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  • whats the weather where you are?

    pipsissewa - - General


    POURING ICE rain, right now, very strange

  • The Dehydrated Food Thread

    pipsissewa - - Trail Chefs


    I like this idea. When Sept rolls around, I 'm swimming in free stone peaches. I don't care for fruit leathers so I'm going to try the soaking in OJ and then drying. Like that pink doohickey! Quote from TrafficJam: “One of my favorite things are dried apples. I peel, core, and slice a bunch of apples, soak in OJ, season with apple pie spice and dehydrate. If you use one of these doohickeys it goes really fast. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…d6584ac95b6c2ef26550e58fd”

  • whats the weather where you are?

    pipsissewa - - General


    Heavy snow has been falling for the last two hours, suppose to turn to rain/snow mix…we'll see. Took an early morning snowshoe before work to maintain the trail before the rain destroys the snow 2.gif

  • Lightweight ventilated backpack

    pipsissewa - - Packs


    Check out Deuter, "30 years of ventilation and comfort" I really like mine

  • Quote from hikerboy: “i really enjoyed the first book, but the second, walking home , i found really depressing.” I'm always hesitant to read a sequel when the first book was so good. If we get a long dreary spring I'll give it a shot

  • The Dehydrated Food Thread

    pipsissewa - - Trail Chefs


    Anyone try dehydrating pizza? You could chop and dry and then put it in a cup with some hot water…Cup-o-pizza

  • Snow is really deep in SW Mass. Breaking trail is tough as you sink a good 6 to 8" and after the trail is blazed, the wind takes it all away

  • This book reads like a great adventure book. The sister's Susan and Lucy aka Isis and Jackrabbit (I couldn't fit their names into the title) leave Maine in early summer head southbound and recount their trip. I was very impressed by how well written the book is. The sisters take turns recounting their days and months and describe the sights, sounds ,and yes, feel of the trail "moss clung to the trees and rocks and roots like botanical fur". Their story includes a cast of characters including Tub…

  • Quote from Just Bill: “Quote from jimmyjam: “maybe I'll just have to suck it up and buy a dehydrator or buy some from Packitgroumet.” More and more I am coming to the realization that a dehydrator is a fantastic thing to have if you have a garden or source of cheap seasonal produce. I tried the complete meals approach and got sick of it since it all turns into a uniformly flavored item after a few months of storage, one reason most commercial stuff is either Italian, chili, or spicy. I do the in…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    pipsissewa - - General


    Great Snow Day! 12" plus, still snowing. Snow shoes are awesome, a ittle ice underneath, glad for the crampon action

  • whats the weather where you are?

    pipsissewa - - General


    Waiting for the snow. We have just a few inches from yesterday's snow and I've been patiently waiting for enough snow to try out the snowshoes I got for Xmas. I think tomorrow might do it. I have been using the old fashion wood and rawhide type for years and just stayed away from treacherous terrain. I really never felt that limited by them. Then last summer I met some folks that told me how great the normally steep rocky areas are for snowshoeing when the snow gets deep.

  • Beer on the AT

    pipsissewa - - Supplies & Town Stuff


    Rolling Rock gets my vote

  • Whats in the bowl bitch

    pipsissewa - - Trail Chefs


    stick to grits

  • Whats in the bowl bitch

    pipsissewa - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from rocksNsocks: “So what kinda foods will your families be having on Christmas morning (on the trail or off) I like bagels with Lox, bout the only time I get Lox anymore, love em!” I like second breakfast which is usually a snack of lastnights dinner i.e. wings, steak, enchiladas...

  • Whats in the bowl bitch

    pipsissewa - - Trail Chefs


    Like many foods, I learned to like grits on the trail.. Love cheese grits with lots off black pepper and eggs. I also learned to appreciate sardines while backpacking. I agree with Train W oatmeal is hard to get excited about. I learned to like it by making it very thin and adding lots of peanutbutter while its hot

  • whats the weather where you are?

    pipsissewa - - General


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from pipsissewa: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…d6584ac95b6c2ef26550e58fd Last weeks hikes were great. The 4" of snow made the trail feel like walking on pillows. Here in the Berkshires we got anywhere from 4 - 8 inches of new snow depending on elevation. Now it's very cold and going to get colder, nose drip weather!” Looks like that rock already got the memo :lol:” 3 degrees! This is how my head feels this am. Last week hiking on pillows, this week head to pillow!

  • whats the weather where you are?

    pipsissewa - - General


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…d6584ac95b6c2ef26550e58fd Last weeks hikes were great. The 4" of snow made the trail feel like walking on pillows. Here in the Berkshires we got anywhere from 4 - 8 inches of new snow depending on elevation. Now it's very cold and going to get colder, nose drip weather!

  • AT buffer zone

    pipsissewa - - Appalachian Trail


    no wonder my google search was frustrating

  • AT buffer zone

    pipsissewa - - Appalachian Trail


    Thanks for posting the article. My google search was very frustrating. And thanks to all for the spell check. It looks like the eminent domain was immanent.

  • AT buffer zone

    pipsissewa - - Appalachian Trail


    How was the land aquired to create the buffer zone around the AT? I know many residents who don't take kindly to the AT and the "taking of their land" and there seems to be some tension over how this happened.