the exception of Walmart and I'm fine. Every time I go in that store I leave with what the employees there have dubbed "the Walmart Funk". I'm going on about two months now of being sick off and on. ANYWAY, with that…

  • Took a walk today

    Ewok11 - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Ewok, those are some great photos, you've got a good eye for picture taking. Do you use a camera or are they just from a phone? Hope you feel better soon. ” Thank you! I have a Nikon D3100 camera. I have no idea what I'm doing with it half the time but sometimes I get really lucky and the picture just kind of takes itself.