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  • What's for dinner?

    Dan76 - - Trail Chefs


    damndelicious.net/2015/11/24/sweet-corn-spoonbread/ I've used this receipe. Simple and effective. My NC friends had no complaints.

  • Covers (better or not)

    Dan76 - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    In memory of Leon Russell ...dead at 74 m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvazuyF6eXw

  • GPS sales

    Dan76 - - Electronics


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “Uh there are many apps with big batteries... So I would take a pass. Smart phones are legit; wrist stuff will possible catch up, going to be a few years. ” Some people need multi-sport watches, thus the post. It's difficult to swim or ride a bike while holding a cell phone. I was pretty thrilled to buy my son a multi-sport watch for Christmas for 50% off. ” Want another son?

  • Super moon tomorrow night.

    Dan76 - - General


    Of course the moon also shone brightly last eve. The next couple of nights will be great for a night bike/hike experience.

  • Hunting

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    I'd like to come across last year's dropped antlers from this deer.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    44* @ 0630, way too warm.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from max.patch: “lot of fires in georgia (and north carolina) right now. even if the trail one wants to hike in north georgia is open, it may virtually unhikeable or uncomfortable because of the smoke. i was planning on doing the approach trail this week but have postponed it until it clears up. 15056328_662841253893142_3014384187708957686_n.png ” That sucks. ” more like 'blows'.

  • Gear Maintenance

    Dan76 - - Gear


    Quote from mental note: “Quote from Drybones: “Quote from mental note: “Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from mental note: “The very worst zipper to get stuck when hiking..."the fly" ” it depends on what you get stuck in your zipper. ” My wallet got stuck in a zippered back pocket. Now the zipper never closes. ” you need a jimmy jam special, it's so soft...you can put it in your front pocket. ” I hear that dude makes good stuff. ” He really does! ” Roger that.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Unseasonably warm with freezing level at 14K'. Rain forecasted for next week.

  • Trailplace 1997-2014 ???

    Dan76 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “traillink.com is more useful. Here's a challenge - yogi 8000 calories in one day. ” I most likely handed out that many calories on Halloween.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from montana mac: “Forecast for MT is for above normal temps for the month of Nov. Seems like the weather guys may have it right. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…667e29e73944d67d1a934c458 ” similar to Salt Lake City. Should have had snowpack in the mountains by now but what little accumulated in Sept is long gone. Without sufficient snowpack, skiing will be hurt but more importantly water shortages next spring/summer will occur. Most local reservoirs are now down to 40% of capacity.

  • Gear Maintenance

    Dan76 - - Gear


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from Dan76: “Typically I use a block of canning wax or a candle stub on the zipper track to prevent sticking or corrosion. A buddy uses a block of Ivory soap for this purpose. ” First I tried beeswax but the zipper pull still did not move easily so I went to my bike lube. I guess there was just too much corrosion in the teeth. ” Understand...I'm concerned with getting petroleum residue on surrounding material.

  • Gear Maintenance

    Dan76 - - Gear


    Typically I use a block of canning wax or a candle stub on the zipper track to prevent sticking or corrosion. A buddy uses a block of Ivory soap for this purpose.

  • Food Porn

    Dan76 - - Supplies & Town Stuff


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “America's favorite sweet and sour sauce - tomato ketchup. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…667e29e73944d67d1a934c458 ” Is catsup different?

  • ADVICE? Late Nov Smokies Hike

    Dan76 - - Trip Planning


    Quote from jimmyjam: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Sole2Soul: “Gonna be in the Smokies over Thanksgiving and hoping to do ~30 miles of the AT while there. Trying to determine my best option? Looking to do 12+ miles day 1 & 2 with remaining mileage day 3. Option 1 - Fontana to Clingmans (or other direction) risk it will snow/ice and cannot get picked up or dropped off. Option 2 - Fontana to Nantahala OC (or other direction) - risks? Any advice is appreciated. Where to stay, etc. Thank you i…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “right now it's cool and dark outside with a forecast of warmer and lighter in the morning ” Hopefully.

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Dan76 - - General


    Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from mental note: “Never seen a flying squirrel, but we have a bunch of black ones around my house, less after I cut a bunch of trees down a few years ago. ” I saw black squirrels in Pittsburgh. ” black squirrels are common here as well. ” black squirrel is tasty in stew. Several years ago several of us went on a bike ride from St Louis to Vinncies, Indiana. We passed through Olney, IL home of white squirrels. The city is protective of the…

  • Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from jimmyjam: “mac-n-cheese with bacon bits. ” skip the mac-n-cheese, go with bacon. ” Hikerboy turned me on to precooked bacon. I try never to hike without it now. ” I've tried precooked bacon but still prefer micro zap needed slices, drain, and place in a ziplock. Makes a great snack when rolled into a tortilla with peanut butter. ” how long does it keep? ” Typically the bacon is gone by noon the 2nd day o…

  • Quote from sheepdog: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from jimmyjam: “mac-n-cheese with bacon bits. ” skip the mac-n-cheese, go with bacon. ” Hikerboy turned me on to precooked bacon. I try never to hike without it now. ” I've tried precooked bacon but still prefer micro zap needed slices, drain, and place in a ziplock. Makes a great snack when rolled into a tortilla with peanut butter.