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  • Beware of Oboz shoes

    IMScotty - - Footwear


    I find that most my trail runners last 400 - 500 miles at best. The price I pay for light weight shoes like Altras and Topos. Sucks when they fail on the trail, though.

  • Baseball Thread

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Fun stuff... mlb.com/news/brock-holt-throws-31-mph-eephus-pitch

  • Hiker Rescues and Fatalities

    IMScotty - - General


    On the JMT/ PCT... fresnobee.com/news/local/article253212033.html

  • Darn Tough

    IMScotty - - Gear


    I get the XL's when I can because I like a looser fit.

  • And In Other News

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “US needs to get on the ball. We need to win 9663 more medals to catch up with San Marino in the per Capita Olympic medal count npr.org/sections/tokyo-olympic…-first-ever-olympic-medal ” I think this is a fairer way to make comparisons. Good for them.

  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    Hello Guys, I am back from my PCT section. After only four days in the desert (Walker Pass to Kennedy Meadows), I desperately needed some R&R and took a few days off. I then did a three day hike from Horseshoe Meadow to Kennedy Meadows. That section went much better, but I did cheat a bit and picked the easy direction. A more detailed trip report will be delayed for sometime, because after I transferred the photos to my computer, I broke it. Had planned on a 130+ mile section, and only got anoth…

  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    Yup, PCT Walker Pass to Crabtree Meadow (I hope). I am a little worried about my condition. I have a bearikade. I like it, but I found out after I got it that it is not rated for grizzly country. If I ever go there, I'll need to get a different one. Something to consider. I'm up at 4 AM, so goodnight all.

  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    Yikes! Just finished packing. Total pack weight is 38.4 pounds That is with 8 days of food. Six liters of water. and a bear canister.

  • Hiking plans 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Planning


    Looks like I will be starting a little walk tomorrow. Don't go crazy in the Cafe while I am gone

  • Baseball Thread

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “ I think they were looking for any word that ended in "dians" and this was the best they could come up with. img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/i…/vhu9j7tzyjhfyhd50wez.jpg ” Clearly a cost-cutting move to save on signage changes

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Report


    That must feel good Astro. Still cannot read the headband. Wow, looks like you did get a good day!

  • Baseball Thread

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    In Salem, MA there is a place that serves "Chop Suey Sandwiches," one of the nastiest things I have ever eaten. Apparently it is a beloved, local delicacy in existence sine 1875. Here is a photo of my first, last, and only Chop Suey Sandwich... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/13981/ Or if you want you can read my full review on my 'Weird New England' Facebook group... facebook.com/groups/1768482846702694/search/?q=chop%20suey

  • whats the weather where you are?

    IMScotty - - General


    I do not know if you guys have seen this photo, but that is the AT (Fishin Jimmie Trail) where it comes down Kinsman to Franconia Notch. Yup, that is the trail... appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/13978/

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Report


    Here's hoping you see a large yellow orb in the sky on Thursday Astro!

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “Looking like 80% rain and thunderstorms Tuesday, may need to zero at Abol Bridge and shoot for Wednesday. Or Thursday. ” Astro, do you plan on staying at The Birches? I would love to hear how their new permit system works for you. I imagine that you are early enough that you don't have to worry about quotas.

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Report


    Way to go Astro! Enjoy every step!

  • And In Other News

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Keep on Walking g Everyone... dnyuz.com/2021/07/14/how-walking-can-build-up-the-brain/

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    IMScotty - - Trip Report


    So glad you are able to sit out the deluge today!

  • And In Other News

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    No, I was in the 'Don't even bother trying to go anywhere because the traffic is in gridlock' zone.

  • And In Other News

    IMScotty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “What is the world is going on in Massachussetts today? ” Max, the Moops did their thing just a few miles from my house. Instead of filling up their cars with gas before they left RI, they thought it was a good idea to fill-er-up from containers at the side of the highway at 2 AM. That is how they were found out. Not a very bright bunch.