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  • Quote from Da Wolf: “i'm goin' to springer on 21 march. 1st day of spring and a saturday. gonna take pics” I was there on the Spring Equinox on '12, and it was a complete circus, We heard there were over 100 in Springer Shelter area that night, and the parking lot was packed with hikers heading north. Shelter areas north of there were way beyond capacity.

  • I was surprised that the Spring Equinox didn't have as big a spike as the other traditional heavy start dates. Probably cause it's just a bunch of old crystal-laden hippy/new-age/wiccan practitioners, who dress in hemp and Birkenstocks with canvas packs, and backpack guitars who show up on that date. Dog knows they're not going to plan ahead... Or register.

  • Quote from LaurieP: “So, please bear with us. We are trying to find the best path forward in managing and preserving the A.T. It's a course somewhere between doing nothing (and letting overcrowding and uninformed hikers degrade the trail) and trying to strictly control behavior. ” Thanks Laurie for making your way over here and offering that excellent, detailed explanation! Gotta love a "Walk in the Woods Mitigation Task Force!"

  • Quote from OzJacko: “Biggest issue I have with all the variations on a thruhike is not finishing on Katahdin. Reaching Springer from the north or Harpers Ferry does not have the "I've done it!" feel of Katahdin.” Finishing on Katahdin may become a thing of the past if the hiking community doesn't figure out a way to reduce impact on Baxter.

  • Quote from hikerboy: “Quote from Rasty: “"The calendar on this screen provides only a preview of what dates are filled to capacity" What does that mean?” it means itll show you when its crowded” Elsewhere they describe that as meaning shelter areas north of Springer will be filled to capacity.

  • The ATC has set up an online, voluntary, thru-hike registration form that seems to be designed to meter the number of starters per day. From their FAQ page Quote: “Thru-hikers themselves can now help even out the flow of hikers to better seek the “fellowship with the wilderness” for which the A.T. is famous. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) views voluntary registration as a way to enhance your A.T. experience and better manage this natural resource – without additional regulations.” There…

  • welcome to the cafe

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Does any one know if Blue Jay La Fey carries a corn cob pipe?” No pipe here appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…f37b4c5da09622bb47db35020 :thumbsup:” I saw a reference to a Blue Jay with a corn cob pipe...was thinking it might be him.” There's more than one Blue Jay out there. He checks in from time to time. Maybe ask him on his profile page.

  • What's your favorite power bar?

    LDog - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Those little Jiff to go plastic tubs and a sleeve of oreos to dip in them are tough to beat.” I like the packets Justin's Nut Butters sell. I'll carry one of those for each days. If i'm not snacking on it, I'm making a peanut sauce for dinner.

  • Quote from Astro: “Quote from OzJacko: “Shoulda slept with it. A bad hang is worse than no hang. ” Of course this is probably easier to determine after the fact.” After this I slept with it more often than not. In Maine and New Hampshire chipmunks shimmied down my line and chewed into the bag. I stopped hanging it and slept with it all the time. In Shenandoah I hung it cause the critters are all just a little too acclimated to and fearless of us. I'll probably hang it thru NJ where I hear the be…

  • Quote from Astro: “Quote from LDog: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…f37b4c5da09622bb47db35020 The day after a bear got my bag at Hog Pen Gap, a section hiker leaving the trail offered me a bag of Sweet Sue's chicken. It made a pretty good chili that night ” How did the bear get your food bag?” Three of us pulled into that little campsite just S of Hog Pen Gap. Two others were already there. We could only find one decent branch, and it was really too low to do a PCT hang, so we all tied our lines…

  • deep tracks

    LDog - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…f37b4c5da09622bb47db35020 Joe Bonamassa's cover of Gary Moore's song "Midnight Blues" Probably oughta turn this up ... facebook.com/video.php?v=10153034285309659

  • appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…f37b4c5da09622bb47db35020 The day after a bear got my bag at Hog Pen Gap, a section hiker leaving the trail offered me a bag of Sweet Sue's chicken. It made a pretty good chili that night

  • Quote from Tangent: “I've been seeing pouched chicken at Walmart and food city in east tn. It's a 7oz pack so be hungry if you're going to add it to something. It's usually hidden on the top shelf. I don't remember the brand but I'll grab one at the store next time and see if they're any good.” SS-Premium-Chicken-Breast-98-Fat-Free-pouch.jpg This is one I've used and found pretty tasty. According to their web site, it's available in both 3 oz and 7 oz foil packets, but I've only ever seen it in …

  • guided at hikes whaddya think?

    LDog - - Trip Planning


    Quote from OzJacko: “Doyle's hikes strike me as totally bereft of enjoyment. Tight schedule. Pickup and transport for resupplies and basic accomodation needs. No zeroes. No flexibility. They are at least cheap.” And they get to experience being part of a cult.

  • guided at hikes whaddya think?

    LDog - - Trip Planning


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “I have seen large guided tours on the AT - boy scouts.” The "campers" in the 100 mile wilderness ... In July groups as large as 20 well-heeled young teenagers thru-hike the HMW as part of their summer camp experience. All very nice and polite. But they'd quite hiking at 4:00 and take over every tent site at a shelter area ...

  • whats the weather where you are?

    LDog - - General


    Been in the 20s here in western Michigan. Those last couple of big storms passed south of us, with only their northernmost snow bands providing us only about 12" of fresh snow total ... Just as I was getting my first new skis in a loooong time! 10978596_10153154398648534_1819802579570585011_n.jpg

  • It's just walkin'

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Nice that he will not have to walk in snow and rain anymore, but I bet it helped keep him in great physical condition. Also a great example of how people are willing to help each other out on their own.” Yeah they're like, oh I dunno... Angels? Yup, like angels sent to help one along their path. Path Angels? No, that doesn't sound quite right ... Lemme work on that ....

  • Lyme Desease on the AT

    LDog - - Appalachian Trail


    Quote from socks: “I apply it like I was goin out on Satuday night. Couple a shots in the nether regions, and a dab behind the ears.” Stop. Yer makin' me hot!

  • welcome to the cafe

    LDog - - Coffee Talk


    I'm gonna call in and ask what digital scale I should buy to weigh my gear.

  • Lyme Desease on the AT

    LDog - - Appalachian Trail


    I might add a few strategic touches of deet on exposed skin above the socks and at the scalp line.