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  • Working for the AMC?

    Rasty - - General


    Does anyone have any experience or advice on taking a job with the AMC in New Hampshire? I'm thinking about taking the executive chef position at the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center.

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    Rasty - - Trail Health


    Quote from odd man out: “My university canceled classes today and tomorrow. I have until Monday to figure out how to teach an on-line class. ” My daughter's classes were cancelled also. She's an education major and doesn't yet know if she needs to show up at her clinical classes which are a at a pre-school. I don't think the 4 year old kids know how to attend an online class.

  • Too Old for Crocs?

    Rasty - - Trail Health



  • Happy New Year 2020

    Rasty - - General


    Happy new year. I made it until 1:30 am only because I was watching a good movie.

  • elf's a dad!!!

    Rasty - - General


    congratulations Elf!!

  • Christmas and Chanukah 2019

    Rasty - - General


    Please don't forget festivus. I have a lot of problems with you people!!!!!

  • welcome to the cafe

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Yesterday was the 6th Anniversary of the Appalachiantrailcafe.net While there may not always be a lot of quantity, we definitely have quality. Great example IMScotty's snow pictures yesterday. ” Quote from LIhikers: “Happy birthday cafe! You folks must have let me in near the beginnimg., Maybe. ” six years? Seems like yesterday we got in trouble at Whiteblaze.

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Rasty: “I'm thankful that tomorrow is my first Thanksgiving not working in 32 years. ” So the burning question, are you still going to cook for yourself, or let someone else do the work this time? ” Going to mom's house

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    I'm thankful that tomorrow is my first Thanksgiving not working in 32 years.

  • Pulling RV’s

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Webasto makes a greasy diesel heater. Ebay sells a Chinese knockoff that gets good reviews also for 1/4 the webasto price.

  • are we talking about campfire ashes or mom/dad/wife ashes?

  • Pulling RV’s

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Get a smaller RV appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…0f642cdc46b595282cd1d584c

  • Overmountain Shelter Is Closed

    Rasty - - AT Specific


    I think the wife and I ate going to hike there next month. Carvers Gap to 19E should be good first backpacking trip for Sinara.

  • Different Trail Legs

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Drybones: “Rasty....nice to have you back around the campfire bro. ” I had a busy couple of years.

  • Too Old for Crocs?

    Rasty - - Trail Health


    I hate Crocs!! They are Birkenstocks uglier cousin.

  • Different Trail Legs

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “Quote from odd man out: “For toilets we have one of these in our trailer. It is extremely practical. Waste is sealed in the air right water tight odor proof chamber. Pour water in the storage tank and push the pump to "flush". To dump, snap off the base and carry it to a toilet. Then just hose it down to clean. thetford.com/product/porta-potti-335/ ” brilliant! ” my toilet uses a cassette style tank that you just dump into a toilet to empty.

  • Different Trail Legs

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk



  • welcome to the cafe

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “i went to burger king today for the first time in at least 10 years. i don't eat many fast food burgers -- but when i do -- there are other places i like better. i wanted to try the "impossible whopper". it's a regular whopper with one small difference -- the burger is replaced by a plant based "burger" aka the "impossible burger". burger king advertises this as "0% beef, 100% whopper". and the verdict -- they're right. this thing …

  • Overmountain Shelter Is Closed

    Rasty - - AT Specific


    Stayed there with mt daughters. It's nice for a shelter.

  • Different Trail Legs

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Astro: “Curious, what are the features and rough target price? ” $85k with a brand new 3500 Extended Promaster with a winterized plumbing system, solar panels, propane generator, shower, toilet, 3 way fridge, propane stove, furnace, water heater, spray foam insulation, full size bed, air conditioning, etc, etc ” Sort of like a really small starter home or tiny house with wheels that you park where ever you want. ” I can park mine in any regular pa…