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  • The Wild Life

    WaterRat - - General


    This is my neighbor... Hangs out in the woods behind my house. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…f4f3252133ca36e95ca024e9a

  • Why are you giving it to some guy named Don?

  • Re:Sunsets

    WaterRat - - General


    A recent sunset...

  • Well, that is probably true. She is pretty sneaky that way.

  • Who was supposed to keep an eye on her this time? Has a search party been formed? Don't tell me she went off the tracks again...

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    I've been off doing that silly little thing called, "work." I am now (mostly) free to commence playing until the fall. Ahhhhhhh... And the weather looks like it wants to cooperate! gif.013 gif.014 What the heck have I missed since January?!

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    I can't believe I finally found my way back to this place!!!! YAY!!!

  • whats the weather where you are?

    WaterRat - - General


    ADD?! The weather here went from 18* and snowing, to 41* and cloudy in less than an hour. It's spring It's winter It's spring It's winter The weather must be totally confused.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    But, I never even mooned them with my asterisk! :whistle: How the heck are y'all doin'? Thought I would saunter on by and got distracted by the shiny new look of the place...

  • whats the weather where you are?

    WaterRat - - General


    Currently 12* and absolutely gorgeous out. Without the wind, it is amazing out there! High of 30* today, but tomorrow we should be back up to 47* (with ice, then rain). What a funky bit of weather we are having lately... A little something for everyone!

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Were we counting something? Wait a minute...Let me take my socks off so I can at least count to 10. Is that high enough, or are we doing advanced math?

  • 10 Year Old Camps Full Year

    WaterRat - - General


    I live in a tent 3-3.5 months out of the year... There were a few tough moments the first year (like when the wind was so strong, the tent wrapped around me like a burrito), but I've acclimated. Year-round? Not sure if I would want to do that. I do like indoor plumbing. :lol:

  • Introduce Yourself

    WaterRat - - General


    I'm Water Rat...WR...The Rat... Lifeguard and former keeper of the polar bear.

  • 10 Year Old Camps Full Year

    WaterRat - - General


    It sounds like this kid learned a lot more than just how to tough it out in his tent. I'm sure he had many nights where he was tempted to sneak inside the house, but kudos to him for sticking with his goals!

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    WaterRat - - General


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Hey, Team Dakota Joe! Tell Dakota Joe his overnight stay at the Mountain Crossings hostel at Neels Gap is on me. Please let me know via this thread what day he'll be arriving at Neels Gap so I can call ahead and pay for his bunk! Go Joe go! Stay warm, stay safe!! appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…f4f3252133ca36e95ca024e9a” What's that word again? SQUEEEEEE!!! Puppies...in a PUP TENT!!! gif.004

  • whats the weather where you are?

    WaterRat - - General


    Many parts of Maine on Monday. That is why they were having flooding, and high tide and freezing issues in Portland. Specifically, I am over near Acadia. It rained like crazy that day, but it was gorgeous to see the snow go away! Edited because I was off by a day. What?! This isn't Thursday???

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    WaterRat - - Coffee Talk


    Just stopping by... Thought I would stick my head in the cafe for a minute... gif.005

  • whats the weather where you are?

    WaterRat - - General


    The wind has died down here...sunny and 18* (but feels colder). Really enjoyed the 48* and rain we had the other day! That really helped me to get the show and ice off the roof!

  • whats the weather where you are?

    WaterRat - - General


    gif.003 That does it!!! I am gonna get that wind to blow this weather down to greet ya! Watch out for the palm frond in your coffee!

  • Grasshopper Delight

    WaterRat - - Trail Chefs


    Does the leg have dark meat?