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  • What Are You Reading?

    AnotherKevin - - Books


    Quote from CoachLou: “appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…74ff0d80aaefeddc4f768ace1 ” You've discovered the Catskills, I see! Including the fishing. When Elf and I tried for the Bushwhack Range (made Lone, Rocky, Balsam Cap, bailed on Friday), he said he was glad we didn't have you along, because we'd never have got you away from the river. Lots of skittish little wild brookies. Easiest way to that spot is to park at the Denning Road trailhead. Take the Finger Lakes Trail (yellow) east to the terminu…

  • Gossamer Gear Murmur

    AnotherKevin - - Packs


    Quote from Rasty: “Anything can be eaten if cooked properly ” The thing that people want least to eat? (Hidden Content)

  • Took a walk today

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “While I would never post Quasi-legal emergency camping tales on a website, there may or may not have been an emergency lodge at the summit that we took refuge in, after deciding that trying to outrun a major thunderstorm in sub-freezing conditions would have been an irresponsible decision. ” Sleeping in the potty house again, eh? Naaah, I'm just jealous. I haven't done Greylock in about forty years, and never in winter. One of these years I have to haul my tired old ar…

  • Civilian Conservation Corp.

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from LIhikers: “And maybe the best part is that there is legal camping here in this area. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…74ff0d80aaefeddc4f768ace1 ” What's a DEC disc doing in Harriman? That's state park, not DEC land.

  • Whats in the bowl bitch

    AnotherKevin - - Trail Chefs


    Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum) are not the same thing.

  • Alcohol Stoves

    AnotherKevin - - Cooking Gear


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “Quote from LIhikers: “Hikers must be the only people in the world who choose their food based on why kind of can it comes in ” The potted meat gets flushed. ” One of the cats was willing to take some. The other cat buried her share in the sandbox.

  • Short Walks with Coach Lou

    AnotherKevin - - Trip Report


    Quote from CoachLou: “I fell down the steep pitch! Half way down people were coming and going in all manner of foot gear, and the trail was a mess. I did the last1.5 in spikes..... I was beat up, I didn't want to break anything! ” Yeah, when the ice is as rotten as it has been, it gets pretty crappy. I know the pitch you're talking about,about 3500 feet on the Becker Hollow trail, amirite? I personally wouldn't do that at this time of year without at least bringing ice axe and crampons - whether…

  • Short Walks with Coach Lou

    AnotherKevin - - Trip Report


    whoa, Devil's Path and Becker Hollow on snowshoes? That's doing Hunter the hard way!

  • Short Walks with Coach Lou

    AnotherKevin - - Trip Report


    Quote from CoachLou: “Quote from LIhikers: “How much snow was there???? ” At the trailhead maybe a foot. The higher we got the deeper. I couldn't tell 'cause I didn't take the shoes of 'till half way down. Even with spikes on I stayed on top of it! The few times I did go thru it was only knee deep. ” Which trail did you use? The Spruceton bridle path and the Devil's Path make a nice loop. Hope you filled it in when you broke through. I hate tripping over postholes. I also hope you ducked down th…

  • And In Other News

    AnotherKevin - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from ScareBear: “You didn't really think in 1985 that nobody would see the problem before 1999 did you? That was the problem... ” I was working on Wall Street in 1975. The house I worked for had a two-digit-year crisis because of all the corporate bonds with 25-year maturity dates. (This was before deregulation, so investment banks weren't carrying 30-year mortgages.) There were a lot of nights and weekends put in getting that sorted out. The worst part was that the COBOL code became full …

  • And In Other News

    AnotherKevin - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “We often forget that stating your belief in climate change, evolution, vaccine safety, etc... is completely pointless. The problem is that many people hate the fact that this is the way science works. YOUR IDEAS ARE ONLY RELEVANT IN THE CONTEXT OF SCIENCE IF: [...] 6. Check to be sure that all available information is consistent with your ideas. ” That one is never satisfied. There are always outliers in any data set. "Preponderant evidence" is generally the test - and d…

  • And In Other News

    AnotherKevin - - Coffee Talk


    Populist journalist to scientist: "Your data have error bars! Obviously, you don't know what you're talking about." Scientist to just about anyone with non-scientific evidence: "Your data don't have error bars. How could I possibly know whether they're significant?" I'm about 2.0-2.5σ sure that climate change is anthropogenic. I'm way beyond 3σ sure that it's happening, whether we did it or not, and we had damned well better be prepared to mitigate the effects. Just as with past near-disasters (…

  • It's also a good time to be keeping a low profile. With the AT being so very popular, the government will be looking to sell it off to private concerns who can try to make a buck off it. And there's already been an accounting rules change passed so that the government doesn't need to assess the capital value of the land - all NPS, USFS and BLM land is carried on the books at a $0.00 basis. Expect that if enough attention is brought to the issue, it will be solved by "letting the market handle it…

  • You can't make owls box. It's too hard to get the gloves to stay on their wings.

  • Several people on this site have had my trail cooking and know that I still cook on the trail from time to time.

  • The company buys me Timberland safety boots. I wear them on the trail when the conditions get to where trail runners can't hack it, but it isn't cold enough for my Sorel pac boots. They're Too Heavy, but I'm a cheap SOB, and they don't cost me anything directly. My current pair are last year's version of this model.

  • MLK 2017 get together weekend

    AnotherKevin - - General


    Quote from max.patch: “good to see AK get out as last i heard he was on the disabled list. ” Thanks! I'm not nearly at 100% (horribly out of shape after all the time off trail) but I'm coming back slowly, and the foot is holding up so far.

  • MLK 2017 get together weekend

    AnotherKevin - - General


    I wasn't much in the mood for photography, but Coach Lou, ImScotty and cmoulder all got some more good pictures. From cmoulder, at the Fingerboard shelter. Left to right: me, Elf, Coach Lou (back to camera) and Malto. fingerboard.jpg cmoulder also grabbed a picture of his tent site, with a nice view of Lake Tiorati when the leaves are down. tiorati.jpg I spoilt Coach Lou's view of the sunrise from Bald Rocks. Sorry, Lou! bald_rocks.jpg For the first time in my life, I was the first one up in cam…

  • Quote from WanderingStovie: “If that does not sufficiently reduce trail usage, require hikers (except day hikers) to carry a shelter and a bear-proof container/sack large enough to hold all food, toothpaste, and garbage. ” Great idea! How about adding either a digging tool (I'll accept a snow stake in lieu of a trowel) or a wag bag to that list?

  • Quote from hikerboy: “camp anywhere you want, so long as you dont leave a trace, you dont pollute the water supply and you're legal.in dispersed camping the idea is just that-to disperse the impact on any given area. if you've left the site the way it was when you arrived, i really dont think it matters if you're 10ft or 100 yards from a trail. what does it matter if you're 200 ft away from a source or the trail if you leave your trash behind, along with unburied waste,makeshift fire rings and s…