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  • What Are You Reading?

    Grinder - - Books


    Just started The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: The Untold Story, but Patricia Posner.

  • Quote from LIhikers: “For me coffee is the elixir of life. ” Same here, except in my case it's an elixir that keeps others alive. I drink coffee = I don't kill idiots.

  • A place for jokes

    Grinder - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Grinder: “That's why you hire young hotties for the beer cart and put them in short shorts. ” That doesn't work at residential style courses. The wives complain. ” Note to self: Don't golf on residential courses. :p

  • A place for jokes

    Grinder - - Hiking Humor


    That's why you hire young hotties for the beer cart and put them in short shorts.

  • My last physical, I had to go see a cardiologist (everything's fine, I just have a weird heart that shows abnormal on ECG's) to get cleared. On the intake questionnaire they asked about coffee consumption. I answered truthfully, that I drink one (most days) or two (maybe twice a week) of my one liter French press daily. He told me even though my heart is fine I might want to cut back on the coffee. I laughed out loud and told him to be glad he's not my regular doctor or he'd be losing a patient.…

  • Quote from Rasty: “You might think about cutting down on the coffee ” BLASPHEMER!!!!!!

  • Would that be a thru ride? "Thru piggyback" just sounds so silly. Sh*t, I forgot where I am. Never mind.

  • What Are You Reading?

    Grinder - - Books


    Quote from uncle meat: “Jake Ace ” A much better nom de plume for you than uncle meat.

  • 2016-AT Speed Record Attempt

    Grinder - - AT Specific


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from JimBlue: “Well. I had no problems reading it. Didn't take me very long either. I understood it just fine. I doubt any of you have a literacy problem. So if a guy had made identical claims, based on past posts in here, you guys would have accepted his claims. The alleged problem occurred because a woman made the claim. ” you shouldn't attempt to discuss something you know absolutely nothing about. ” I would've been less polite, but your reply will do.

  • If you're busy doing all that shiznit, who the hell has time to hike, much less really fast?

  • Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “If you are serious then I highly suggest you post this to the FKT site as well as Whiteblaze.net. Posting it here won't get it much traction in the larger A.T. community ” No but it'll give us plenty of comic fodder other than making fun of TOS.

  • **Burp** Uhhh...good luck?

  • What Are You Reading?

    Grinder - - Books


    Quote from LIhikers: “I've discovered a new author, James Rollins. If you like Clancy, Cussler, or Rosenburg I think you'll like Rollins. My library has 2 shelves full of his books so I'll be set for quite a while. ” Just snagged the first two (I always try to give an author two chances) of his Sigma Force books. Thanks for the recommendation! On another note, when we go to chow here, I take my Kindle and read rather than indulging in conversation with my co-workers. I can only take so much inan…

  • A place for jokes

    Grinder - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from NoAngel: “I learned a new word at work this week: fuktard- someone incapable of doing anything right. ” I use so often it's almost on a loop. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…3c99a2a3796461b0428800dde

  • A place for jokes

    Grinder - - Hiking Humor


    A 60-year-old Retired Marine who goes to the doctor for a check up. The doctor tells him, “You’re in terrific shape. There’s nothing wrong with you. Why, you might live forever, you have the body of a 35-year-old. By the way, how old was your father when he died?” The old Marine responds: “Did I say he was dead?” The doctor is surprised and asks: “How old is he and is he very active?” The old Marine responds: “Well, he's also a retired Marine, that is 82 years old and he still hunts all season, …

  • Unusual Adventures

    Grinder - - General


    Well, there was this one time at band camp when a girl made her flute disappear.

  • new AT record

    Grinder - - AT Specific


    Quote from uncle meat: “Quote from Grinder: “He was just intimidated because he heard I was planning one. Little did he know, I quit before I started planning. ” yeah, I'm thinkin' of not doin' one too ” I'll bet I can not do mine faster than you can not do yours!

  • new AT record

    Grinder - - AT Specific


    He was just intimidated because he heard I was planning one. Little did he know, I quit before I started planning.

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Grinder - - General


    At 9 a.m. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…3c99a2a3796461b0428800dde

  • welcome to the cafe

    Grinder - - Coffee Talk

