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  • Hiking & Biking

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “Do any of you who enjoy bicycling use a quick link in your chain? I'm thinking of putting one in the chain of the bike I use for commuting so I can remove, and clean, the chain easier and quicker. I'd like to hear how having a quick link has been good or bad for you ” Most quality chains have one link to aid in removal - but unlikely will you need it, teflon oil is a quick easy way to clean it.

  • Loosing skin on your feet?

    Wise Old Owl - - Trail Health


    Age, medications, and pounding down the trail over time leads to some issues as you get older, for hikers and non-hikers alike. Allergic reactions, eczema, and psoriasis something I have never had in the past, has creep-ed up on me and clearly attacking me on the feet. The sores open up, itch and bleed on a weekly basis. At first I just suffered with it, and then I borrowed a few topicals from relatives, knowing that there isn’t a cure really irritated me. After a discussion with my doctor we fo…

  • Took a walk today

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “I had a nice walk today as I explored House Mountain just outside Knoxville. Not many actual miles to add to my (still nonexistent) 2019 Mileage List. It was only 3 miles of hiking but about 20 miles for the smileage list! It was amazing to hike up to the ridge and sit for a while, listening to the sleet, gazing at the view with a thermos of coffee by my side and cheese, pepperoni, and bagel chips for lunch. Hiking in winter is wonderful. The House Mountain natural area …

  • Nutella

    Wise Old Owl - - Trail Chefs


    Works great for catching mice in snap traps. - I use it around folks with peanut allergies.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Quote from Astro: “This thing stung me as I was emptying the skimmers of the pool. I took a picture before I terminated him. It had an orange section on it's bottom side. Anybody know what it was? ” Clearly an Assassin Bug. IF you are near Texas you will need a shot. Otherwise you may be OK... Do you have your affairs in order? ” WOO, it has been six months now, so I believe I am going to make it. ” In all seri…

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Wise Old Owl - - General


    Quote from odd man out: “The other day I caught a couple of Mallards swimming in or backyard pool. Yesterday they left us a present. Seems like an odd place to lay an egg. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…8481d451d7c4f86ec35ae67e1 ” Hmm Breakfast? Quote from Astro: “This thing stung me as I was emptying the skimmers of the pool. I took a picture before I terminated him. It had an orange section on it's bottom side. Anybody know what it was? ” Clearly an Assassin Bug. IF you are near Texas you will…

  • Quote from Drybones: “Quote from odd man out: “Look what I got for Christmas from my daughter in Raleigh. So I finally got around to making a batch. They look great. I used this recipe: southernliving.com/recipes/buttermilk-biscuits They are definitely fluffy. Don't know if it is the flour, the recipe, or both. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…8481d451d7c4f86ec35ae67e1appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…8481d451d7c4f86ec35ae67e1 ” This is a test.....which biscuit in that pan would you choose to eat fir…

  • Quote from odd man out: “Look what I got for Christmas from my daughter in Raleigh. So I finally got around to making a batch. They look great. I used this recipe: southernliving.com/recipes/buttermilk-biscuits They are definitely fluffy. Don't know if it is the flour, the recipe, or both. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…8481d451d7c4f86ec35ae67e1appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…8481d451d7c4f86ec35ae67e1 ” Yes that video had techniques I have never seen before! good find!

  • Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Anyone bothered by the fact its WINTER? why was he up there in the first place..... Inquiring minds would like real posts... don't hold back. ” some people enjoy winter hiking. to each his own. shoot woo --- i don't understand why you would choose to live in the icebox called pennsylvania. but like i said -- to each his own. ” Yup you are right... I cannot understand it... clearly its not a personal choice.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Wise Old Owl - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from LIhikers: “I went to REI today as I had to return some winter boots I had ordered through the web site. I managed to get out without spending too much money. The only thing I bought was a couple pair of thick, heavy Smartwool socks to use during our trip to northern MN in January The place was crowded but not so much that it was uncomfortable. ” Walmart sells them as a non-name brand at a tenth of the cost.. when they wear out...toss.

  • Anyone bothered by the fact its WINTER? why was he up there in the first place..... Inquiring minds would like real posts... don't hold back.

  • Quote from jimmyjam: “Hardees has better biscuits and sausage gravy. ” Hardees claims to make fresh biscuits daily in the morning!

  • Quote from jimmyjam: “I'm going to McDonald's in the morning for biscuits with sausage gravy!!! ” I had no idea - MC D doesn't serve biscuits here.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Wise Old Owl - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trillium: “One of the Detroit stations always plays Alice's Restaurant at noon on Thanksgiving. This year we were driving through Chicago to Napierville at 11:45am and I asked my husband if he knew where we might find Alice's Restaurant on Sirius or FM. He didn't; I asked if there was a channel that was more likely to play Arlo Guthrie. Well, my daughter in the back seat pipes up and asks "Dad, do you have Bluetooth in this car?" He's not quite sure but thinks so and the next thing I …

  • I like this idea better.....BACON! youtube.com/watch?time_continue=32&v=aryyAhYJc5w

  • Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from jimmyjam: “TJ, Can you make biscuits with sausage gravy? ” I have never made the kind of gravy that goes on biscuits. Will add it to my list of things to try. ” Doesn't seem so hard... I have never tried it - the key point is allowing the flour to soak up some oil and cook - notice whole milk. youtube.com/watch?v=qlugpJ8h1vs

  • Well I am enthusiastic about putting this together,,,, and that is a lot of happy when it comes to this old curmudgeon.

  • Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “I am so glad as a group you took a little notice on the article! Occasionally I feel a little ignored. This article impacted me so much I drove for an hour into Maryland to pick up 2 pounds of White Lilly and I am not a southerner. We have made two batches and my wife is clearly confused. both batches were baked and turned out well and were not hockypucks. We are adjusting the recipe. My thoughts are to adjust the recipe to Scones eventually. Hu…

  • Knee injections

    Wise Old Owl - - Trail Health


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Pre knee surgery they injected me me with a blend of cortisone and something else. I felt like I could dance down the stairs when I left. ” i know; i was surprised that the effect of the shot was almost instantaneous. ” The only problem is "WHEN" it wears off. ” and that's a big unknown. the shot wears off at different rates for different people.could last months. could last weeks. could last days. no matter w…

  • I am so glad as a group you took a little notice on the article! Occasionally I feel a little ignored. This article impacted me so much I drove for an hour into Maryland to pick up 2 pounds of White Lilly and I am not a southerner. We have made two batches and my wife is clearly confused. both batches were baked and turned out well and were not hockypucks. We are adjusting the recipe. My thoughts are to adjust the recipe to Scones eventually. Huge thanks! CANT WAIT TO ADAPT THIS TO THE TRAIL!