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  • crocs-vs-vivobarefoot

    BirdBrain - - Footwear


    Quote from OzJacko: “There is nothing better than the BA insulated Q Core. Lighter but not better.” Exped UL7 is better..... in my opinion.

  • Twist the top of the bag liner to make an elephant snout. Tuck the snout in toward your back to secure it.

  • Quote from twistwrist: “Is it utterly stupid not to take a rain cover or line my pack for an overnight if there's a 0% chance of rain?” I never consider weather a determinate factor in my decision to line my pack. I have a trash bag liner in it every time I hike for 2 reasons. 1) I like to stream line things with as little variation as possible. 2) Streams, rivers, brooks, rills, puddles, spills, and falls are possible obstacles rather it is raining or not.

  • crocs-vs-vivobarefoot

    BirdBrain - - Footwear



  • crocs-vs-vivobarefoot

    BirdBrain - - Footwear



  • deep tracks

    BirdBrain - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox



  • crocs-vs-vivobarefoot

    BirdBrain - - Footwear


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from CoachLou: “My coral crocs are actually wearing out...............I have my eye out for the perfect color. :thumbsup:” 2839556-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg” the color choices for women are a bit hideous” Why should there be a limiting factor when it comes to the choices of color for women? I am not picking on your wording. It is a fact that people market to women and have "women's" colors for this and "women's" colors for that. I do not deny that women …

  • crocs-vs-vivobarefoot

    BirdBrain - - Footwear


    I love my vivobarefoots. However, I am leaving them home this year. Going to just take the superfeet out of my trail runners while at camp. I am done changing shoes to ford.

  • I have met those people. There seemed to be no shortage of them. I don't like to doubt people, but I find many stereotypes to be innacurate. I am talking in riddles. Let me be clear. I found the vast majority of New Yorker's to be friendly. I think we find in people what we are looking for. Many many said hello. None ever gave me the finger.

  • I have visited that beautiful city many times. I must report that I am offended that no one has ever said "hello" to me there. Didn't notice lazy people either. Perhaps I wasn't looking for them.

  • Quote from LIhikers: “uh oh, I've lived here my whole life and I don't have a clue what a New York hello is. I'm off to look it up.” HB once told me people giving people the finger in New York was just like saying hello. I think the fact that they don't use all their fingers has something to do with them being lazy.

  • Say hello to the nice folks HB.

  • Okay... one more offensive comment and I will leave this thread to the sinners (sarcasm alert). Some people do not care if they offend others as long as it does not offend themselves. Hooray for me and to hell with you. I try not to offend people. I fail often in that quest. Some people want to be offended. You can't please everyone. I don't try to please everyone. I feel it is reasonable to be a little sensitive to what might offend people.... except in here. People that don't care about the fe…

  • Quote from Da Wolf: “i'm not a sinner. f... the bible and religion. i do more good than bad” I love you anyways.... and so does Jesus.

  • Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from BirdBrain: “And you guys wonder why I think you are all sinners. I need some inspiration.” Don't want to break your bubble...but....you're right there with us.” Ain't we all” There is something that can be done about that problem. I would elaborate, but I fear it might make people react in a sinful manner. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…e5893ab76d2ae620d65939805

  • And you guys wonder why I think you are all sinners. I need some inspiration. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…e5893ab76d2ae620d65939805

  • Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Da Wolf: “janet who?” Reno?” Keeping it all in the family, that would be JJ's sister.

  • Alcohol Stoves

    BirdBrain - - Cooking Gear


    Looks correct. Make sure the short end of the break in the wire is on bottom. After one burn, the wire will discolor enough to show clearly which and is up.

  • Whiskey Thread

    BirdBrain - - Coffee Talk


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…e5893ab76d2ae620d65939805 Things can be more difficult from a phone. However, when it comes to coffee, there has to be a way.

  • Whiskey Thread

    BirdBrain - - Coffee Talk


    google.com/search?site=&source…p..4.9.4562.3.gOg32qRotCI I cannot figure out a way to load the one I want from my phone. It is the little one on the left. Click on him to see him in action.